This is the most alert 3V has been the entire visit. She’s been animated, she’s been intent, she’s been thoughtful, but she’s [i]awake[/i] and considering the discs like a dragon that’s just discovered a hole knocked in Fort Knox’s back wall. “This wouldn’t be useful for [i]me,[/i]” she says, very deliberately. “I don’t have the hardware or the technical expertise for it.” Even gloved, she keeps her hands behind her back, as if afraid of a careless touch. “However!” And here she shines, gives Ferris a sparkling smile. “I [i]do[/i] know how to get in touch with people who [i]do[/i] have the hardware and the technical expertise, I’m [i]fairly[/i] sure. It’d be a stopgap, but making it even more of a later problem than this did. Does. You’re not the only person doing this kind of archival work, you know, but… this looks [i]thorough.[/i] Not just games, but the infrastructure around them, the— [i]holy shit.[/i]” She’s seen it. The game. [i]The[/i] game. The game so popular, so oversaturated, that nobody bothered to keep the original copies. A global case of “this has definitely already been done.” The game that was considered completely lost without hope of recovery ten years ago when a hard drive in Australia finally burnt out. “You have [i]Skyrim?[/i]”