[center][img=http://gyazo.com/a39b03322c1aa00bb92211c9b08dd51a.png] [img=http://i55.servimg.com/u/f55/16/30/82/24/db1l-m10.jpg] [i]In a world of fantasy, adventure, romance, and conflict, where human Beorc and half-human Laguz hardly coincide peacefully, everything has taken a turn for the worst. The nation guarding the legendary weapon known as the Darkblade has been overthrown by its neighbor country to the east: Geraden. Its King has been slain, its mightiest, most heroic General defeated, and its Prince, the last remaining member of the royal family, seemingly missing to the outside world. Geraden, in its quest for power, does nothing to quell the raids of bandits against defenseless villages as it summons forth the undead in a terrible attempt to overthrow the entire continent to claim it in the name of Avana, the evil Goddess trapped within the Darkblade.[/i][/center] [center][b][u]Characters[/u][/b][/center] [hider=Warde] [b]Player:[/b] Rethel34 [b]Name:[/b] Warde "Wizzy" Malsahrene [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Tier:[/b] Base [b]Weapon Type:[/b] Anima/Natural Magic (Thunder Focus) [b]Weapons:[/b] Elthunder, Tornado [b]Items:[/b] Pure Water [b]Appearance[/b]: [img=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/avatars/custom/990.png] [b]Personality:[/b] Always looks at things in a scientific perspective, a habit that came about after studying to summon lightning from the sky. He also has a habit of being somewhat snobby at times, as he believes his knowledge is greater than most. He has also come to despise the nickname--"Wizzy"--that his childhood friends gave him, and mention of it sets him on edge. Despite his arrogance, however, he will not hesitate to aid a companion in need. [b]History:[/b] Warde comes from a village in eastern Honara, where he spent most of his time studying about the forces of nature from his master who claimed to have met and fought Avana on one occasion (not that Warde believed him). He was the only one among his friends to wield magic, which appalled many of them. He always outsmarted them when they sparred, and was a complete wizard in every sense of the word, leading his friends to begin calling him "Wizzy." After he grew to the age of sixteen, he began travelling, studying the strengths and weaknesses of the different beast-people (whom were called Ameinians, as he learned); learning the different preferred soldier types of the nations Jinn, Edea, and Geraden, feeling most at home in Jinn where the nation preferred mages and had many schools for magic; encountering one of the Seven Legendary Emperors of the Aurora Empire; and doing just about everything he could. When he returned home shortly after his nineteenth birthday, he found that the Exotrians had attacked the town, and only a few had survived, and among the casualties was his master. He began hunting for the killer, whom he found and engaged in battle with. He resorted to wielding Fire Magic (the weakness of the Cat Ameinians); specifically, he wielded the tome known as Elfire. After a fierce battle, in which Warde was scarred tremendously, Warde emerged victorious. The beast lay at his feet, and as it was unable to hold its animal forme any longer, had transformed back into its human forme. Warde would have killed the beast there, but he realized that slaying it would have made him just as bad a person as the creature that lay before him. Deciding it had learned its lesson, he promptly tore the tome apart, as it had become worn anyway, and would not have lasted much longer, and dropped it. "Keep it's remains as a reminder to the crime you have committed," Warde spat as he turned, and he left Exotria to return to Edea. To attempt to wipe the memory of recent events, Warde enlisted in the Edean Army, where he eventually became part of the Edean Resistance. [b]Other:[/b] Romantically interested in Lillith Roseia, but utterly fails at the concept of love.[/hider] [hider=Lillith] Player: Rethel34 Name: Lilith Roseia Age: 21 Gender: Female Nickname: Quiet Wanderer Tier: Base Weapon Type: Dark magic Weapons: Flux, Shade Items: Torch, Elixir [url=https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQaSbXDUhGKfRxukEfNH-V76p1OIn25NY6zq1_0d5a9XGgeZv1J]Appearance[/url] Personality: Lilith is the kind of person who waits and listens before acting. She does not often speak unless spoken to as she prefers to learn from others, adapting to their own way of doing things, earning her the title of Quiet Wanderer. One thing that sets her apart from others is that she never forgets, she is incredibly sharp witted, and she possesses a silver tongue. History: Lilith was born in the swamp island of Jinn, separated from most of the world. Since she was a child she had shown potential for being a powerful mage, and she was immediately sent to the one school of magic on the island. This school was that of Dark magic, and to many peoples surprise she excelled at this more than any form they they had allowed her to dabble with. Her mother was particularly proud of her, as she was the head mistress of the compound where she studied. But despite her mother's attempts to get closer to her daughter, Lilith just wasn't interested. By the time she was ten people were beginning to worry about her, she seemed to antisocial, going so far as to shun people so she could read. She exceled at literary work and magic, so both her teachers and mother paid her no mind, though other children and parents were wary of this quiet girl. Lilith quickly became a pariah at the age of sixteen when she had gotten into a fight with a boy, and she had silenced him a little to efficiently. He wasn't killed, but the teen made it drastically clear that was her choice. Lilith's mother was left no choice but to permanently expel her. Without saying a word, she gathered her things and left, making her way to the west. A week after her departure, she learned that the school had been hit by raiders, and was in ruins. When given this news, she simply shrugged, and continued on her way. When she was seventeen, after a year of traveling, she arrived in Edea. She continued to travel, though staying in this state. Words were passed sluggishly about this strange girl who would stay awhile, then leave, but besides that no waves were made. On her twenty-first birthday she was drafted by the army after becoming a citizen, and was placed under the command of General Thane.