[hider=Ciri] [center][img]https://i.redd.it/zihp43s3pil11.gif[/img] [h3][color=a2d39c][u][i][b]Ciri[/b][/i][/u][/color] Interactions: [@Thatguyinastore], [@KageBaka], [@Crow], [@FactionGuerilla], [@SomeMekBoy], [@QizPizza], [@Lazaro1505], [@ClownTown][@MorgueofCrowz], [@XeroUltra], [@BoltBeam], [@Jeff Jones][/h3] [hr] What was inside the closet made her a bit curious, that being a man dressed in a suit and hat and had a cane in his hand but instead of an actual man, he seemed to have a very different kind of head, one that was able to shine light. How long he was in there and how he got in there were questions for another time, most definitely after they got out of the building and calmed him down seeing as he rushed towards the bald man ready to hit him on the head. While the man that she saw at the voodoo shop was interjecting first, she doubted that he’d stop because one person told him to stop. Putting her sword away and running over, she grabbed the man’s hand but if his arm was already held back, she’d get in between the bald man, the man with the cane, and the one currently holding his arm. “[color=a2d39c]Calm down! We’re not here to hurt you, we want to get you out of here.[/color]” She held up her hands to show him that she didn’t have a weapon in her hands, speaking in a calm, reassuring, and friendly tone. “[color=a2d39c]Can you speak?[/color]” Honestly she wasn’t sure if he could, she didn’t see a mouth on his face but it was safer to ask than to assume that he could speak. [/center] [/hider] [hider=Tess] [center][img]http://pa1.narvii.com/6276/c2ec40e1267564be929e016baad061088884cbb3_00.gif[/img] [h3][color=964B00][u][i][b]Tess[/b][/i][/u][/color] Interactions: [@Thatguyinastore], [@Attesa], [@KageBaka], [@Second2Last], [@davefromdiscord], [@Crow], [@Paper94], [@Starmaker], [@Jeff Jones] [/h3] [hr] While she helped the others get the masks off of their attackers, she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t confused by the guy in a blue jumpsuit’s words. Rayman? Really she didn’t have any time to question just about everything he said when they had masks to get rid of. Speaking of… More and more seemed to be coming towards them, the ones being freed disappearing and it wasn’t helping that her head was getting more and more heavier. Luckily there were less than when they were first getting attacked so it had to be letting up, right? “[color=964B00]We’re almost there, keep going![/color]” Taking out her pistol once more, she shot at the masked men’s kneecaps, aiming for one instead of both to get them to go down. Hopefully she’d get them to go down long enough to go and pull off their masks after she shot at their kneecaps. [/center] [/hider]