[h3][color=39b54a][u][b]Rhines Family Post[/b][/u][/color][/h3] [hider=Wiilow Rhines] [b]Name:[/b] Willow Rhines [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Height:[/b] 5'5" [b]Magical Race:[/b] Half Elf, half human [b]Appearance:[/b] Hip length ash brown hair with some natural auburn highlights. Her eyes are hazel, grey flecks near the iris and brown near the outer edge. Her ears have a smaller, less pronounced point to them eluding to her human half. [b]Personality:[/b] Willow is a decent mix of shy and reserved, with a splash of a joking extrovert. She may come off as a little prickly when one first meets her, but she is just nervous when meeting new faces. Once you get to know her, she is a jokester, the "mom friend" in the group, and one to explain her feelings with some rambling before finally getting to the point. [b]Fun Facts:[/b] Willow is skilled in pottery making, selling wares in her parents' pottery shop located in the center of the village. She is typically accompanied by her younger sister, Amethyst. [/hider] [hider=Amethyst Rhines] [b]Name:[/b] Amethyst Rhines [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] 5'6" [b]Magical Race:[/b] Half Elf, half human [b]Appearance:[/b] Amethyst has similar eyes to her older sister, Willow, but lighter hair- closer to dirty blonde than ash brown. She keeps hers long, but only down to her mid back instead of her hips- and it has a bit more curl to it. She always thought she looked more like her father than her mother and most tend to say the opposite. Her face is littered with freckles, and a similar ear shape to her sister. [b]Personality:[/b] Amethyst is pure extrovert, with a tiniest splash of introvert. Vert different from Willow. She loves to converse with customers and other merchants when spending the day in the village center. She is not as skilled as Willow on the pottery wheel but she is decent with math, making her the one to handle transactions if her mother or brother is called away. [b]Fun Facts:[/b] Amethyst has taken more of a linking to being studious with a splash of creativity. She prefers to read on her shifts at the store and writes in her spare time at home. Since they are involved in the family business, her father made sure that they could both read and write, though considered uncommon for girls in their position. [/hider] [hider= Elinor Rhines] [b]Name:[/b] Elinor Rhines [b]Age:[/b] 42 [b]Height:[/b] 5'1" [b]Magical Race:[/b] Elf [b]Appearance:[/b] Being that she is full elf, Elinor is shorter than her children, with golden eyes and waist length dirty blonde hair to match. She does not bare the freckles that are displayed on her children, those are from her late husband. [b]Personality:[/b] Elinor is a strong woman, something evident in her children. She pushed her husband to give them a decent education so they could help out in the store confidently and she does not regret making sure her girls knew to read and write well. She allows Corrin to be the face of the pottery shop, but she runs everything behind the scenes with a sharp tongue and trusted advice. [b]Fun Facts:[/b] She was the second of her four siblings to marry a human and break the family norm. She is also talented with a violin, and pottery. [/hider] [hider=Corrin Rhines] [b]Name:[/b] Corrin Rhines [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Height:[/b] 5'6" [b]Magical Race:[/b] Half Elf, half human [b]Appearance:[/b] Corrin is the only one of the three that gained his mothers' golden eyes, something that he is a bit proud of. He stands at the same height as Amethyst, embracing his half elf self now that he was older and busy running the store to provide for the family. He shares the ash brown shade of hair with Willow, and the freckles with Amethyst. [b]Personality:[/b] Corrin is serious outside of his family home. Outside of the comforting walls, he is the provider, the one that took over after the death of his father a few years prior. He had to learn all that he could about the family business from Willow and their mother so he could be the new face, and deal with suppliers in on travels. When home, with his family he is a jokester as well, providing a deep, hearty laughter that is sure to shake the table at dinner. [b]Fun Facts:[/b] He is a skilled archer and horseback rider, unfortunately giving that up to assist the family. [/hider]