[/hider] [hider=Dalton] Name: Dalton Age: 20 Gender: Male Title: Crimson Knight (Only he tends to call himself this however) Tier: Base Weapon Type: Lances/Spears Weapons: Steel Lance Horseslayer Heavy Lance Javelin Items: Vulnerary Vulnerary Antitoxin Skills: Miracle Appearance: *lost picture* Black hair; red armor Personality: A brash and somewhat arrogant man, Dalton is always eager to prove himself and show off his skills to those around him. He has a really high opinion of himself, often giving others the impression that he's just hungry for attention. Despite this, he isn't mean or spiteful, preferring to build himself up rather than put anyone else down. Deep down, he wants to be a hero just like the legends of old, and occasionally tries brash things in the field to get "hero status", being saved primarily by luck and what little skill he does have. Recently, he has toned down on this a bit, and follows almost all orders to the letter, but that doesn't stop him from trying to look cool while saving his country. Overall, Dalton is a patriotic sort, but has a deep (brotherly) love between his comrades, and can put his friends in front of his country. Thankfully, he has not had to do that yet, but he still wonders what will happen if push comes to shove between country and friend. He is of the opinion that most leaders, while typically well meaning, sometimes lose track of the finer details, and considers kings as good, but rather klutzy because of this. All of his life, Dalton has heard of the myths of the goddesses Aurora and Avana, but considers most of them to be exaggerated. To him, the Darkblade and Brightsteel are probably just fancy weapons that are more powerful than the rest, and people just needed an explanation for it all, and went to religion as an answer. History: Dalton had a very quiet life living in a small village in the southern part of Edea. He was raised as a stable hand by his parents David and Juni and became an expert in tending horses after a few years. As a teenager, he would often go out of his home and ride around the countryside with his trusty steed. The family moved around the country a lot, trying to avoid the war as much as possible. Because of this, he's traveled though much of the wilderness areas of Edea, and has a decent knowledge of them. One of these villages was in eastern Honara, where he met a boy named Warde. The two of them had something of a rivalry between them, and he inherited part of his aggressiveness from Warde's arrogance. Dalton considered himself Warde's biggest rival, though whether Warde himself was aware of this he knew not. Eventually, Dalton had to move on however, as there were rumors that Exotria was planning to attack the town, and his parents didn't want anything to do with the war. His life continued in this cycle of moving, settling down, exploring, then moving again until they finally ended up in the town of Opalan, close to the border of Exotria, but heavily protected by the local fortress there under the command of General Javod. Unfortunately for Dalton, that year the city officials decided, with consent of the crown, to draft all of the people 18-35 years of age who were eligible to fight, and Dalton was 19. He had never used a weapon before in his life, so he was assigned to keep the horses for the base. Several months later, the town was attacked by a group of beastmen and the army was having some trouble holding them off. With an extra horse at the garrison from a soldier who had deserted before the battle, he grabbed a lance and whatever armor and weapons he could find lying around and went into battle. Using his limited knowledge of combat, he managed to help his comrades drive back the beastmen, albeit they still sustained no small amount of casualties. After that event, he was made a horseback rider and taught all the skills he needed with the lance. Despite a few more skirmishes with the beastmen, his life remained stable, and he formed some powerful friendships with the people at the fort and the town itself. It was then that the capital fell. A Gryphon Rider carrying a message to the fort informed General Javod that the capital had fallen. Javod was normally a brave man, but at this news he trembled as though the world itself had ended. Dalton inquired about this sudden change in personality, and found that Javod was terrified about rumors swirling about that the Geraden army had acquired the Darkblade of Avana. This terrified Javod so much that he did something Dalton dreamed he would never do. He told his men that they were leaving Edea for good to head for the more peaceful northern countries (and, Dalton presumed, where the Brightsteel lay), and told his men that they could choose their own path from now on. Everyone except Dalton, who was committed to not losing this war, agreed to come with Javod, feeling that they had already lost the war. They rounded up all the people within the town, and led an evacuation, heading for the Aurora Empire and making sure to bring plenty of soldiers to prevent Jinn's internal problems from interfering with their plan. Horrified at this desertion, Dalton now heads to a fort where the prince and several soldiers are rumored to be planning their next move. Other: Rides horseback[/hider] [hider=Rael] Name: Rael Windstill Age: 19 Gender: Male Title: (No title) Tier: Base Weapon Type: Sword Weapons: Iron Sword Items: none Appearance: [img=http://oi41.tinypic.com/2mrbf5t.jpg] Sidenote: After the events at the carriage, Rael always seems to wear a rich blue scarf around his neck, as it holds sentimental value to him. Personality: True to his Aurorian background, Rael had never shown interest in combat. Despite being noble at heart, Rael feels out of place holding a sword. Like his father before him, he had a bright future as a budding diplomat. Unlike other aristocrats and royal families, the Windstill family has always lacked arrogance, instead holding a polite, tranquil demeanor that usually calmed those around them. This was perhaps the reason to Rael's father's success as a diplomat, and like everyone else in the family, Rael shared this trait. At his best, Rael can hold the burden of responsibility well, and has a genuine care for those around him, making him a promising leader. At his worst, Rael can be outwardly stubborn and hard to reason with, but he never holds grudges. After the loss of his family, and the events of Chapter One, Rael has grown into a colder person. He still holds the same morals as he always did, and he still strives to do the right thing - to be a good person. But now he is much more emotionally distant than he has ever been. There is a certain fire that burns in his eyes, barely noticeable, and other than that, he does his best to keep his feelings to himself. Perhaps, with the help of his new friends, he may grow warm once again. History: It had been the most perfect weather the