“Hmm, it sounds like you may also want to speak to Rareth about some of this after we are done. She is technically the one who is ultimately in charge of the Rothian expedition, after all. Just be aware that she may not be as, um, sympathetic about the effects of all the chaos on Outremer as we are. She expects Outremer to honor its agreements with us promptly, regardless of who is in charge, and I don’t feel that she has as much patience for diplomacy. Most of us do understand, though, that with all this upheaval on Outremer, you need time.” Marae explained. Nirann gave a glance towards the tea. It was hard to tell through the expressionless face of a droid, but his body language did make him seem somewhat annoyed that he could not join in. Regardless, it did not take long before he actually started to get down to business as well. “That’s all true, yeah, but no matter how blunt she might be, Rareth might actually have a point here. We can sit around this resort playing political games until the heat death of the universe, but the Navigator, the Cradle, every other being involved in this, they’re not going to wait on us. Whatever their ends are, they’re going to be pushing straight towards them regardless of what we do. I say it’s best that we get properly back to work sooner, rather than later.”