Kokoma Aluvera [hr] Of course, felling a tree needed a definitely hearty call out to go with it! "Timberrrr-ah?" What she was not expecting though, was the sound of an animal being caught in it. Was something using it as a sleeping place when she had started to get to work? Well damn. How did she not notice? She was focused but...well, no, that didn't matter. If some little animal was hurt, that was just bad all around wasn't it? Kokoma would lay her spear on the ground and quietly approach the sound of the kitten yowling. "Hey hey..." She'd say quietly as she'd locate where exactly the cries were coming from. A sabertooth kitten of some sort...aw, it was so cute. Also likely in pain. Right she needed to fix that. Had it gotten stuck under the tree branches as it fell? Easy enough problem to solve if it was. "Shh, shh, its okay I'll get you out." That left some questions though...where were this kittens parents? What was it doing here by its self...if they were nearby then that was going to get somewhat messy [i]real[/i] quick if they heard it. If not, then she couldn't just leave this little cub by itself, could she?