Windstill family had the opportunity to see, as they travelled across the countryside of Edea on their carriage. Being a noble family of aristocrats, the Windstills had spent a majority of their lives in the majestic cities of the Aurora Empire, and this trip to Edea had been a new experience. The father of the family, a successful diplomat, had been sent to Edea for bureaucratic purposes, and decided to take his family with him. In the state of war that it was going through, Edea was no safe place to be, and the carriage had brought four guardsmen to protect the family. Sitting at the back of the carriage, reading a book about a hero in the military, was Rael Windstill. At the age of 19, Rael had already handled many diplomatic tasks as the assistant of his father, and often represented the Windstill family in councils and meetings when his father's schedule was too busy. To Rael's left was his younger and only sibling, Saura. She had taken a nap, partially using her beautiful blue scarf as a blanket. Their mother and father had been in the next cabin of the carriage. The young noble rested the book on his lap and leaned back into the expensive pillows, thinking he might sleep as well. The day seemed perfect, and the soft breeze rolling through the cabin's window was inviting him to shut his eyes, just for a moment. The carriage came to a halt. There was shouting outside, sounded like a disagreement. Rael displeasingly opened his eyes and lazily poked his head out of the window to see what was going on. The carriage was surrounded by mercenaries, or bandits, Rael couldn't tell. His father was trying to reason with the man in charge, but things seemed to escalate out of his control fast. The leader of the bandits shouted an order, and his subordinates began throwing lit torches at the carriage. One got inside Rael's cabin, and his sister woke up. Rael grabbed her hand. "What's going o-?" She began, but he had already yanked her out of the cabin from the other side with him. The calamity of swords clashing was all that they heard as Rael pulled his sister underneath the cabin, where they hid. From their hiding place, they witnessed their father be impaled on the bandit leader's spear, after the carriage guards of the royal family had been defeated. The same fate also followed their mother, who was killed right beside her husband. Saura, being younger than Rael, had always acted rashly and impulsively. She was good at heart, but often let her pride and age get to her. Without saying a word, she climbed out from under the cabin and ran towards her mother and father. It all happened too fast, and Rael had only managed to grab a hold of her blue scarf in an attempt to hold her back. Both Rael and Saura had been trained with swords, as they were the members of a noble family. She quickly grabbed the weapon of a fallen guard. In an attempt to seek revenge on her mother, she was easily disarmed and thrown to the ground. The bandits outnumbered her ten to one, and Rael knew that wasn't a fight either of them could win. All he could do was to lie there and quietly watch as his beautiful younger sister was tied up by the bandits. Rael grasped the blue scarf tightly in his hand, knowing full well what he was about to witness. To everyone's surprise, a patrolling unit of Edean soldiers had spotted the burning caravan by the smoke, and had arrived just in time to outnumber the bandits. Rather than degrading her there, the Bandits took Rael's tied sister and fled on horseback. When the soldiers arrived, all they could save was the young noble from underneath the already-burning caravan. He began yelling at the soldiers to chase after her sister. The soldiers disagreed, saying they would never catch up now. Later that day, Rael's mother and father were buried. For the first time since his childhood, the boy cried. And it wasn't a quiet, normal type of sob. He collapsed to his knees in front of his parents' graves and cried his soul out, something that was not befitting of a proud noble as himself. The soldiers offered to take him back to a nearby village the following morning, and Rael followed. There he spent the night sleeping in an alleyway behind a tavern, replaying the event over and over in his head. He reasoned that, had he been stronger, or maybe braver, he could have protected his family. Now, all he had left was his sister's scarf. With nowhere else to go, Rael signed up for the military at a nearby recruiting post the following morning. During the events of Chapter One: Young Rael was introduced to battle rather harshly, and he took his first kill in an encounter that he barely survived. From that point on, he has had little to no time to rest, as his group was constantly on the move. In his second encounter, he suffered a blunt hit from the tail of a lesser drake. When the group set up camp in an abandoned fort, hidden behind a waterfall, he finally got a chance to catch some shut-eye. Rael, along with Moriko, an archer girl of lively spirit, set out early the following day to gather food for the rest of their group. During this time, he encountered a bear, which he and Moriko were able to take down after a long fight. On the final battle of the chapter, Rael was in the thick of saving the villagers of a nearby village that was overrun by bandits. During this time, he witnessed the death of Moriko, but was also able to get some information out of the leader of the bandit group. He learned that the clan that had first attacked and killed Rael's family was called the "Black Scorpions", a fearsome mercenary group from the east.[/hider] [hider=Alyssa] Name: Lady Alyssa of the House of Salian Age: 25 Gender: Female Title: Second-in-line to the Duchy of Coritanae (A minor duchy in Edea) Nickname: 'Dragon-Bait' Tier: Base (though I want to make her Advanced. If she'll stay at Base, I'll probably end up reducing her age by 1-2 years... probably.) Weapon Type: Sword Skills: Pavise Weapons: Steel Blade Appearance: Alyssa is about 1.63 (5'4") metres tall in height. [img=http://i857.photobucket.com/albums/ab135/Desol_2010/70sinsofsanano_zps7c6c3090.png] Personality: Alyssa is the sort of properly taught noble who would almost be considered a gentleman to others, if not for the whole gender thing. Though she's graceful, polite and charming (to the ladies), Alyssa keeps her real emotions bottled up, always resorting to a smile to hide anything untoward. She's almost always calm, polite and reasonable, except when dragons are involved. The mere idea of seeing a dragon freaks her out, and the nickname 'Dragon-Bait', unceremoniously given by her friends after surviving her 3rd dragon attack, is one of