HAH I remember when I was pretty young (11?), I participated in vampire rps on the Neopets rp boards EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. I saw that it was common to have your male vampires be described as tall and attractive, standing at AT LEAST 6'6". Now, I was not a child who really g r a s p e d unit measurements. I figured, "Hey, if these guys are considered tall and attractive at 6'6", then I can be even TALLER and HOTTER." So what did I do? I made my character SEVEN. FOOT. TWO. Yes. It was not long after using that character that I saw a user bashing him on a "cringey characters" board. I was so upset. Yes, I still remember the user's name. So I pm'ed them and LIED, saying I based that character off someone I knew IRL and they replied saying that heights of that extreme usually indicate thyroid issues. So I basically just said, "Oh. :/ I guess I should go check up on him." I...oof, y'all.