Oh. Uh. Hm. W-well then. Not, erm... yeah not gonna lie, I thought, well, y'know, haha, it was gonna be a little closer than that. Ha. Ehe. Hoho. Ah. Oh dear. Oh, but don't worry about it, you did everything exactly right, Rosie! It's just, well, goshies I don't even know how to put this. Imagine, [i]me[/i] at a loss for words! That's almost, no scratch that, that's [i]ten times[/i] more impressive than beating Yue so soundly! But gosh, what to do? I thought this was gonna be a bit of a project for... oh nevermind! Like I said, don't worry about it! You see it in her eyes, right? Or at least, the eyes she had before you picked her up and clamped your pretty, sweet smelling hand over her face and reduced her to muffled squeaking. Yue's the kind of girl who celebrates every little milestone like it's a victory by itself. If she ever duels you again and coaxes a [i]single[/i] extra move in your little finisher combo she'll celebrate like she just won a superb owl. Which I don't... see what's so great about those, but that's the expression right? Oh well. Just saying, a cute fox would be better. And anyway, she totally... well, I guess it doesn't matter, does it? She's in your hands now, wriggling like a little fishie and just blushing more and more and more the longer she tries to suck air through her fingers. She's so cute when her eyelids start doing that little flutter-flutter thingy, don't you think? I also like the way she squeezes those dainty thighs of hers so tight together when she squirms, as if that'll help her break free any faster. Sorry sweetie, you are s-t-u-c-k! Hey, hey! Can you get her fingers over... yeah, get her behind the ears! Give her a lil' scritchie and see how she likes it! For me? Awww, whoosa good girl, Yue? Whoosa good, good girl! You are, yes it's you~! Heeeeeeeeeeeee, this is the best! How about we get you caught more often, sweetie? ...O-oh, I'm sorry, you had a question didn't you? I dunno, it's a silly question. When did Yue stop being scared of you? I mean it's like... Rosie you goof, when was the last time you looked in a mirror? Were you not paying attention? Yes, you're big and strong and old, but so what? So're the suns. So's a mountain. So's a river. Are those some kinda horrible whatsits that nobody's ever managed to love before? C'mon, sillyhead. Oh what, you're more like a giant, vicious demon serpent or something? Pssssh, whatever. Yue's got me, but do you think that means all her friends before now were adorable little forest creatures? My girl's hung out with wild dogs the size of hills, she even helped one birth a litter of puppies once! She once had tea with a 350 year old boar. She's been bit and scratched and trampled by deer who didn't care for her jokes, lemme tell you. Some sneaky jerks of berries have poisoned her and turned her insides almost out for like a week. One time she almost lost her arm to a monster fish, and she spent a whole month in bed recovering from broken bones (and a long time after that too I promise you, just... not in bed) when she wound up in a bad disagreement with that thing she'll only call "the Forest God". Is a muscle-girl gonna be a monster too far for her to handle? Puh-leaze. Here, lemme be less mean about it. You bein' a person does make a lil' more difficult sometimes, after all. But... it's like this, see? Y'know how you did the spooky thing when she tried to share sunlight with you and she got a bit rattled? Well that was your big moment. And ever since then you've been... well, you've been a lotta things, haven't you? You've been protective and teasing, you've been small and clumsy and sweet, you've been big and bashful and beautiful. Graceful and, yeah don't we know it, in looooove~. The most I can say about your scary cred is that you clearly know some sorta secret about my girl that for whatever reason you're keepin' tucked inside your sports bra. As if you need the padding. So let's compare you to your old partner, howsabout? Sorry to drag history into this, but it's important. Yi...er... princess... oh heck it. Yinny. Now [i]she[/i] knows how to be a monster, get me? After sendin' out her own handmaiden to scoop up poor Yue in a whole silly storm of demons, she goes and shows up in Maximum Spook Mode and decides for herself that actually the perfect capture of her target's not good enough 'cause Hyra's maybe a little sweeter on ya girl than on Yinny. Imagine that! So she turns a beautiful, brave, special girl into a wolf just to punish her, tries to turn Yue into a mouse for complainin' about it, and at the end of all of it she's even got the audacity to turn to little Chen and act like she's supposed to be totally on board with the whole thing! Like it's normal! Like oh, your mom said we're working together so obviously everything I'm doing is fine, clearly, look at me and how pretty and strong and spooky I am oh ho ho ho ho. See the difference? It's not about how strong you are, Rosie. If