Yeah, I wasn't arguing about the skin tone, my character is obviously painted his skin is not even white under the paint. That was not the issue at all. It wasn't about the white skin. I just brought up that the Key details, the Uniquer features were too similar. In writing when you're designing a character, when designing characters you often have unique features to distinguish characters: -the one with glasses -the one with the scar -the one with the fake leg The core details are different but if someone had to quickly boil down someone they aren't going to go "the lithe, but skinny muscular stringy dude, who looks rough, and is rude, who is tall comes from the sea" What is the feature the character is going to be boiled down to? What is the signature feature, a tattoo, a scar, or into this case blending into their environment. But since we are on this topic, about skin tone and whiteness. I am going to say that I am a little uncomfortable with the amounts of white washing in this RP already. It seems Degenerate Three did the research anyway about Vikings and still chose to not recognize that it is an Occupation, not an ethnicity and decide to make a pure white group of pale seafaring people. Despite the evidence to the contrary. And earlier there is a character who is clearly a Romanian woman, with the saturation, and description is being depicted as a typical English White Woman. Europe was never that homogenous during the medieval period. In fact, the influences that I chose for Merta's clan were Romanian, Slovakian, and some Asian influences. My people are are probably more Asian European, than they are just pure white people.