[@Saix] Further research has brought to mind [url=https://www.livescience.com/vikings-were-not-always-blonde-or-scandinavian.html]two more[/url][url=https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/scientists-raid-viking-dna-explore-genetic-roots]articles[/url] to peruse. The NatGeo article in particular provides more distinct evidence of darker skin tones. And uh, real talk, what TheRedWatcher said above as well. There are a hella lot of white European characters in this, especially with features that are not specifically UK/West European in form; but ultimately, the actual concern isn't even race, but in similarities between the two characters that make them hard to distinguish between in a pinch. What's the most prominent aspect of both leaders? Very pale skin, light blue eyes. You don't want to have to use more than two distinguishing features to, well, distinguish between characters, I'd suggest.