the few things that makes her openly annoyed. Alyssa never denies that she's a woman, but finds a little bit of amusement when others don't notice it until she properly introduces herself. History: The Duchy of Coritanae was never that relevant in the larger picture of Edea. Most of its lands were covered in arid landscapes, and even though Coritanae was just the same size as every duchy in Edea, it could never be as rich as the rest of them when its lands could grow nothing. The only saving grace of the Duchy of Coritanae was in their lineage. Alyssa was born to the Duke of Coritanae, Duke Winfred the Iron Knight. Duke Winfred was a legendary warrior, known for his imposing black armour and impressive swings of his greatsword. When Duke Winfred stormed the battlefield, Edea expected nothing less than victory. When the old Duke lost the use of his hand during a particularly bad battle, he sought rest at home and perhaps the chance to pass his legacy towards his children. Marrying a young noblewoman from a minor barony in Coritanae, Duke Winfred fathered 4 sons (Tarquin, Jonas, Kenrick and Claude), and 4 daughters (Jeanne, Alyssa, Maria and Theresa). The eldest son, Tarquin, surpassed Alyssa by 8 years, but he always found time to enjoy the joy of the siblinghood, even as his father's demanding training regimen brought him low every day. It did not help that Tarquin's natural physical strength was not up to par, not even with training. Alyssa, along with her elder sister, Jeanne, always accompanied Tarquin, on their brother's training trips. Though their father would often protest about this, the two sisters' persistence about watching and supporting Tarquin made Duke Winfred change his mind. However, the black day for the House of Salian would come when Alyssa was 10 years old. She could never form a perfect picture of what happened that day. All she knew was that it was the day Tarquin died, most likely to a dragon. Neither she nor Jeanne, who had accompanied Tarquin on the last day of his life, could remember why the trio ventured out alone, but both of them stumbled back home, with all sorts of injuries. They never found Tarquin's body, presumably eaten by the dragon that only Jeanne could remember. The day was compounded further, when Jonas, Kenrick and Claude were poisoned by a mysterious assailant during dinner. While all 3 survived, the poison destroyed their minds and bodies, and none of them were fit to even walk, let alone do anything more complex than eat, sleep and breathe. Duke Winfred, devastated by the death of Tarquin, and the further disasters that were inflicted on his 3 sons and 2 daughters, locked himself up in his quarters, refusing food or conversation with everyone. When Alyssa and Jeanne recovered from their injuries, it was 4 days after Tarquin's death. They learned of their father's despair, that the line of Salian would end, and no further warrior would take his place as the Iron Knight. But there was one thing no one expected. That the two sisters of Tarquin did not idly watch their brother's training. They learned almost as much as he did, and sneaked in some practice when no one was looking. The two sisters did not have formal training in the art of battle, but they were going to take up their father's mantle. When they suggested this to Duke Winfred, he gave them the last thing they expected him to give. His approval. The next 12 years were rough, as Alyssa and Jeanne both struggled to train to match their father's skill in combat. Alyssa had it easier though, since Jeanne, the older sister, was expected to train in her father's armour and move about in it as if it was her own skin. Alyssa's training was lighter physically, as her father concentrated on Alyssa's diplomatic skills. She was still quite the talented warrior after all that, but her elder sister trained enough to shrug off hits from wyverns. However, on account of a rumour that Tarquin had survived the day he went missing, Alyssa went off to search for him. That was 3 years ago. Alyssa travelled the lands of Exotria, Edea, Jinn, Geraden and Phoenia, hoping to find a trace of Tarquin. She met a few friends, got attacked by dragons twice, and got nicknamed 'Dragon-Bait' by a particularly smart-mouthed wizard kid. After 3 years, Alyssa decided that her search was fruitless, even as she never mentioned her conclusion to anyone. She would part with her companions on good terms a week ago when she decided to travel through some of the villages of Edea. She contemplated a trip back home, but shuddered at its likely conclusion. Alyssa could not imagine the tongue-lashing she would receive when she came back home, but the guilty part of her conscience, nagging her for leaving Jeanne alone, may have overpowered her fear of her father's anger. Alyssa would probably have gone back home straight after that thought, if she had not spent the night at a local tavern, just before the bandit raid that would change the path she decided to walk. Misc: If there'a dragon, it should 'aggro' her. Not for any real in-story reason. Probably for the same reason why Kellam in Awakenings is potentially the best ninja ever; because it'll be... funny?[/hider] [hider=Gregory] Player: singmesweetly Name: Gregory Age: 29 Gender: Male Title: None Tier: Advanced Weapon Type: Bow Weapons: Iron Longbow, Bowgun Items: None Appearance: Gregory stands at 6’5” and is broadly built. He is a large man, but is not overly bulked with muscle. He has short, curly auburn hair and grey eyes. He wears a brown tunic and dark green pants. Most of the times he wears no shoes; the bottoms of his feet are thick with calluses. Personality: Gregory does not care for anything, except for maybe the whistling of an arrow as it leaves his bow. He is a blunt man who does not care what others think of him. In fact, most would say that apathy would be his biggest trait. He does not like when people disturb his peace and is quick to draw his bow when he is bothered. He is as merciless with his bow as he is with his words and he seems to have not a fear in the world, as if even the thought of death did not frighten him. He looks at the world as scum, himself included. History: Gregory was only five when bandits came and wreaked havoc to his village. He watched as they raped his mother and brutally murdered his father. At the time, he did not know why he was spared, only that he was. With his father dead and his mother insane, he basically raised himself. At first it was a hard life, but he soon found out he had an affinity for the bow. He soon began to grow large, and strong, on all the meat he caught for himself. He made what money he needed by selling