Bell's helicopter landed and the people shuffled out. It was one of the better ones to be sure, probably made for comfortable flights for the rich. Now it was a sort of military transport. They had brought everything they could spare, this helicopter included. Bell came off last, and a few people gasped and started to talk loudly to one another to be heard over the rain and wind. They started pointing up into the air, where Bell turned to look at what was so important. She saw it immediately. A helicopter hadn't landed yet, it must have been late by only a few seconds, but it was caught in the wind as it picked up as well as the rain growing heavier by the second. The pilot was clearly struggling to keep it in the air, slowly lowering down further and further. It seemed like a miracle when it hit the ground, the doors sliding open and the trainers running out. Those helicopters weren't going anywhere for a while... that much was obvious. Bell stepped up to the crowd that was gathering just beyond the landing pads, pulling her hood up to at least help guard from the rain a little. The man standing ahead of the crowd on a few crates started yelling orders to everyone who could hear him. There were more of course, taking care of the other platforms that had more helicopters landed. This man was yelling and pointing behind him to the station. He must have had practice because he was easily loud enough to be heard over the storm when trainers got closer to him, and of course as the front of the group moved forward the next lines got close enough to hear him and just kept moving. "Everyone keep going forward to the door. Once inside go down either hall to your left or right. On the corner of the building there are stairs leading down to the lower levels of the building. The conference to get you all placed into groups will take place there and you will be briefed on the situation!" The man repeated this over and over again until everyone was past him. He followed everyone inside and shut the door, getting them out of the rain and wind. Bell just followed the crowd down the hall and down the steps. The lower room was pretty big... it seemed almost amazing that they were able to construct this place under such severe conditions. It was quieter inside... the many trainers talked, but they were all in hushed tones as if they were anticipating something. Most of them were just shocked by the view of the battlefield they had seen on the way though, and didn't have anything to say knowing they were going in there. The group merged with the others on the corners. It seemed there were four helicopter platforms on which many had landed, one area on each side of the building. As they came down into the lower room, the groups piled into an area before a stage of sorts. It was meant for meetings obviously, not performances but it was still a bit crowded. Couldn't ask for much more in a warzone though. A man came out to the podium and brought up the microphone after laying down a notebook in front of him. "Alright trainers listen up. We're going to be putting you into groups. This is for everyone's safety. It's best if you all get to know one another and work together out there. Just remember, it's beyond dangerous and the person standing next to you may not be here tomorrow." He flipped through the pages before starting to call off squads and the names of people going into them. The room started to clear out, as each squad that was called on moved on into another part of the base. Finally there weren't many people left, and Bell knew she was coming soon. "Trainer Squad thirty-two. Desmond Ludwik. Aria Solais. Selena Artemis. Bell Tanos." He closed up the book before finishing. "Proceed into the barracks and find your room." He had said they had plenty of living quarters. It was a main priority to give the trainers good living spaces, since they could die out here... the least they could do was make their stay a comfortable one when they weren't in combat. Their group was the last, so it lacked a couple members. At first, many people were apparently put into groups to fill slots that had lost trainers. After that though, all of the squads had six people. Bell's group of course, had only four. She walked towards the door, not saying anything to the others just yet with her hood still up. Beyond the door was a hallway with many doors along it leading into living quarters. This place had to be built into the mountain with the size of it, likely the reason they were able to build it in the first place. There weren't storms inside of mountains. She walked along until she came to a sign reading "32". She looked in and sure enough it was empty beyond the few supplies she was able to bring which had already been delivered. Some clothes wee really all she was able to bring... The room was quite nice though. It had six separate beds, a sofa and a couple recliners. There was two separate bathrooms with full baths and everything, even a TV in the living room. They had really gone all out with the place. Not a bad room to spend your final nights in. Of course cost was likely no option. The world was in danger, and people were more than willing to hand over their stock of furniture to the people going to try and save it. Bell wondered honestly how long they would be spending in there though. After all, there was a war to fight... and only twenty-eight days to win it.