The young Shield Hero watched the new arrival with curious eyes. All the head tilting and tail wagging made her seem as innocent as a puppy. Those eyes of hers always seeming to be inquisitive and trying to figure out what to the two men was simple talk. She was more wild than civilized, that could be guessed in a few moments of meeting the wolf girl. The way she ported herself and the way her eyes darted left and right showcasing her hunter’s nature. Fer could not help but sport a sidewise smirk. Was it even proper to think of Rivia as adorable? [color=00aeef][i]“Things are not always as it seems…”[/i][/color] The voice of his father entered his mind. His father had always been wise beyond his years and sayings such as these had kept the young hero alive during his time as a guerrilla fighter. Rivia might seem cute and adorable with all her broken talk and pet like looks but the predator beneath rested just below the surface. Her footing was sure and her eyes were sharp. Probably as sharp as those claws of hers. Simple she may be but so is a sword because it has only one purpose….to kill. Still the Hispanic lad could not help but want to pet her ears as they stood and twitched. [color=a0410d]“… not lose again…” [/color] The words echoed in his mind. This was significant he knew and could tell. As a scout, it had been imperative for him to be able to judge the enemy’s strength. Those words were a burden and a drive. The smile disappeared and a solem face replaced it as his own sharp eyes stared at Rivia. There was a cloud of mystery about the girl. He hoped that he could some day be invited within it. The young Shield almost sprang back in surprise at the sudden change of mood. The wolf girl became energetic at the word friend. His smile appeared again as she grabbed firs Cole’s hand then his own. A chuckle of amusement escaping his lips. Looking at the blonde lad he raised an eyebrow in quizzical playfulness. The tail almost waked Fer a few times as it all but danced. A few of the guests murmured and pointed. [color=0054a6]“Well Rivia, I think you will find no objection on my part. My mother always used to say that if you can make as many friends as you can then you will always have friends.” [/color] Her energetic grip was strong. Calloused hands revealed that she had worked long and hard with the weapons she carried. The wolf girl was indeed a warrior. The way her eyes had sparkled when he offered to spar with her left little doubt of that. She may seem little more than a teenager but he would not be the fool who underestimated her. [color=a36209]"Can't we all dance together?"[/color] The question caught him as off guard as the energetic tail which smaked him on the cheek again. The fluffy tail making Fer blow any lingering silver hairs. The question had been innocent but did not have a simple reply. [color=0054a6]“um…”[/color] the young hero turned to the Sword seeking his help. [color=0054a6]“I am not sure that this is one of those dances but to be honest I don’t know many of these world’s dances.”[/color] He turned again to Cole and shrugged. [color=0054a6]“I don’t see anything wrong with a group dance. Hell we can even improvise. After all, we need to find how well me mesh with each other.”[/color] He chided. The Shield hero was sure that their antics would draw attention to them. Probably bad attention but he did not care. People were going to talk anyways. Haters were going to spew hate anyways. Why not show the newcomer that the group cared more for those members of the group than what people thought. Fer shifted his hand so that his fingers interlaced with those of Rivia. [color=0054a6]“Maybe you can teach us one of your dances Rivia. You said you know many. That is if you don’t mind me stepping on your toes. After all, like Cole said, I am not that great a dancer.”[/color] He offered a friendly smile his brown eyes looking into the gold ones of his new companion.