Hi so this roleplay, I want it to be like a cheesy cliche, like jockxnerd, cheerleader x nerd, etc. etc. Because this will inlove mature and down-to-Earth themes. So the first person to answer this or something like that will do it, actually forget what I just wrote because it'll be in private messages. But yeah. So this is is my OC's Info. Name: Aster Marx Age: 17 Year in HS: Senior Birthday: April 21st Looks: She has long dirty blonde hair, always in a ponytail. She is medium height, just taller than most of her friends but not as tall as the boys. She has grey eyesand freckles dotred under her eyes. She always wears minimal makeup because she knows she's already hot, but also that true beauty comes from inside. Personality: At school, she acts very bubbly and happy and just very pleasant. She's kind and compassionate. But at home she's sad scared, frightened, and unhappy. At school she tries to hide what happens at home. Home Life: When Aster was 11 her parents got divorced and her mother was granted custody over her.And then two years ago, her mother remarried this guy names Brandi who started abusing her, using her like a dog. She always tried to stay in her room or at her friends, she just hates it at home and her mother doesn't care enough about her. School Life: She has average grades, B's and occasionaly some C's but she manages to pass through. She isn't an outcast but she's not popular enough to go to those VIP partys they host. So thats just a bit about her. If me and you were to roleplay you wouldn't have to make that oc outline, only if you really wantedvto.