[center][h1][color=#EEE8AA]Ezekiel Kel[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/5d1da96c6025b6f358e30d838827af32/tumblr_inline_muaeblvvy61qdxxyt.gif[/img] [I][color=#EEE8AA]Location:[/color][/i] Arena -- Camp Half-Blood [color=#EEE8AA]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/8EzL4O2JveM[/youtube][/center][hr][hr] Ezekiel was vibrating and barely had time to fully appreciate that his fellow demi-gods were backing him up and were defending him before Nancy stepped in to defend the Romans. Which did not help the situation. His gaze turned on her and he met a fire that mirrored his own. It didn’t deter him, not her yelling, not her sarcastic sorry or even when her voice started to raise to deafening tones. Ezekiel took a step back, holding his hands to his ears but his glare didn’t lessen and her words only further proved his point. Not to mention the fact that she was now bringing a completely unrelated topic into the conversation to turn it around. That pissed Zeke off even more. He regained his ground, stepping towards Nancy again and away from Demetri to retaliate when Niah stepped in to calm the situation down. Even as Madalyne laid into him, trying to intimidate him with her alpha stare, it didn’t fully register as Ezekiel’s emotions switched from anger to fear. Fear for himself and his family. And sadness, sadness that his half-sister didn’t come to him and that they were so divided. They had shared things about their dreams, their past lives and how to fire an arrow several different ways but Zeke didn’t know her, not really and she didn’t know him. Not even a little bit. Ezekiel didn’t even look at Madalyne, he could care less if she was a werewolf. Honestly, he didn’t think she was a monster for it and that was a completely different topic and would probably require a licensed psychiatrist to get her through that. [color=#EEE8AA]”That’s the problem Nanc. This is my business. It is all of our business,”[/color] he said addressing the entire camp with his hand. [color=#EEE8AA]”We were attacked as well, not just you. We should have been involved in solving the problem since this happened here. Chiron is right. We are being divided and your need to have a senate to hash out Roman things that involve the Greeks is not okay. Those prophecies aren’t just yours. Those prophecies weren’t just told to you or announced by a Roman prophet but a Greek one. Which doesn’t even matter since we are practically the same with the same parents. As for life expectancy, that is not our fault. That is the Gods who use us as playthings, so kindly redirect your anger away from us to them because it is their battles we are constantly being thrown into. Their prophecies we answer and if we don’t go, then other people get hurt. People who know nothing of the truth of this world.”[/color] Ezekiel was slouching now from the range of emotions that had coasted through him and trying to get Nancy and the others to understand that they can’t do things the way they used to. His eyes burned and he rubbed them, stepping back. Those kids Nancy talked about, Ezekiel knew some of them, patched some of them or didn’t get the opportunity to. Ezekiel knew what it was like to hold a life in his hands and watch it slip away because he couldn’t save them. He shook his head and rubbed his face, exhausted and sighed. [color=#EEE8AA]”I shouldn’t have yelled but it got everyone’s attention and now you can talk it out. Just let me know if we are in this together or moving on separately.”[/color] He turned to leave, he wasn’t a leader. He wasn’t Chiron or a praetor or on some high council so his word didn’t count. Bryan entered the group asking who needed to be healed, Zeke didn’t even hesitate when he answered, not caring about his own injuries. [color=#EEE8AA]”Demetri,”[/color] he said before he walked back towards the campfire and towards Janelle’s group. It was probably a poor character move but Zeke was so drained and people already had their opinion on him so he didn’t care if walking away made him look bad. [color=#EEE8AA]”We might want to sit down, hopefully we’ll have a big conversation about what the hell is going on. Are you guys okay?”[/color] He asked the group. He hadn’t even noticed that some had been looking back where he had just been, having heard Nancy’s yelling.