[@Tlstiffl] I've noticed a lull of activity for most of this year, but I wouldn't necessarily say the guild is dying. It's mainly because the main, more "hyperactive" core is getting older and doesn't have much time on their hands these days. Coupled with the fact that people are gravitating towards places like Discord (looking at you, RPGO, with all your shitposting) for RP and stuff, the guild probably seems a little empty, like how RPG OOCs are almost exclusively on Discord nowadays. [@POOHEAD189] Eh, not really. I regularly check the new members list and we typically have a small trickle of new members joining the site. Most tend to post a few times and disappear or not post at all on the site and disappear. That "big surge" of members you're talking about is largely a group of people that came to the guild together for their RP. Otherwise, it's a rarity to see large numbers like that join in one day/over the course of a few days. [@New Beginnings] That would require Mahz (or maybe even Legend, as they're the two mods with coding exp off the top of my head) to work on coding a mobile app for the guild. Personally, I have my doubts that something like that would ever be made since the Guild isn't particularly known for getting new features or updates. Though I also don't think we really need an app in the first place. Maybe a more mobile-friendly version of the site? Sure. App? Nah. The Guild's already pretty simplistic and easy to understand vs. other sites like RPN, Iwaku, etc.