Jonathan kept himself busy by cleaning the counter, glad for the reprieve of the normal bustling despite the lack of business. Isolde was in the back cooking lunch for the staff, and all of his new 'hires' were out doing what needed to be done to keep this city and this tavern afloat. As the burly man wiped off the bartop, he saw the door open and once he realized the newcomer was someone he'd never seen before, his circular wiping slowed considerably as he looked at her in confusion. Had the others not locked the bleeding door? As he opened his mouth to speak, she laid it on him thick and he almost did not believe this was a spontaneous offer. He placed the cloth down and opened the waist-high door that led out from the back of the counter, approaching her. He eyed her up in a professional manner. A minstrel needed the looks, the voice, and a confidence to them. So far she seemed to check all boxes, save for the most important one: Playing an instrument. "Well, seeing as my last bard wasn't too trustworthy, I am in need o' one. But I'll need a bit of convincing. You see the previous minstrel stole from the register, and while his sins aren't yours, I'll require two things before you work for me. A demonstration, and an errand. A man named Raddek, a Skayleigh, a Dwarf, and another man with a spear just left. Go after them and help them with whatever they need. Once you're all back, play for us. Do them and you'll also get a room and some pay. What say you?" The door in the back opened, Isolde walking out with a pot of steaming soup. When she saw the newcomer, she nearly dropped the pot, barely catching its weight. "Is she helping me out? Please say yes." [hr] The group spent a good conversation discussing whether they should thieve or make deals with thieves, realizing what they needed to do [i]first[/i] was to find a smuggler ring, and that wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world. Firstly, Raddek spent some time thinking on where they might look. What he needed was information, and luckily he realized there might be someone who could help them. Once Lupita appeared, it only took Raddek to hear her impression of Jonathan for him to believe she was telling the truth, and they set off to the northern section of the city of Varone, where towers dotting the horizon and causeways of white stone cut through the sky, framed with gyspum. But they were not looking skyward. Their search led to the quarrems below, low roads partially covered by the streets above, but atop the catacombs or sewers below. Bakers, millers, sewers, all plied their wares as they made it over to the district, but once they were there the shops were larger and less prone to haggling, and the guardsmen presence doubled, though none cast their glances at the party currently. These guardsmen were larger men, with two handed swords at their backs, clad in scalemail. As they walked, Raddek glanced around warily, though one could never call the man nervous. They turned left, southwards down an alley before descending five steps of stairs and an annoyed swordsman stalked past them, seeming miffed over some slight. Down below, they were now in the quarrems. The crowd was far more dense due to lack of room from the enclosed walls, and whilst the roof was sometimes missing, providing small beams of sunlight, it was a veritable hallway lit by torches. Lorcan had to duck thrice to keep from hidding an overhang. The people here were a rougher sort. Mercenaries and off-duty guardsmen, knaves, out-of-their-luck citizens, and of course, refugees of the cataclysm. Rickety doors and capes of linen served as barriers for various inner rooms, likely where dark auction trading or less scrupulous activities were being conducted. It was nearly at the center of this rogues gallery that Raddek stopped them. "This is where my...friend is. Stay out here, but be sharp. Don't draw any attention to yourselves, but if you want to try to find some vein of alcohol here, you can. Just be discreet." With that, Raddek stepped into the room, closing the curtain and leaving the group to their own devices. As if on cue, across the 'street' was a man of dark complexion, with a wide smile. "Hello my friends. You are new, yes? Does any amongst you want your fortune told? Only a copper common each..." [@DrRtron][@Fetzen][@Lucius Cypher][@Su]