game. He was only fourteen the first time he used his bow for other things. He had built himself a little hut in the woods, isolated. A group of men approached his house, armed and looking for trouble. He knew the looks in their eyes and didn’t think twice before shooting them before they came within a hundred feet of his home. It almost scared him how proud it made him as he saw the men fall to the ground, dead. Soon, he became a professional killer. Hitman. Mercenary. Whatever term you like best. And he was good at what he did. It was said that he could hit a running target on the horizon and sometimes, he could. Killing was the joy of his life and he only took small wages, enough to barely support himself. Gregory did look for the bandits that destroyed his parents, but to no avail. Until one day, when he was about sixteen, he arrived upon a village in ruin. All that remained of the village was ashes, smoke trailing off into the sky. It was a scene he remembered well. He walked through the village, looking for any clues to lead him to the men who had ransacked the village. Clues he did not find, but a boy he did. He was six, maybe seven, and he was hiding under a table in a roofless hut near the edge of the village. He realized that this boy was going to grow up to be him, searching and searching for the killers of his village, wondering forever why he was spared. He realized then, how pointless his searching was. At that moment, Gregory decided to wonder no more. He was wasting his life away to a path with no end in sight. He resolved that there was no reason, only that he was alive and all he could do was his live. He took the kid to a neighboring village to be raised by some kind soul and continued on, going wherever his jobs took him. One day, Gregory awoke to the sound of violence outside of the window of the inn he was staying in. He recognized the sound of bandits and rushed to help. As he fought, he discovered he was not the only party fighting the bandits. Strangely, he was convinced to join them.[/hider] [hider=Sephora] Player: singmesweetly Name: Sephora Clementine Age: 19 Gender: Female Nickname: "Sephy" Tier: Base Weapon Type: Healing Magic, Knives Build Type: Fast, Intelligent Weapons: Bronze Dagger, Mend, Restore, Physics Staff Items: 2 Antitoxins, 1 Door Key Appearance: Sephora is a petite girl around 5'2". Her hair is a mousy brown and tumbles in soft ringlets around her face. Her eyes are the same color as her hair and lie sunken in her face. She has an extremely average face, with features that seem to blend into her pale, white skin. She wears a baggy, dark blue tunic that reaches her knees with a dark brown belt beneath her breasts. The belt is clasped with a bronze buckle in the shape of a tree. Her pants are tanned leather and she wears knee high boots that are the same color as her belt. Personality: Sephora has always been a shy girl, maybe because of the stutter she possesses. When approached, she usually answers in as little words as possible because of the laughter her stutter received as a child. Sephora also always takes the shortest route possible. She likes to get places and do things as efficiently as possible. She is very meticulous, but because of this she sometimes forgets to look at the bigger picture and therefore messes up. When she does do something wrong, she gets flustered and attempts to fix it as quickly as possible, usually stuttering and rambling the whole time. Sephora has never been much of a do-er; she prefers to watch others gallivant about. History: Sephora’s mother was once a very powerful healer and people had traveled across the land in search of her healing prowess, but she disappeared from the public eye when she fell in love with Sephora's father, a carver, and moved to a small, isolated village. Her mother had been a kind woman, with a loud mouth and had started teaching the arts of healing when Sephora was six. But her mother had died soon after from a long, drawn out illness. After her mother’s death, Sephora stopped all magic. Sephora more took on the personality of her father, and the house became a quiet place. The only time there was ever any noise was the sound of knife on wood when her and her father worked. Sephora had a natural talent for carving wood and soon became her father’s apprentice. Together they lived in quiet harmony, except when visitors came for requests and market day. It was one of these market days when Sephora was approached by a man in plated armor. He was tall and built with a grim visage. He said nothing as he handed her a sealed envelope. Her father glanced nervously at the man as Sephora ran her finger under the envelope's seal and took out its contents. Sephora sighed at its contents before turning to her father and stuttering, “D-drafted.” "We expect you to report back in the village square tomorrow at sunrise with the rest of the recruits," the plated man said before he continued off to hand other people there misery. The rest of the day was clouded for Sephora and her father, even though they made more money than usual. That night Sephora did not sleep, and as the world began to lighten in preparation for sunrise, so she began to prepare for her enlistment. Sephora disapproved of war and fighting, but followed her duty for her father’s sake. She dressed in her only set of clothes and tucked her knife in her boot before heading off to the town’s square, a last glance at her sleeping father her only goodbye. After training, Sephora joined a scouting legion that was attacked and annihilated by Geraden troops. Barely alive, Sephora fled into a nearby forest. Once through she discovered a second battle occurring, a group of Edean soldiers lead by General Thane were fighting the leftovers of the Geradens who had killed her compatriots. Sephora joined in the fray, healing all who she could, and once the battle was over, and the Edeans had won, she joined the small group of soldiers. The group then proceeded to hurry to the capitol, to warn the king of the nearing Geraden troops, but were too late. Prince Evan was drafted into their protection and they fled the castle. Sephora felt useless as they retreated to a hidden fortress in the woods. She jumped on the opportunity to head into a nearby town for supplies. When they arrived, they found the town being attacked by bandits. Needing supplies, and knowing it was their duty, they attempted to kill the attacking bandits. Sephora mostly stayed on the sidelines until she saw Warde, one of the mages of her group, fall. She could not let him be killed so she grabbed her carving knife and attacked the man who knocked out Warde. With the assistance of a new friend, she killed the man. It was the first man she’d ever killed, but she knew it would not be the last.