[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 5: 25/50 Word Count: 556 Location: Tostarena Town Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 5: 26/50[/center] Was this kid...packing heat? Jesse didn't know why she thought this was so strange. With all the other strange happenings, a kid with a gun shouldn't seem so odd. Maybe because unlike all the other kids that were tagging along, this girl seemed like an actual, regular teenager. She didn't look like she was from a video game like Shadow the Hedgehog. [i](Isn't Shadow like, 14 years old, anyway? He sure talks like one.)[/i] Hold on, Jesse. Kid still has a gun. Not helping, Sora, the other teenager, strolled up next to Jesse like this was no big deal. He didn't seem to understand the gravity of the situation at all. Jesse definitely didn't want to piss the stranger off. She kind of reminded Jesse of herself when she was younger. Jumpy, paranoid, maybe a little dorky. "Easy, Sora. No one's fighting anyone." Jesse tried to placate both of them. Not that this new kid needed any help standing up for herself, with her swift rebuttal. The red-headed woman casually kept her hands in the air. "Listen." Jesse said to Ellie. "You don't have to worry about us, all right? We're moving out right now. There's a pretty significant chance none of us come back, either, so that's a win for you." With a wave she turned and followed the rest of the group. "So long." [hr] The four armed Samurai, YoshitsuneJesse glanced over at Yoshitsune. "Err, yeah." She looked him and his unique body up and down. "I mean, I [i]could[/i] stick some balloons on you so you float. Might be a bit awkward, though. If we get into any fights I can let you down instantly, so you don't have to worry too much about being vulnerable." The Director rolled her shoulder. "That's the best I've got. Alternatively, I could make you small and carry you in my pocket. Guess that's your call. Might be best to just stay behind for now." Practical solutions were made apparent to their practical problems. Teleportation stones could be used to call in reinforcements. Sounded like a plan to Jesse. Soon, they were off, many in number, including a new friend for Primrose. Jesse Faden was already rusty on getting to know new people, so the idea of socializing with everyone here was an obstacle even greater than the threat of the mountain. Once in the canyons, it became apparent what the ominous warning meant. Riders, right out of a racing game, happily plunging down the desert slopes at breakneck speed. Any lethal crash was barely a hinderence to them. Jesse concluded that the safety of her group was much more important than the happiness of these carefree daredevils. The Director moved to the front of the group, careful to avoid any Riders. Once there, the next Rider plummeting her way would be met with a nasty surprise. A telekinetic shield would form infront of Jesse, and the Rider would crash and bounce right off it and be sent scattering. No doubt only to get right back to it in a matter of moments. "Tell your friends, asshole." Jesse taunted with a smirk. Both hands forward, she formed a bulkhead for the Seekers. She couldn't do it forever, but if she ever needed to escape, she could jump and Evade out of the way. In the meantime, she was focused on defending her fellow Seekers from harm.