[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/the-forest-video-game-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210925/136ebecef7cdc712bbbba61b8853d7f4.png[/img][/url] ([b]Blackbird of Chernobyl[/b])[/center] Things were dragging on with the so called interrogation, and her attempt to be honest with Agent Woo was apparently wasted upon a close minded man, a fool. Celestine let out a heavy sigh, running her left hand through her short black hair, it was going to be a long day, apparently. The others around her apparently were not getting anywhere with the man either, which did not help their case in the slightest. [i][color=00aeef]"Should have stayed in bed and not signed on for this mission."[/color][/i] thought Celestine with a slight smirk spread across her face, it would have made things much easier in truth. Once more, her eyes scanned the room around her with more curiosity than concern this time around, taking in every detail. They ended up focusing upon the door once more, freedom was so close, if only the collars and handcuffs were not there. [color=00aeef]"I answered your questions honestly, now I do believe that a few questions of our own should be answered."[/color] said Celestine, not waiting for a reply she kept going. [color=00aeef]"I asked you about Sparky's condition and did not get a reply, how is she? Is she still alive? Secondly, How did this universes Cass regrow her arm after having it cut clean off? Nanotech or something along the lines? Thirdly, Where even are we? Under water? In space? Below ground? something else?"[/color] Celestine leaned back in her chair as much as she could, holding eye contact with Agent Woo. [color=00aeef]"Also if you give me a deck of cards I will show you a real magic trick, not like what you did by keeping your card behind your hand then flexing your fingers to make it appear as if it came out of nowhere."[/color]