[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sz1t1dr.png[/img] [hr][b][color=#00bf60]Location:[/color][/b] Outside the Arena -> The Arena [b][color=#00bf60]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center] [hr][hr] Stella looked up when Eva put her hand on her shoulder and then she sniffled a bit as she tried to think of what to say. She couldn't just lie and say she was alright when it was clear that she was far from that. She sighed a bit at that as she took a deep breath and then looked up at her older half-sister. [color=#00bf60]"I'm not alright. Is... Is what that girl saying true? Do the Greek kids usually... do we not make it past eighteen really?"[/color] She spoke softly as she looked at Eva, silently hoping it wasn't true. It couldn't be true. There had to be demi-gods that lived full lives right? She knew from earlier that someone had mentioned that some of the founding fathers were demi-gods and they had all lived past eighteen. [color=#00bf60]"Eva... I don't get it... I thought they said that by being here I would be safe and trained to not end up dead. I just... I don't understand. I don't understand why everyone is so upset and angry, and my ears are ringing now."[/color] Stella reached up and rubbed her ears a bit, and then whimpered a bit. They were indeed ringing from earlier, from the young woman's yelling. [color=#00bf60]"Is there still cocoa somewhere, because if there is I would love some now please."[/color] She sighed a bit at that as she rubbed her ears again softly.