it was, then Yue'd be hitchhiking back to her tiny little house and locking the door forever at the idea of standing up to Qiu. It's about how you carry all that strength. It's about how you choose to wear it. And [i]you[/i], you brave wonderful amazingly amazeful sweetiebiscuit, turned yourself into a Monk so that princesses'd feel safe around you while you tried to do the stuff that made you feel good. And like, I don't mean to talk smack about The Way or anythin', but when that wasn't cuttin' it either you opened up your heart and let yourself grow until you were soft enough to be somebody's... heeeeeee, "petal". How's Yue, my precious little splash of moonlight, supposed to be afraid of a monster who voluntarily wraps herself in ribbons? No. You don't deserve to have people be scared of you, and we both know it's not what you want. So it's ok, be strong. Be as strong as you want, whenever you want. And be a silly little klutz when that suits you better, too. Around your friends, even if nowhere else, you don't have to worry about hiding who you are. Yue knows: you're a good person. And you... uh, hey? Hold on, I missed something. Oh I missed something big, why's Yue turning so pink? What'd Chen say, what'd I miss, tell meeeeeeeeeee- oh! Ooh! Where are we going, Rosie? Where are we... oh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh gosh [i]goshies[/i]. S-so. Um. CH-changing the subject a little, s'funny. Um. O-ooh, speaking of changes, you uh... y-yeah. Eeep. Mrrrrp! Y-y-y-you'd think with the bath and all this wouldn't be such a big deal and all, r-right? L-l-like she's, um, sh-shown you everything already right? So why would, why should, wh-why's it suddenly so hard to sit still when you're getting all those clothes out f-for her? Why can't she stop squeaking even through the gag you've packed her mouth with while you get everything ready? Is it... 'cause she's never had someone else dress her before? Is it 'cause... 'cause she sees how much fun you're havin'? M-maybe it's relief? 'C-cause when you were talkin' bout giving her all gift-like to Chen's moms she was really super squirmy and back-archy wiggly squeak squeak, y'know? Just 'cause she started picturin' Hyra in a matchin' outfit doesn't mean she was... y'know, looking forward to it or anythin', 'cause she... w-w-well. Um. It's just. Actually it's not a relief at all, is it? 'Cause it's a lot easier. Meeeeeep. A... a [i]lot[/i] lot easier to imagine bein' a gift [i]for[/i] Hyra. She can't, oohh gosh goshies goshers, she can't stop thinkin' about it. Even before you start sliding 'em up her legs she can't keep her brain from thinking about Hyra's eyes on her flowing, translucent trousers that don't really cover her for beans, do they? And it's like, oh wow she's really never thought about this stuff before has she? How putting her body on display like this but with... l-like, the [i]idea[/i] of covering it up makes her look and feel like she's [i]supposed[/i] to be looked at? A-a-a-and that's... um. Well. She understands why you're enjoying it so much, Rosie. She's... oh. Oh she's feeling so warm right now. Flushed and... and... eep! Th-that's a tiny top, she's never worn anything so, mmmf, how are you so [i]gentle?[/i] And if you're so gentle how come all the squirming she's doing isn't making her any more free to run away? She's not even, I mean, the ropes are just... [i]draped[/i] across her right now to so it's easier to get her ready, she could get out any time she wanted so h-h-h-how come she can't... do more than stretch without your permission? Did you put a spell oh her, Rosie?! I-is that a thing you can do? Or is it, is it, is it is it is it is it... meep!! Oh no no no, does she, is she excited about this? I-is that why she's so, so, why she can't stop thinking about t-tongues and lips and, erm, h-hey where is that tail gooIIIIInnnnggg~~ One present, ready for delivering. Yue, Just Yue, the dancing wolf girl in Ysian silks fit for fluttering while she shows off her hips and letting everyone see her skinny little tummy and her tiny, silly chest and her cute little shoulders and her hair all done up in pigtails and the... wow, Keron taught you a lot about makeup, didn't she? Yue is a treasure. She's a [i]treasure.[/i] A darling little jewel. She's a prize that's been won, and presented and... gifted, with silly, fluffy ears on a pretty little handband and a cutie little tail that wags when she wiggles her butt and oh no, oh no, oh no she feels beautiful. What if she never, what if she can't be a swordsmaiden anymore 'cause she can't stop feeling like... Meep! What are you?! D-don't tie those ropes around th-aaaaahhh! I-i-if you d-d-don't st-stop that she's not gonna, y-you... mmmmf, y-you'll have to carry her to Hyra now, 'cause she can only... um. Rosie? Wh-where'd you get a collar? And a, a, a, a, l-leash?! You're not. You wouldn't. You don't mean to bring her like... on... W... [i]walkies?!?[/i]