"Huh?" replies Kalaya, double-taking at the now demon-free dungeon behind her. "That was fast. Uh, good job!" Stepping away, she glances around the room they're trapped in, taking stock. No other obvious routes of escape. Enemies at the door. Only way out is ... The door rattles on the hinges as something hits it from the other side. [i]Right[/i]. "Fengye?" She says, turning away and busying herself with pulling the gag off the priestess. "Two things. First; If we get separated, you need to take this priestess back to Turtlehead. Find a highlander named Han who's staying there - she's the one looking for her." She pulls the green and gold scarf free - [i]seriously, why green? It's a nice colour! Why does Hell have to have it all over their stuff?[/i] - and reties it to veil her own face. There's a small chance that Ven hasn't realised it's her here after all - and she'd like to keep it that way for ... for ... Well ... for long enough for her to finish her job, at least. Then she can ... whatever. If Ven even manages to say her [i]name[/i] ... "Nice to meet you by the way. We're your rescue party." she continues, distracting herself by cutting the priestess free. "Please keep your hands and feet astride the ghost horse until we are out of the castle." "And secondly." she turns back to Fengye. Not gonna hold much longer. "When I give you the signal, you ride as fast as you can back to the surface. Don't stop no matter what. I'll be right behind you." The door gives another rattle, and the wardings must have broken as she can hear muffled shouting on the other side now. Beckoning the others into position, Kalaya takes one deep breath and listens. When she hears footsteps rapidly approaching, she yanks her dagger out from the lock and flings the door open. A body tumbles into the room and Kalaya has only enough time to yell "Now!" before she throws herself at the other figure outside. Grappling with them briefly, she uses the shock of the ghost horse's passing to fling them behind her and to slam the door shut again. [i]At least the bars are on this side[/i] she thinks, pulling them down and sprinting off in the wake of the horse. [i]Hope this gives us enough of a head start![/i] [Fighting: 1 + 6 + 2 = [b]9[/b]. Choosing to create an opportunity for Fengye to escape with Melody and to seize a superior position (i.e. on [i]this[/i] side of the locked door).]