[h2]Selfies[/h2] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pMb04cV.jpg[/img][/center] Cap’n an’ the doc was conversatin’ at the galley table as Abby set up a tray. She din’ interfere, jest went ‘bout ‘er business all quiet like, loadin’ fresh carafes and’ two small plates ‘o’ cookies fer tha passengers. Ever’ now an’ agin she’d press ‘er hands up ‘neath ‘er arms for warmin’. Her breath come out in little puffs as she made ready. Boat may be cold, but all in all it’s a fair good night. Time passed with them Skyes come out better’n she conjured, mayhaps a corner turned by Isaac. It struck ‘er surprisin’ how tha simplest kindness could make a difference. Aunt Lupe used tah tell ‘er that [i]“Hard feelin’s stiffen the rudder, but the smallest gift of goodness to an open heart can turn a battleship on a dime.”[/i] She never cottoned to tha meanin’ of that til now. Considerin’ the way the two olders done her previous, Abby weren’t about to drop her guard...but she didn’t sight reason not tah git on a bit friendlier. Her pocket vibrated. She clean fergot she had a message waitin’. The girl fished her cortex free an’ tapped the screen. [i]Message from Jinks, Thomas - Image attached[/i] Another touch opened his wave. [i][b]As promised, Heroic Nautical Picture #1[/b][/i] She near bust out laughin’. In the pitcher, Thomas was standin’ in his sailboat, Day Tripper. One foot’s propped up like tha pirate cap’n on them rum bottles. Thomas had one hand on tha tiller, tha other shadin’ his eyes. His shirt’s open, bare chest all puffed out as he clinched a buck knife in ‘is teeth. Decidin’ turnabout’s fair, Abby held the little device at arm’s length tah grab a capture of herself, all bundled in sweater an’ knit cap with a servin’ tray. The smile she give him was the genuine article. [i][b]Non Heroic Deckhand Picture #1,[/b][/i] the girl typed out afore sendin’. She’s just ‘bout tah head off when another message come. [b][i]See? I’m showing this to my friend Jeremy. He says you’re mean and scary.[/i][/b] Jeremy....she wracked her brain til tha memory come. He musta been that tall skinny guy delivered word tah meet fer the suitcase drop. Abby’d caught ‘im lookin’ at ‘er legs an’...mayhaps did come off a might harsh. She twisted her face into a full on scowl an’ snapped tha capture. [b][i]Show this one so he recognizes me.[/i][/b] Time to go. She lifted one hand, a wave toward the Cap’n an Doc as Hook showed up. “Back in a short if yah need any help,” the girl offered afore takin’ the steps down. Her limp was nigh on gone tahnight. She wondered if the cold had anythin’ tah do with that.