[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/k6jwQ8x/image.png[/img][h3]Shigenaga Nomura-lphas The Waiting Game[/h3][@Rune_Alchemist][/center] Once everything was taken care of, all Malphas had to do was wait. As far as he was concerned, Don could do anything and he didn't care too much, so long as he got what he wanted in the end. Still, he wasn't quite sure why he needed so much gear for. Of course, the idea of Donovan ending up leaving with everything before the agreement was made was a possibility Malphas could not risk. It's good that Ayumi had volunteered to follow him, but... "[color=lavender]I don't think I'll be telling Mie about this little excursion. At least not yet.[/color]" Nomura squaked, stroking his beak as he spoke to Ayumi. "[color=lavender]How good are you with your paws? We'll need some for of insurance if he tries to run. I know him to be a man of his word, but I also believe myself to be the opposite. If you can, see if you can take the shard from him at the first opportunity you have, and only if you're able to do it unnoticed. And if he tries anything that will break our agreement...[/color]" Nomura grabs his sheathed dagger, making sure its poisoned blade is completely covered and usable, before handing it to Ayumi. "[color=lavender]Has a good bit of that flower Mie tasked me to get lathered on it. Perhaps it could be of better use to you? Of course, that is assuming he breaks our agreement, whether if he tries to run with the shard, or if he were to happen to not have the shard on him on the time of his payment.[/color]" Nomura chuckled at the last bit. "[color=lavender]Oh, and you should be getting your fish from him. Feel free to do with him what you will if he doesn't pay [i]you[/i] when he's done.[/color]" Nomura had a feeling the poison, at least in its current form, wouldn't likely kill those of his kith. They are, after all, blessed. Still, he knew its effects were just potent enough for the fox to take her share and leave. In any case, Nomura would watch the direction Donovan would be headed. He wondered if enhancing his body with magic would also include the scope of enhancing his senses. He would attempt to focus the mystic energies in his body towards his eyes so that he could keep an eye on him from afar.