[center] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5309379]Sanford's CS[/url] [hider=Sanford's Status][color=gray]Sanford's Location:[/color] Metropolis, [s]supposed to be[/s] helping the others interrogate Mr. Combustible [color=gray]Sanford's Mood:[/color] I MISSED THE GOOD PARTS AAAAAAA [color=gray]Sanford's Status:[/color] Healthy, but bloodied [color=gray]Sanford's Inventory:[/color] Meathook [color=gray]Sanford's Mentions:[/color] [@Thatguyinastore][@ClownTown][@SomeMekBoy][@Jeff Jones][@Crow][@KageBaka][@FactionGuerilla][@TheElenaFisher][@MorgueofCrowz][@Lazaro1505][@XeroUltra][@darkred][@Flamenami][@BoltBeam] [/hider] Between the time Sanford was teleported to the rooftops with the Hunter’s help and now, the Nevadean had become missing in action for the majority of the ordeal. Few knew where he ran off to, and to be honest, a few may have even forgotten about him. But good news! Sanford’s mind is a fortress and hasn’t forgotten you! … Whether or not that is a fortunate thing is subjective. Regardless, the grunt reappears shortly after Mister Combustible answered Red’s question as best as he could. Those standing close enough to a particular doorway may hear the distant pitter-patter of running feet approaching them, growing louder by the second, followed by exaggerated panting. In due time, the sound would rush past them and lower in volume for a few short moments before stopping entirely. The footsteps would return at a much more moderate rate. Sanford backtracked to the doorway by moonwalking, and he curiously leans his head far back to peek inside the, erhm, [i]interrogation room.[/i] Those who bothered to look at his would notice that the grunt was drenched in blood and other organic matter. It would seem that Sanford had gone off on his own little adventure while the other group did their job. He holds that leaning pose as he scratches his tattooed back with his gory hook. [color=gray]“... Eyy! There ya’ll are! I was starting to wonder if you guys actually made it, aheha!”[/color] The Navadean turns on his heel and walks into the room, tracking bloody footprints everywhere. Then he approaches Mister Combustible rather calmly, where he’d pause and try to wipe his bloodied disembodied hands on the lightbulb man’s suit. [color=gray]“Ah, excuse me. I’m just gonna borrow this… Yeaaaaaaaaaah…”[/color] Whether or not this happens, Sanford will momentarily forget the thug was there as he turned to chat with the rest of the crew. [color=gray]“Sorry I couldn’t help! My, uh, hands were full. Yes... That’s what happened.”[/color] He chuckled for a moment before continuing. [color=gray]“Anyway… didja bozos torture anyone for answers yet? … Hey, anybody see a Hunter dude around lately?”[/color] [/center]