[center][h1][color=hotpink]SPAMTON[/color] G. [color=yellow]SPAMTON[/color][/h1] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFdXsArXMAQ7zfh?format=png&name=900x900[/img] It seemed as though the purple cat monster in the area would be the one treating him. His nose already hurt so the cat monster's implication of more made him slightly more nervous. Especially with the scarf now wrapped around his nose. "NO PAIN NO [gains] AM I RIGHT?!" He deflected the question and started thinking about crypto, dogecoin, sales, nice glasses. "I'M SPAMTON G. SPAMTON YOUR [Number one rated salesman1997] OF CO-" Before he could continue his intro the cat monster gave a sharp yank on his nose setting it back, but not before the puppet let out a pained cry. Which to some might sound familiar. [hider=Spamton Scream] [url]https://youtu.be/FWkJ86JqlPA[/url] [/hider] But after a moment he stopped and gingerly touched his nose. "WOW THAT [sparked] BUT TH4NKS PAL! WHAT'S [[Your name here]] DOC?" The puppet quickly moved on to the next thing as he looked at the cat monster as if he'd not just been screaming in agony just moments ago. [@Attesa] [@Yamperzzz] [@RirisStride1] [@SkipTheKip] [@Thatguyinastore] [/center]