[center]Turing took note of the bombs being thrown into the building, exclaiming in surprise. What have they gotten themselves into?! Well, technically they weren’t the cause, nor did they intend to get wrapped up in this - but still, the phrase works here. Just in time for the bombs to detonate, Turing leaped off the building… they hadn’t thought far enough in regards to who would catch them. Oh god. But, oddly, they felt themselves in someone’s arms… and who was that someone? Well, we’ll let him speak for himself. [color=CAB8B6]“That was, wow, reaaally close. You okay?”[/color] Fret asked, having caught Turing. The robot nodded, practically clinging onto the Player. The ground below was hard and chaotic, everything around them was also chaotic - everything was just topsy-turvy! Fret himself wasn’t sure where to put down the little bot blue, but after all the bombs were planted down low, the Player decided to… uh. [color=CAB8B6]“Hey, uh- sorry in advance!”[/color] [color=66D4E6]“Sorry for whAAAAAAAAAA-”[/color] Fret threw Turing right onto the now-crumbly building from prior. Dumbassery strikes back once more. The little bot blue was lucky enough to land with nary a crack or scratch, due to the length between where Fret had caught them and where the building had been. It's safe to say that Turing was now glaring daggers into the teenager. They were about to burst out at him right then and there - before realizing, hey, there’s an entire fight going on! There’s better things to do than go around cursing others out… that can happen later, maybe. Electronically huffing, Turing proceeded to rerun their actions from earlier - a fancy way of saying they were now hurling more rubble at Firefly. The Webber wasn’t entirely sure what else they could do, but it’s the thought that counts! Right? Meanwhile, Fret inhaled sharply as Turing stared fiercely at him, smiling sheepishly and waving his hands. He then looked to the enemy, Firefly, before he was suddenly coated in electricity! The Player then charged right at the supervillain, possibly knocking Firefly back, should Fret hit his mark.[/center] [center] [@Thatguyinastore] + anyone nearby [/center]