[@Drag] [@Perse] [@The Man Emperor] [@Restalaan] [color=f7941d][b][h1][center]Abigail “Atom Bomb” Zebrowski[/center] [/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://cdn2.lamag.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/06/tank-girl-lori-petty.jpg[/img] Abby checked to make sure that she didn’t lose a tooth while defending the other girl. “[color=f7941d]Fuckin faggot.[/color]” She cursed once the guards were out of earshot. She wanted to do something to make the guards stop hurting her and the other inmate. Even if they were criminals they were still people with feelings and wants. She desperately wanted to escape this hellhole; even if she had to murder the guard to do so. But that would be the last resort for her; she was no murderer like the rest of these inmates. She couldn’t relate to them in any way; Abby was just a regular teenager from Boston. “[color=ed1c24]But your no different than the rest of them.[/color]” A voice spoke from her behind her. Turning her head to see an older man wearing a bright blue suit and a large white cowboy hat. He didn’t dress like the other inmates which perplexed her. “[color=f7941d]You don’t fuckin know me.[/color]” Abby responded with an angered look on her face. “[color=ed1c24]I know you very well Abby, ever since you killed those teenagers a couple of years ago.[/color]” The man said with a grin on his face. Scolding the man that had mentioned the accident; she leaned forward with a grimace. “[color=f7941d]Keep your mouth shut about that; I don’t wanna the others to think I’m a child killer.[/color]” She whispered turning her head back to find the other inmates were frozen; She started to panic but the man from behind her was now sitting in front of her. “[color=ed1c24]Don’t worry their still having their dull conversation; this conversation is happening in your head.[/color]” He took a bit of food from Alfred’s tray; popping it into his mouth. “[color=ed1c24]This tastes terrible.[/color]” The man commented spitting the food back onto his tray. “[color=f7941d]Who the hell are you?[/color]” Abbi shuffled in her seat starting to feel uncomfortable. The man smiled once again; Abby could see the man's teeth were yellow and crooked. "[color=ed1c24]I apologize miss. My name is Mr.Q. It is a pleasure to meet you.[/color]” Mr. Q was now sitting in front of Abby holding something in his hand. “[color=ed1c24]I want to help you escape this place, and this will be instrumental to your plan.[/color]” He opened his hand revealing a passcode. It was the passcode for the doors to the jail cells. “[color=f7941d]Okay but once I get out of the doors; I’m gonna have to deal with the guards. How am i going to get past them?[/color]” She asked raising an eyebrow. The crooked teeth man motioned his hands towards the frozen inmates. “[color=ed1c24]You have many friends Abby; simply look around you these are the people that will help you escape.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]If you need to contact me again; here is my card.[/color]” Handing Abby a tarot card [hider=The card in question][img]https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/tarot-card-the-devil-picture-id458591533?s=612x612[/img][/hider]. Before Abby could say anything else she found herself back in the conversation the others were having. She looked at her hand seeing the tarot card and passcode; quickly putting it into her pocket. During her time speaking to Mr.Q it would look like she was spaced out mouthing out the words to her conversation. She turned her head towards Ameliya; “[color=f7941d]Are you okay? I fuckin hate those assholes.[/color]” She motioned towards the guards with her head. Abby didn’t think of herself as the strongest here, but she was more than capable in a fight. “[color=f7941d]I can handle myself in a fight; I just need some more juice to get myself ready.[/color]” She said addressing Körbl. Recently she had been faking medical aliments to get close to the MRI and x-ray machines; siphoning radiation for when she tries to escape. She didn’t know much about the other inmates, but there were certain ones she knew about and should be careful of. Her eyes turn towards Charon. He was one of the heroes that put her into his place, but she was sure he didn’t recognize her. After all her face must have blended in with the other criminals he fought. Abby was curious what kind of abilities they all had; perhaps they could be useful to her escape. “[color=f7941d]Maybe we can measure how strong we are; if we tell each other what our superpowers are? I'm curious what you guys can do?[/color]” She didn’t care much for the pissing contest they were having; she wanted to see if they were useful enough for her plan.