[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][@Andromedai][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 4:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=84B4E2][b][i]Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -[/i][/b][/color] Agent Woo didn't believe a word coming out of Niah's mouth. In fact, he was so confident that she was just straight up lying to his face that he didn't even bother pulling up the files to even entertain the notion that she was telling the truth. Instead, he just shook his head at her. "Convenient story, I like how it ties up all the loose ends," he said. "How did she get to your reality then - flying saucer?" Bonnie was instantly concerned - with what Niah had said about Sparky being Lana Banner [i]and[/i] Oliver's admission that his counterpart here was more "fun." Raynor was from this reality - and now Niah was implying that Sparky was too? Or did she mean that Sparky's counterpart here was Lana Banner? She had to assume the former, but that just gave her more questions - mostly [i]why[/i]? Wouldn't Raynor have said something? Was this what Niah had wanted to talk to Sparky about earlier? How did Niah know and not Sparky then? (Of course, Bonnie had to admit that Niah knew a lot of things no one else possibly could or should). Then there was Oliver and his situation, bizarrely, was much easier for Bonnie to read. She had had an influx of memories, he had as well. It seemed he remembered doing some things that were highly illegal. Given that he was the son of Thanos, a cosmic level villain and threat to pretty much life all across the universe, Bonnie imagined that maybe in this world, Oliver had turned out more like his father. [i]That[/i] was concerning. If they were gaining memories from this world, what was to stop them from gaining personalities as well? Would Oliver turn on them and try to kill them all? [color=f6989d]"We were investigating an anomaly, we don't know how it works or why it brought us here, it just did,"[/color] Bonnie answered Woo. "Sorry, hold up a second - it almost sounded like you were making a confession?" Woo said, looking at Oliver. [color=84B4E2][b][i]Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -[/i][/b][/color] "Do you, uh, happen to know their real names? I'm guessing no one legally names their child Luminous - and that Dr. Doom doesn't even have a doctorate," Darcy pointed out. "Also, who names themselves Dr. Doom? That's got the same problem the Dark X-Men has, it builds your brand inherently from a place of negative evil shit. No one is going to think someone named [i]Doom[/i] has a reasonable argument." [color=FFB795]"... I actually have no clue,"[/color] Amelia admitted. [color=FFB795]"Cass d'ya know what their actual names are? I don't remember seeing anything else written down on the files and all. I bet Luminous is a Stacy though. She seems like a Stacy. Or maybe a Wendy? I could see that for her too. And Doom... He's from Eastern Europe, right? That can't be his real name, right?"[/color] Darcy then took a moment to answer some of Sparky's questions. "Well, yeah, no one's seen you in decades - you're kind of a famous cold case now, Buzzfeed Unsolved did an entire episode on the conspiracy surrounding your kidnapping," she explained. "As for the charges... I think they're calling you an accomplice, but I'm sure you can, like, claim emotional distress or something." [color=FFB795]"Maybe the you from here happened to have been 'napped as a baby?"[/color] Amelia suggested. [color=FFB795]"They've got all sorts of weird tech here, they probably had a pic of what the kid would look like grown up or a DNA sample or something and bam, you show up, and the cold case gets a new lead."[/color] She wasn't worrying too much about arguing their way out of the charges, largely because Amelia had the feeling that these people would just make up new ones to hold them here. [color=84B4E2][b][i]Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -[/i][/b][/color] Rambeau shifted in her seat slightly, staring at Maria. She had read Maria's file, she knew the long list of crimes this girl had committed, but she believed her. There was something genuine about her. "Whips aren't really my style," Rambeau answered, contemplating what to do next. "But I'll bite. How do you explain this?" Rambeau then tapped her fingers twice on the table and it came to life, holographically projecting images of people in black uniforms with large golden X's across the chest pieces committing acts of terrorism and violence. Hospitals were blown up, schools were burned, water supplies were contaminated. Still images showed clear shots of three of the individuals - Frederick Lensherr and Maria Novikova. Another image showed Raynor, identified as Raynor Baldursen / Ragnarok, using some large device spewing noxious fumes. Raynor flinched ever so slightly, seeing the picture of himself. He remembered that day clearly. It hadn't bothered him then. He couldn't remember when the guilt had started, when he began waking up in cold sweats, tormented with nightmares over his past actions. He knew that he deserved to be in this interrogation room - but no one else did. He didn't even know if Sparky was okay. If neither of them made it home, who would take care of little Zarina - who would raise their daughter? "Too hard to look at?" Rambeau asked him. "You sterilized every human citizen of the Iron that day. You did that and it can't be undone." [color=d86615]"... I know,"[/color] Raynor said, avoiding Rambeau's eye. [color=d86615]"And I'd do it again in a heartbeat,"[/color] he lied.