While everyone was fighting Firefly head-on, Ben, still Diamondhead, took this opportunity to launch a volley of sharp crystals at Firefly's wings and backpack. [centre][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ben10/images/7/70/Hunted_%28184%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/800?cb=20200706173105[/img][/centre] "Now you're just [i]Fire[/i]!" A.M.A.Z.O., on the other hand, used some of his newfound powers to swiftly net the explosives in a web net, before tossing them into the sky. That was when he took a great leap, unleashing another round of webs of old Firefly, aiming for his weapon and face! "I believe that the best way to deal with a bug is by using the abilities of a spider." He took this time to scan some of the combatant's abilities, his face shifting around as he contemplated the right combination of abilities to use against this pyromaniac. [@Thatguyinastore] [@QizPizza] [@Chung] [@cadesmith] [@SkiptheKip] [@SomeMekBoy] [@Second2Last] [@Lazaro1505] [@Mav] [@ratKing] [@TheRealMonaMona] [@Yinnifer][@Flamenami][@TheElenaFisher]