The pack waited for a course of action. Lorag was right -- he was even following Fendros' advice to be wary of treachery. Fendros looked back at the conflict between the daedric princes. He looked around the tower summit. Then, clenching his jaw, he looked to Sabine. "We're out of time and options. Can you do it, Sabine!?" Sabine was hesitating. "I..." She trailed off. This time, Janius spoke through his snout, almost defeated by how little he could do to help. "Meesei would use those chains of hers." Fendros' eyes lit up. "Right! The dispelling chain spell she took from the Thalmor officer!" Sabine retorted desperately. "I understand [i]how[/i] Meesei did it! I have never tried it myself." "Now is the time!" Pushing up his helmet to speak clearly, Fendros barked to Sabine like an order. "Do it! You know she believed you her peer." Even with Sabine at the head of her own pack now, her instincts fell into her response to steel her resolve with Fendros' voice. She turned to the cage and held her hands close together. The careful beginnings of a powerful dispelling effect coalesced between them in a bright pink light. The next stage painted a strain over Sabine's fingers and face. A deep and precious reserve of her magicka poured into the process, much more than she would normally be comfortable investing into a fight. A bright metallic clink rang out and her shoulders suddenly dropped. Fendros at first thought Sabine had let go of the spell early and slumped her shoulders in failure. A second later, Sabine swung her arm around, throwing a length of ethereal chain links to wrap around the cage and whip to a stop with a bright, breaking flash. The chain faded. Sabine had cast the spell. It was up to Barbas' actions to tell if it had worked.