[hider=Ciri] [center][img]https://i.redd.it/zihp43s3pil11.gif[/img] [h3][color=a2d39c][u][i][b]Ciri[/b][/i][/u][/color] Interactions: [@Thatguyinastore], [@KageBaka], [@Crow], [@FactionGuerilla], [@SomeMekBoy], [@QizPizza], [@Lazaro1505], [@ClownTown][@MorgueofCrowz], [@XeroUltra], [@BoltBeam], [@Jeff Jones][/h3] [hr] So he [i]can[/i] speak and sounded a bit rude with his response to her question but whatever happened might have caused it. Looking at the one holding his arm, she gave him a nod to get him to let go before looking back at the man with a cane. It was then that the one in the costume asked him three questions, none of them seeming to be his name. He didn’t seem to have any common courtesy for the man to even ask his name. Onto the information he was giving them, they were already aware of what Superman was doing and he seemed to know more about Firefly which the man made completely of metal had told them quite a bit about after getting information on him. “[color=a2d39c]Tell us everything you know of Firefly. But first, it’s only common courtesy that you tell us your name so we can refer to you as your name and not any offensive nicknames or even the wrong name.[/color]” [/center] [/hider] [hider=Tess] [center][img]http://pa1.narvii.com/6276/c2ec40e1267564be929e016baad061088884cbb3_00.gif[/img] [h3][color=964B00][u][i][b]Tess[/b][/i][/u][/color] Interactions: [@Thatguyinastore], [@Attesa], [@KageBaka], [@Second2Last], [@davefromdiscord], [@Crow], [@Paper94], [@Starmaker], [@Jeff Jones] [/h3] [hr] Aside from their current problem which were the guys in masks, the wolf boy managed to finally free the only one of them who actually chose to drink the tea. Thankfully they were doing such a good job at getting the masks off that every minute only one or two showed up, making them much easier to deal with. Adding to that, a bullet hit the clock and for a moment they were all back in the tea room, the Mad Hatter standing there but he didn’t seem to notice they were back to reality. A genius didn’t need to tell her and everyone else that acting like they were still at the falling clock to get the jump on him was a very good idea. Well they would’ve stayed unnoticed had the ghost girl not talked directly to him, telling him to let them go followed by a woman with… cat ears? This was definitely getting stranger by the second. And with more talking directly to the Mad Hatter, the element of surprise went out the window. They didn’t have to deal with him for long as he confused the woman with cat ears for Alice and then punched the guy in the face, Hatter trying to run away like a coward. Before she could fire a bullet next to Hatter, the wolf boy ran at him and punched him as well, causing her free hand to go up to her head to hold it in pain until it went away to reveal what seemed like the tea party with Hatter out cold. Oh and the door was also visible now, thank god the door out of here was there again. “[color=964B00]Let’s just hope the others got better off than we did.[/color]” Before she followed Joel, she turned her head to the ghost girl who was apologizing for throwing the tea cup earlier. “[color=964B00]The way I see it, he was gonna snap anyway since only one of us went along and drank the tea. You don’t gotta apologize for anything, kid. Just be careful when to step in and when to let things run its course.[/color]” With that, she turned to the door and walked towards it, going to open the door with her gun in hand ready in case anything was waiting for them outside it. She would’ve went to check on the guy laying on the ground that drank the tea but the kid in the green jacket had it covered. [/center] [/hider]