[center] [h1] [color=a187be]Yoshikage Kira[/color] [/h1] As the Mad Hatter exploded into dust and fleeting embers, no one save for Yoshikage Kira seemed to understand why. More to the point, no one except Yoshikage Kira seemed to [i]care.[/i] That would make his masquerade a far more leisurely prospect to maintain, and even as a speck of blood arced over the crystalline barrier erected to protect the group and hit Kira's cheek, he only grimaced inwardly and produced a tissue from his jacket to wipe it off. Discarding the tissue and letting its crumpled remains bounce on the floor, Kira turned back to the group, ruminating on whether or not to raise his voice and deciding on the latter. After all, he had done a fine job of blending into the white noise until now. Human perception simply could not account for all of the group at once, and so, as long as he made a point of fading into that static as opposed to forcing his way outward, he would leave this realm with nary a cracked fingernail sooner rather than later. And so, as the first of the group to open the door did so, Kira made no show of following along as [color=a187be][b]Killer Queen[/b][/color] materialized once more behind him, its ruby eyes peering over the slight cloud of soot left by the Hatter for a moment before the Stand disappeared from sight. Inwardly, he couldn't help but smile, at least a little - evidently, [color=a187be][b]Bites the Dust[/b][/color] had worked its magic. A foolproof scheme to be sure, but there were more pressing matters to attend to now. And so, Yoshikage Kira remained silent, following the group and securely patting the comforting weight in his inner pocket as he went. [@Attesa] [@KageBaka] [@Thatguyinastore] [@Second2Last] [@TheElenaFisher] [@Starmaker] [@Paper94] [@Crow] [@Jeff Jones] [@Midle1998] [/center]