The road out of Fletcherville towards the human town seemed pleasant enough. While the sun wasn't at its peak anymore, it still burned uncomfortably and so once they had reached the cliffside path and the sun hid behind the hulking mass of rock, the walk became far more bearable. "So this place..." Arthur began. "Irris." Clark muttered. "Right. Irris. You said we'd get robbed? And that your kind doesn't blend in too well around human towns?" "Mhm." "But they have no qualms about getting medical help from Fletcherville?" "Funny how that works isn't it?" Clark sighed. His dejection at the journey he hoped to avoid becoming more apparent. With the sea on their left and the road ahead uneventful, Arthur lost himself in his own thoughts for a while. Why couldn't he remember where he was from or how he found himself spitting out sand in the middle of the day? The sea felt...Familiar to him in some strange way and yet he wasn't entirely sure what the feeling meant. If he was a sailor before he certainly couldn't remember how to even steer a ship. If he was a pirate then, well, a sword would certainly be nice to have right now but he could picture himself fumbling around with one and stabbing himself instead. He didn't realise just how gentle the incline on the path must have been because what started as a walk directly by the waves had led them to a rather precarious fall. While Arthur looked down in mild horror, Clark seemed to cheer up once again. "There! The Irris Lighthouse." Arthur could just about make out a tower off in the distance though the forest between them and it made it looked like it was hovering over the water. "Oh that's not the forest." Clark interjected. "I mean, that [i]is[/i] a forest but I mean the lighthouse. A good chunk of Irris stands on the rock that's been undercut by the waves for...Well for some time now. That lighthouse will be the first thing to go if any of it ever falls." "There's a lower port level too, unfortunately I don't know where Charity Lane is so we're probably going to have to risk asking someone." While Clark had successfully managed to make him feel uneasy about Irris, Arthur couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement at the prospect of seeing another human. What if someone recognised him? Maybe he lived in Irris before his memory loss? Clark must've read his mind because Arthur only just caught him rolling his eyes. "We should camp here." Clark said and perched against a dark green tree. "There's a caravan that arrives at the upper level every day in the evening, along with various other people from the local farms and whatnot. It'll be easier to get in with a crowd but that's not for a couple hours away still." Arthur sighed and sat by a tree opposite the cricket. A nap sounded good right now.