[hr][h1][b][i][color=6666FF][center]Demetri Rowan Howell[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/623360226481012766/830510933285273610/5fa292dd93329b2167dedfb4bf154665.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=6666FF][b]Location[/b][/color]: Camp Grounds away from fire [color=6666FF][b]Skills[/b][/color]: [/center][hr][hr] [hr][h1][b][i][color=CC00CC][center]Cassian Rudenko[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/844140037963644949/855e9aabdb4e547cabf9f9441afd50a4.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=CC00CC][b]Location[/b][/color]: Camp Grounds [color=CC00CC][b]Skills[/b][/color]: [/center][hr][hr] Demetri hadn't expected Nancy to act the way she did. His hands went from his sides straight towards his ears as her voice boomed around the arena, hurting his ears and making his knees want to buckle beneath his own weight. Her words came like rolling waves, feeling every syllable through his body as it rattled inside his chest. He couldn't see the flames in her eyes, his back having been turned to her and facing Zeke, using his visage to muster the strength to stay here and fight, even with the tears beginning to form in his eye from the incredible sound. Cassian didn't bother shielding his ears as Nancy blew up. He didn't wish to show any weakness, to give her even an inch of ground. He stared her down, matching the reflection of the flames in her eyes with a glint of purple flames in his. His hand never moved from his pipes as Nancy dangerously crossed a line with the child of Dionysus. He held a lot of pride for the children of the gods, regardless of how he acted towards them. Regardless of his resolve however, hebwas forced to place his hands up towards his ears in an attempt to block the sounds. Cass wanted to curse Nancy, to give her madness that reflected her anger. Fortunately for her, Noah had stepped in and used her voice to ease everyone down. Cassian felt his finger twitch on his weapon before his shoulders relaxed and he felt a lot of the tension drain from them. Demetri didn't know what Niah was doing, but suddenly he didn't feel as tense. He didn't have the anxiety that was welling inside him as much. Nancy's booming voice had subsided and he was able to give his hands and ears a break for just a moment. He let out a sigh of relief before Madalyne threw in the news of her lycan curse. Demi's sigh got caught halfway in his throat. He didn't consider her answer by any means. But he knew it was his own father's doing that she now inherited it. Her words cut him like knives, as if she was blaming him for everything that was happening to her. He wanted to escape. [i]Needed[/i] to escape. But Zeke had already said his piece and left, most others seemed to be by their friends or family and Demetri felt truly alone at that moment. He looked towards Bryan when Zeke said Demi needed some healing. Shaking his head softly to tell him no before simply going to grab the box Zeke had tossed to the ground and tucking it beneath his arm as he made his way towards the fire. At this moment everyone seemed so at home surrounded by one another, he felt like an outsider. Even Zeke had gone and sought comfort with someone else leaving him alone. So Demi searched for a spot where he wouldn't bother anyone, sat down, and remained quietly in his own head. [Color=CC00CC]"Your curse is unfortunate that's for sure. But you're not [i]destined[/i] to die in The Pit. Prophecies can be changed, or have hidden meanings that we don't understand yet. Your journey may not end there, it may just be beginning. So while I understand [i]your[/i] reasoning for not having told us of the Eidelons, it doesn't excuse your entire camp. You have runners and messengers for that very reason. It takes only but a second and could easily save lives."[/color] Cassians tone was flat and very matter of factly. It was sure he felt sorry for Mady but her excuse didn't excuse the rest of the Romans who were now more and more showing how big of a threat they were to Camp Half-Blood. [Color=CC00CC]"I wouldn't mind making an oath right now to ensure secrets aren't kept anymore."[/color] He eyed Niah, as if to gauge how she felt about his proposition.