[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/381533548320129026/910222748847063040/greysmall.png[/img] [h1]Grey[/h1] The fox glares at the Hatter as he scurries away in fear. As the illusion around the group begins to crumble, Grey can feel his head getting lighter and lighter, the influence becoming easier to resist, evidenced by the ease with which he stands up. And seeing as how Date's insane right hook seems to be the cause of this creepy fantasy's destruction... Grey runs at the Hatter like a speeding bullet, throwing a mean punch directly at the villain that would undoubtedly send him right into dreamland if it hits. [@Thatguyinastore] [@Kagebaka] [@Second2Last] [@davefromdiscord] [@Paper94] [@Crow] [@TheElenaFisher] [/center]