[@Ozzy Cross] [@Kumbaris] [@Forsythe] [@Searat] Shina cursed under her breath - this was not what she wanted to happen. As it was, the encounter with the vines had slowed them down considerably and she was getting more and more anxious of the fate of her friend. The wizard started doing what he did best, speaking very verbosely to the angry looking sets of eyes looking down at them. It was clear he was buying the group time but she couldn't see how they would get out of this. As the wizard spoke, Shina, the princess, the dragon lady and young Thomas turned and started to walk further into the forest. Of course, they were quickly stopped by one of the elves. A woman, who was clad only in nature's leaves and with a face covered by a mask made from tree bark pointed to them. She shouted something, which didn't sound very friendly and proceeded to jump to the ground, a long spear pointed right at them. [color=red] You trespass here! You come with us! [/color] She snarled. 'Damn it, we don't have time for this' Shina thought. Lapoo kept close to her side, while the elves eyed it, as though it seemed strange for an animal to be close to a human. [color=green] 'What do we do wizard? I would love nothing more than to fight my way through them, but I fear we are outnumbered.' [/color] With that, she saw in the corner of her eye, more and more of them started to descend from the trees to surround them. It definitely wouldn't end well to fight. Follow them they would have to do...