[color=f7976a][b]LÊ BẰNG KIỀU[/b][/color][hr]Ah. Were they supposed to be expecting more roommates? Bang peered curiously around his new lodgings, counting the bedrooms and bathrooms with bemusement. The architectural style was somewhat lost on the Vietnamese boy – somewhere in the west Europes, perhaps – and he made an honest effort to appreciate the opulence, really. He… could think of improvements to better suit his condition. Already he could imagine the sunlight distractingly reflecting off the stark floors and shimmering pool, directly into his eyes. The vast floors incrementally adding to the work placed on his limp over the next several months. With the room staff having already deposited his luggage in a bedroom (he’d have to figure out which one later) Bang flopped gracefully onto a living room sofa, taking in the chilled air with closed eyes. "It seems we're stuck together for the time being...” Bang opened one eye to peer at his new roommate. He recognised this one from the dance floor. "... Introductions are in order I suppose, James Porter. Chemist and Dynamicist, and you are?" The Egoist returned it with a smile much warmer than the other boy’s. [color=f7976a]“Le Bang Kieu, Vietnamese Egoist. I hope we have a good stay, roommate.”[/color] He paused. [color=f7976a]“Did you have fun tonight?”[/color]