[/hider] [hider=Ismayel] Name: Ismayel Age: 19 Weapon Type: Mainly hammers Appearance: [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/317/4/f/sword_guy_by_lasahido-d6u6fme.jpg] Ismayel’s body is the testament to what human strength can achieve. Every bit of his body is the embodiment of raw power, as if he has stepped out of a painting, or the statue of a titan. He is at least a foot taller than your average man, and, depending on how you looked at it, the amount of muscle on him was either something to be awed by, or something to shake you to your bones with fear. In many ways, he looked greater than man, like an angel or a deity. In many ways, he looked like an unchained monster. His skin is the colour of sand, and his eyes are a gray-blue. He has dirty blonde hair, and a persistent stubble on his face that seems to grow back whenever he shaves. One of the most impressive features of Ismayel is the detailed tattoo covering his entire back. It shows all of the Gods of the Vayka, which number in the hundreds. Each God is represented by an artistic rendering of the constellations they form in the night’s sky. Ismayel can name all of them. To battle, he wears thick armor that makes him even harder to take down, and a large shield to boot. But this armor also slows him down greatly. He carries a large, metal, two handed hammer that he can often swing with a single hand, while wielding his shield with his other. His armor, shield, and hammer are all made of silver material, with some parts gold. This colour scheme, in a way, exemplifies how they envision angels to appear. History: Ismayel was a baby orphan taken in by followers of the Vaykan faith, who resided in the north-eastern desserts. This religion was a just, honest, gracious one, but it was also harsh when it came to discipline and justice. Although the Vaykans claim to seek what is the best for humanity, they are known to lash out violently against those they deem evil, and their wrath against even the slightest offenses is unforgiving. The Vaykan’s value purity of the soul, clarity of the mind, and strength of the body. Purity of the soul. Although their acts against the unjust are violent and severe, Vaykans are often the most generous against the poor, and go to no ends to protect the weak. The elder among them may be harsh to their apprentices, but they often laugh the loudest and warmest at feasts, and radiate a comforting presence to those around them. Each Vaykan knows love for all, and keeps an even special place in their hearts for those they call friends. Clarity of mind. A Vaykan is required to read and memorize the 13 books of their religion, each book spanning a few thousand pages. Every Vaykan will carry at least one of these enormous tones with him at all times, often hanging from his hip by a silver or golden chain (even though a single volume can weigh as much as a heavy rock). A Vaykan is not allowed to read anything else, as reading even a single sentence from another book can be seen as great sin, unless in absolute necessity to save a life. Their books cover a large range of subjects, from philosophy and mathematics, to martial arts and medicine. On top of this memorization, they are often found spending an overwhelming majority of their waking hours praying and meditating. Strength of the body. If one were to observe a Vaykan temple, they would be confused by the amount of rocks and boulders that seem to be surrounding it, ranging in size and weight. The Vaykans use these rocks to become stronger. Pushing them, rolling them, hurling them, and even picking some of them up… these are just but few of the exercises they perform to strengthen their bodies, and they start at a very early age. A teen Vaykan boy, or even a girl, can lift and hurl objects that would be too heavy for your average man. The Vaykan is trained in combat, and prefers thick armor, shields, and heavy weapons to all else. Personality: Ismayel is a warm person. He finds it easy to enjoy the small things in life, and is quick to laugh or smile. Like any one of his fellow Vaykans, he feels it his duty to ease the suffering of others, and to stand for the weak. But, although he has unshakable faith in his religion, he has grown to fear what he may become. He has seen his elders and masters, who were all great men and women he looked up to, but also showed a side to him that shrouds his judgement in fear to this day. Ismayel sees his teachers as personal heroes, but he is afraid of their wrath, and of hos unforgiving they are to even the pettiest of thieves. He wishes to follow his religion, but he does not want to grow into a monster, even if it is only against the unjust. Perhaps this is why the pilgrimage was made. After finishing his first book of the Vayka, a young initiate must embark on a journey across the continent, and maybe even across the world if it takes him there. They are to bring the second book with them, and read and memorize it whole, just like any other one of the 13 texts. But more importantly, a Vaykan must stay on his pilgrimage until he knows that he has found the answers he seeks.[/hider] [b]WIP Characters:[/b] Exiled Prince Evan of Edea [center][b][u]The Beorc[/u][/b][/center] Beorc are pure humans who seem obsessed with warring against everything. They rely on hand-made weapons, or sometimes magical skill, to fight. The different variants of Beorc fighters can be seen below. [i]INFANTRY[/i] Simple foot-soldiers who typically excel in close-quarters combat. [i]ARMORS[/i] Heavily armored foot-soldiers who can absorb a large number of attacks and deal back just as much. [i]MAGES[/i] Tome-slinging soldiers who can fight up close or from afar. [i]CAVALRY[/i] Front line, horseback-riding soldiers who fight best in the outdoors. [i]FLIERS[/i] Warriors who ride atop great winged beasts like Pegasi, Wyverns, Dragons, and Griffons. [center][b][u]The Laguz[/u][/b][/center] Laguz are a shape-shifting race of people who can fight while in animal form. They are oftentimes discriminated against by humankind, simply because they are different (and on most, the creature they can transform into shows in their physical features). Those with stronger noses are repulsed by the smell of forged metal. This race typically resides in the nations of Exotria and Phoenia, and a few in the Codoron Desert to the far north. There are Sub-Categories to the Laguz, which then split into the different Species. All Laguz, when transformed, are at least 1.5x their normal size. [i]THE BEAST TRIBE[/i] These people reside in the heavily