[center][h3]Sunswept Plains[/h3][/center] Having the theoreticals of chopping trees down, simple as they were, meant that Kokoma's attempts to lop one down with her spear were not in vain. The make of her weapon made making headway into the trunk less efficient than it might have been had she used an axe, but both she and Eunice could most definitely see that her efforts were making headway. A few more heavy swings would leave the tree precariously swaying from side to side, the large indentation on its side making clear that it would fall [i]away[/i] from where the two standing by were watching. Slowly, steadily, what remained of the narrowed-out hollow of the tree trunk would begin to buckle from the weight and snap, bringing everything above with it. Unfortunately for the tree's residents, this would include one sabertoothed cat cub of [i]some[/i] variety, who had chosen the tree as its resting place of choice. Its parents were nowhere to be seen, of course, but the startling awakening it had been given coupled with the yowling made clear that it was both stuck and calling for help. "Ah... Hm," Eunice would enunciate, glancing between the leaves of the fallen tree and Kokoma. "I certainly hope this won't end poorly for either side..." Given that there was someone far more suited for handling animals, the mage would choose to let the Shenke do as she thought fit... Whatever that ended up being. [@Rune_Alchemist][hr] Given the amount of magical firepower directed at the lake, it would come as no surprise that the fish were caught thoroughly off guard. More than a few were launched high into the air, with no small number of them damaged by the blast itself. The sky rained a mix of blood, water, mud, and fish lucky (or unlucky) enough to be launched into the air, and unfortunately for the two standing by the shore, physics did not discriminate. For what it was worth, though, there [i]were[/i] a sizable number of fish left stunned in the water or falling towards the two that were left rattled but not damaged in any way. But as the blood from the blast began to mix throughout the water, a darker shadow would barely make itself out from beneath the depths for but a moment, stirring ever so slightly as [i]something[/i] breached the surface for a moment before sinking away from prying eyes. At least, for a moment. Another pass of the shadow would confirm that there was indeed [i]something[/i] lurking in the depths, and the sudden spray of blood-soaked water as the source of it all—a large leviathan-esque monster—reared up and roared at the pair before shooting a high-pressure torrent of water towards them. Though the attack did not seem to be one with any intent to fight, the withdrawal of the beast back into the lake made it seem as though it was gauging the response of the two before it, it's eyes periodically breaking through as if to continue monitoring them. Whether it was angry because of the explosion, their encroachment upon its territory, or something else seemed to matter little at this point; the option to retreat certainly existed, though, restrained to water as the beast seemed to be. [@VitaVitaAR][@Sho Minazuki][hr][center][h3]Sen Rynta — Outskirts[/h3][/center] The smell of rabbit was not one that Anastasia was all too familiar with, given how she had never actually [i]tasted[/i] rabbit meat before in her life, but the tantalizing scent wafting through the air was undeniably enticing to her. The young woman felt her stomach growl, and an embarrassed blush crossed her face as she moved in closer to get a better look at the meal being prepared. Unfortunately, though, the scent of such a delectable meal spreading throughout their campground would bring with it a few monsters eager to loot some for themselves—namely, a small group of hobgoblins spearheaded by one with a red cap on its head. The leader apparent and those behind him peeked out from behind the bushes, and more than a few ended up licking their lips as they slowly attempted to sneak further in. The cook looked busy, at least, and the one beside her looked like easy pickings... But the knight seemed a bit more dangerous. If they could just sneak in and take the two near the food——! [@Hammerman][@Operator Luna]