The rain moves at the behest of the wind, and the wind at the will of Nicole Cognoscenti. Sheets of water reorient in the direction of the rumbling machines, wind and rain mercilessly buffeting their metal exteriors. The downpour, earlier an unforeseen inconvenience, is transformed now into a potent weapon against the Ars Magi’s would-be hunters. One that becomes even more effective when Cordelia calls her mirrors. There’s enough shattered glass and broken windows for her to make adequate use of her talents, enough to camouflage the small party of Ars Magi and officers. The later group fall in behind their protectors, Holst peering through her binoculars and calling out the directions to Nicole, ensuing that she’s redirecting the rain toward in the direction of the largest groups of drones. The going is slow, careful steps and routing required for the group to pick their way across the rubble and ruined streets in front of them. It takes some thirty minutes before they begin the final approach to their destination, the parking garage that looms up over the smaller surrounding structures. They’ve managed to avoid the drones so far, giving wide berth when able and letting the heavy machines clunk and crunch past on their patrols. It’s on the street adjacent to the garage that the group runs out of luck. Two of those hulking machines are clanking down the street, their heavy legs carrying them in long strides. They slow as they draw closer to the camouflaged group, their square-shaped bodies turning to regard their surroundings. It’s clear that they don’t ‘see’ the group--not exactly. The interference to their sensors and lack of visual feedback mean that the machines are likely working only off the ambient magic in the area. It’s enough to draw suspicion though, in whatever algorithms the things run on. They begin to circle, drawing slowly closer, the weapons mounted on their exterior rotating and scanning for targets. “If we take them out quick we could make a run for it. They might not even be able to put out a signal.” Garnier suggests, the boy casting a glance toward his companions. Aiya nods in agreement, while Holst makes a grunt that could be taken as assent. “Hard and fast,” Aiya repeats, “Can you girls oblige?” The drones draw closer still, illuminated bright by an arc of lightning that cuts close across the sky. Their metallic green hides are clearly visible now, armor plated and lined with blinking lights. A different beast entirely than the alien Voids, but still formidable.