restricted territory of Exotria, and are not always friendly to their neighbor countries, Jinn and Edea. [indent]Wolf Fox Taguel (Oversized Rabbit) Panther Tiger Lion (Royalty)[/indent] [i]THE BIRD TRIBE[/i] These people fly between the islands of their homeland, Phoenia. Geraden, more frequently than not, attempts to force them into slavery, but does not always succeed. [indent]Raven Hawk Heron (Nobles) Phoenix (Royalty)[/indent] [i]THE DRAGON TRIBE[/i] This race, alongside a seemingly barbaric tribe of humans, resides in the Northeastern deserts of Codoron where they can stay far away from those who would persecute them. They are not divided into kinds of dragons, but instead by color. [indent]Red Dragon White Dragon Gold Dragon (Hero) Violet Dragon (Noble) Black Dragon (Royalty)[/indent] [i]THE DARK TRIBE[/i] This breed of people is commonly frowned upon even by their own cousins, transfiguring themselves into rather dark and vile creatures. They have no place to call their home, instead wandering about the continent aimlessly. [indent]Bat Rodnus (Oversized Rat) Spider Cerberus (3-Headed Dog) Wyvern[/indent] [center][b][u]Equipment[/u][/b][/center] [hider=ITEMS] - Vulnerary (3 Use; Heal Minor Wounds) - Elixir (3 Use; Heal All Wounds) - Antitoxin (3 Use; Removes Poison) - Torch (5 Use; Fog/Dark Sight+) - Door Key (1 Use; Opens Doors) - Chest Key (1 Use; Opens Chests) - Master Key (1 Use; Opens Doors/Chests) - Master Seal (1 Use; Promote Tier 1) - Master Crown (1 Use; Promote Tier 2) - Red Gem (-- Use; 5000 G) - Blue Gem (-- Use; 10000 G) - White Gem (-- Use; 20000 G)[/hider] [hider=SWORD] - Bronze Sword (E; 1; 50 Dur) - Iron Sword (E; 1; 45 Dur) - Bronze Blade (E; 1; 45 Dur) - Slim Sword (E; 1; 40 Dur) - Devil Edge (E; 1; 15 Dur; Cursed) - Steel Sword (D; 1; 35 Dur) - Iron Blade (D; 1; 40 Dur) - Chain Sword (D; 1~2; 25 Dur) - Longsword (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Horse) - Zweihander (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Armor) - Wyrmslayer (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Dragon) - Steel Blade (C; 1; 30 Dur) - Falcata (C; 1~2; 18 Dur) - Killing Edge (C; 1; 20 Dur; Crt+) - Laguzslayer (C; 1; 18 Dur; Effect Laguz) - Venin Edge (C; 1; 25 Dur; Poison) - Silver Sword (B; 1; 25 Dur) - Wind Sword (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Wind) - Light Brand (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Light) - Runesword (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Dark; Sap) - Silver Blade (A; 1; 20 Dur) - Kamaitatchi (A; 1~2; 15 Dur) - Brave Sword (A; 1; 30 Dur; 2*Attack) - [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs15/f/2007/094/f/b/Epic_Warriors_Sword_by_stonewurks.jpg]Brightsteel[/url] (S; 1~2; -- Dur; Spd+) - [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/272/e/c/evil_sword_by_raverunner-d5ganrq.jpg]Darkblade[/url] (S; 1~2; -- Dur; Str+) - [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/185/3/c/Rapier_by_MortalSphere.jpg]Rapier[/url] (Prf; 1; 45 Dur; Effect Armor&Horse) - [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs32/i/2008/235/e/b/excalibur_by_Darla_Illara.jpg]Excalibur[/url] (Prf; 1~3; -- Dur; Hit+; Crt+)[/hider] [hider=LANCE] - Bronze Lance (E; 1; 50 Dur) - Iron Lance (E; 1; 45 Dur) - Bronze Greatlance (E; 1; 45 Dur) - Slim Lance (E; 1; 40 Dur) - Devil Spear (E; 1; 15 Dur; Cursed) - Steel Lance (D; 1; 35 Dur) - Iron Greatlance (D; 1; 40 Dur) - Javelin (D; 1~2; 25 Dur) - Horseslayer (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Horse) - Heavy Spear (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Armor) - Dragon Lance (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Dragon) - Steel Greatlance (C; 1; 30 Dur) - Short Spear (C; 1~2; 18 Dur) - Killer Lance (C; 1; 20 Dur; Crt+) - Laguz Lance (C; 1; 18 Dur; Effect Laguz) - Venin Spear (C; 1; 25 Dur; Poison) - Silver Lance (B; 1; 25 Dur) - Flame Lance (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Fire; Sap) - Bright Lance (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Light) - Runespear (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Dark) - Silver Greatlance (A; 1; 20 Dur) - Spear (A; 1~2; 15 Dur) - Brave Lance (A; 1; 30 Dur; 2*Attack)[/hider] [hider=AXE] - Bronze Axe (E; 1; 50 Dur) - Iron Axe (E; 1; 45 Dur) - Bronze Poleax (E; 1; 45 Dur) - Short Axe (E; 1; 40 Dur) - Devil Axe (E; 1; 15 Dur; Cursed) - Steel Axe (D; 1; 35 Dur) - Iron Poleax (D; 1; 40 Dur) - Hatchet (D; 1~2; 25 Dur) - Halberd (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Horse) - Hammer (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Armor) - Dragon Axe (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Dragon) - Steel Poleax (C; 1; 30 Dur) - Hand Axe (C; 1~2; 18 Dur) - Killer Axe (C; 1; 20 Dur; Crt+) - Laguz Axe (C; 1; 18 Dur; Effect Laguz) - Venin Axe (C; 1; 25 Dur; Poison) - Silver Axe (B; 1; 25 Dur) - Bolt Axe (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Thunder) - Radiant Axe (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Light; Sap) - Runeaxe (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Dark) - Silver Poleax (A; 1; 20 Dur) - Tomahawk (A; 1~2; 15 Dur) - Brave Axe (A; 1; 30 Dur; 2*Attack)[/hider] [hider=BOW] - Bronze Bow (E; 2; 50 Dur) - Iron Bow (E; 2; 45 Dur) - Bronze Arch (E; 2; 45 Dur) - Short Bow (E; 1~2; 40 Dur) - Devil Arch (E; 2; 15 Dur; Cursed) - Steel Bow (D; 2; 35 Dur) - Iron Arch (D; 2; 40 Dur) - Longbow (D; 2~3; 25 Dur) - Compact Bow (D; 2; 20 Dur; Effect Horse) - Arbalest (D; 2; 20 Dur; Effect Armor) - Dragon Bow (D; 2; 20 Dur; Effect Dragon) - Steel Arch (C; 1; 30 Dur) - Bowgun (C; 2~3; 18 Dur) - Killer Bow (C; 2; 20 Dur; Crt+) - Laguz Bow (C; 2; 18 Dur; Effect Laguz) - Venin Bow (C; 2; 25 Dur; Poison) - Silver Bow (B; 2; 25 Dur) - Frost Bow (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Fire; Sap) - Bright Bow (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Light) - Runebow (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Dark) - Silver Arch (A; 2; 20 Dur) - Double Bow (A; 2~4; 15 Dur) - Brave Bow (A; 2; 30 Dur; 2*Attack) *Effect Flying[/hider] [hider=KNIFE] - Bronze Knife (E; 1~2; 50 Dur) - Iron Knife (E; 1~2; 45 Dur) - Bronze Dagger (E; 1; 45 Dur) - Devil Knife (E; 1; 15 Dur; Cursed) - Steel Knife (D; 1~2; 35 Dur) - Iron Dagger (D; 1; 40 Dur) - Bane (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Horse) - Stiletto (D; 1; 20 Dur; Effect Armor) - Steel Dagger (C; 1; 30 Dur) - Killer Knife (C; 1; 25 Dur; Crt+) - Venin Knife (C; 1; 25 Dur; Poison) - Silver Knife (B; 1~2; 25 Dur) - Shining Knife (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Light) - Runic Knife (B; 1~2; 20 Dur; Dark) - Silver Dagger (A; 1~2; 20 Dur) - Brave Knife (A; 1; 30 Dur; 2*Attack)[/hider] [hider=WIND] - Wind (E; 1~2; 50 Dur) - Elwind (D; 1~2; 40 Dur) - Arcwind (C; 1~3; 30 Dur) - Tornado (C; 3~10; 5 Dur) - Tempest (B; 1~2; 25 Dur) - Rexstorm (A; 1~2; 20 Dur) - Forseti (A; 1~3; 20 Dur) *Effect Flying (Not Dragon)[/hider] [hider=FIRE] - Fire (E; 1~2; 50 Dur) - Elfire (D; 1~2; 40 Dur) - Arcfire (C; 1~3; 30 Dur) - Meteor (C; 3~10; 5 Dur) - Bolganone (B; 1~2; 25 Dur) - Rexflame (A; 1~2; 20 Dur) - Valflame (A; 1~3; 20 Dur) *Effect Horse/Beast[/hider] [hider=FROST] - Frost (E; 1~2; 50 Dur) - Elfrost (D; 1~2; 40 Dur) - Arcfrost (C; 1~3; 30 Dur) - Blizzard (C; 3~10; 5 Dur) - Bifrӧst (B; 1~2; 25 Dur) - Rexchill (A; 1~2; 20 Dur) - Fimbulvetr (A; 1~3; 20 Dur) *Effect Armor[/hider] [hider=THUNDER] - Thunder (E; 1~2; 50 Dur) - Elthunder (D; 1~2; 40 Dur) - Arcthunder (C; 1~3; 30 Dur) - Bolting (C; 3~10; 5 Dur) - Thoron (B; 1~2; 25 Dur) - Rexbolt (A; 1~2; 20 Dur) - Mjölnir (A; 1~3; 20 Dur) *Effect Dragon[/hider] [hider=LIGHT] - Light (E; 1~2; 50 Dur) - Ellight (D; 1~2; 45 Dur) - Sunburst (D; 1~2; Effect Horse; 20 Dur) - Pierce (D; 1~2; Effect Armor; 20 Dur) - Arclight (C; 1~3; 40 Dur) - Purge (C; 3~10; 5 Dur) - Prophecy (C; 1~5; Delay Hit; 10 Dur) - Shine (B; 1~2; 30 Dur) - Resire (B; 1~2; Sap; 18 Dur) - Judge (B; 1~2; Stone; 10 Dur) - Starshine (B; 1~2; Blind; 10 Dur) - Truth (B; 1~2; Negate Res; 15 Dur) - Rexaura (A; 1~2; 20 Dur) - Angel (A; 1; Hit Def; 18 Dur) - Divine (A; 1~3; 15 Dur)[/hider] [hider=DARK] - Shade (E; 1~2; 50 Dur) - Elshade (D; 1~2; 45 Dur) - Flux (D; 1~2; Effect Horse; 20 Dur) - Worm (D; 1~2; Effect Armor; 20 Dur) - Arcshade (C; 1~3; 40 Dur) - Luna (C; 3~10; 5 Dur) - Curse (C; 1~5; Delay Hit; 10 Dur) - Fenrir (B; 1~2; 30 Dur) - Nosferatu (B; 1~2; Sap; 18 Dur) - Nightmare (B; 1~2; Sleep; 10 Dur) - Insanity (B; 1~2; Berserk; 10 Dur) - Eclipse (B; 1~2; Negate Res; 15 Dur) - Rexveil (A; 1~2; 20 Dur) - Demon (A; 1; Hit Def; 18 Dur) - Balberith (A; 1~3; 15 Dur)[/hider] [hider=STAFF] - Heal (E; 1; HP; 40 Dur) - Mend (D; 1; HP; 30 Dur) - Torch (D; Self; Fog/Darkness Sight+; 5 Dur) - Unlock (D; 1; Doors/Chests; 15 Dur) - Physic (C; 1~10; HP; 25 Dur) - Restore (C; 1; Cond; 25 Dur) - Hammerne (C; 1; Repair; 3 Dur) - Barrier (C; 1~2; Mag Shield; 10 Dur) - Recover (B; 1~2; HP; 20 Dur) - Silence (B; 1~10; Silence; 5 Dur) - Sleep (B; 1~10; Sleep; 5 Dur) - Stone (B; 1~10; Stone; 5 Dur) - Berserk (B; 1~10; Berserk; 5 Dur) - Blind (B; 1~10; Blind; 5 Dur) - Fortify (A; 1~10; All HP; 5 Dur) - Warp (A; Self~1; Teleport Far; 5 Dur) - Rescue (A; 3~10; Teleport Adj; 5 Dur) - Snare (A; 1; Explosive; 5 Dur) - [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2004/293/b/c/Metal_Staff_001_by_moorgahaine.jpg]Aurora Staff[/url] (S; All; HP&Cond; 3 Dur) - [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs31/i/2008/235/1/d/Phoenix_Flare_staff_by_Darla_Illara.jpg]Avana Staff[/url] (S; 1~10; Sap; 10 Dur)[/hider] [b]How Magic Tomes Work:[/b] The text on the inside of the tome is not written in ink, but a powder that grants the user the ability to cast the spell. The powder slowly fades out of the book over time as spells are used, up until the runes are no longer existing on the page, therefore rendering the tome useless. This isn't to say that simple magic like conjuring a small breeze or lighting a candle can't be done without the tome, but the powdered runes in the book are what cause the user's powers to be amplified, depending on the type and concentration of the powder in the tome. [center][b][u]Skills[/u][/b][/center] [hider=NORMAL SKILLS] - Nihil (Negate Enemy Skills) - Vantage (First Strike) - Adept (Double Attack) - Wrath (More Lethal when Damaged [Practically berserk, but not harming allies]) - Miracle (Saves from Lethal Attacks) - Resolve (Morale Up when Damaged [Like those cheesy movies]) - Counter (Parry and Counterattack [Think SSB Counter]) - Parity (Negate Skills and Negate Avo Boosts [both sides]) - Gamble (Go for a Lethal Strike, but Lose Accuracy) - Provoke (Attracts Enemies) - Shade (Unlikely to be Noticed by Enemies) - Renewal (Recovers HP) - Savior (Carry Allies and Fight Simultaneously) - Reinforce (Call for Help) - Blossom (Grow Stronger, Faster) - Insight (See Better than Others) - Vigilance (Hear Better than Others) - Daunt (User’s Aura Frightens Nearby Enemies) - Steal (Steal Items from Enemies) - Locktouch (Unlock Doors and Chests) - Dual Strike (Fight Well with Others) - Lone Wolf (Fight Well on Own) - Charm (Increase Hit and Avoid of Nearby Allies) - Solidarity (Increase Crt and Crt Dodge of Nearby Allies) - Ignis (Attack with Magic and Physical Simultaneously) - Outdoor Fighter (Better in Open Areas) - Indoor Fighter (Better in Close Quarters) - Swordbreaker (Skilled against Swordsmen) - Lancebreaker (Skilled against Lancemen) - Axebreaker (Skilled against Axemen) - Bowbreaker (Skilled against Bowmen) - Knifebreaker (Skilled against Knife-Wielders) - Windbreaker (Skilled against Wind Mages) - Flamebreaker (Skilled against Fire Mages) - Frostbreaker (Skilled against Frost Mages) - Boltbreaker (Skilled against Thunder Mages) - Lightbreaker (Skilled against Light Mages) - Darkbreaker (Skilled against Dark Mages) - Swordfaire (Best with Swords) - Lancefaire (Best with Lances) - Axefaire (Best with Axes) - Bowfaire (Best with Bows) - Windfaire (Best with Wind) - Flamefaire (Best with Fire) - Frostfaire (Best with Frost) - Boltfaire (Best with Thunder) - Lightfaire (Best with Light) - Darkfaire (Best with Dark) - Acrobat (Easily Traverse Rough Terrain) - Lifetaker (Sap HP from Enemy) - Healtouch (Heal Adjacent Allies a Little) - Blessing (Adjacent Allies regain Condition) - Mercy (Prevents Lethal Damage against Living) - Underdog (Morale Up against Strong Enemies [think cheesy movies again]) - Pass (Navigate past People Easily) - Disarm (Cause Enemy to Drop Equipped Weapon) - Dance (Increase Allies’ Adrenaline/Morale) - Galldr (Heal/Morale Up/Energy Up) - Beastbane (Strong against Beast/Horse) - Birdsbane (Strong against Flying [Not Dragon]) - Wyrmsbane (Strong against Dragon) - Shieldsbane (Strong against Armored) - Magebane (Strong against Mages) - Iote’s Shield (Negates Flying Weakness) - Hoplon Guard (Negates Armored Weakness) - Warhorse (Negates Horse Weakness)[/hider] [hider= MASTERY SKILLS] - Savage (Increase Power and Decrease Enemy Skill) (Laguz-Only) - Rend (Increase Power and Stun Enemy) (Laguz-Only) - Tear (Increase Power and Reduce Enemy Speed) (Laguz-Only) - Aether (Increase Power, Negate Enemy Def, and Sap HP) (Physical Attack) - Sol (Increase Power and Sap HP) (Physical Attack) - Luna (Increase Power and Negate Enemy Def) (Physical Attack) - Astra (Attack 5 Consecutive Times Rapidly) - Galaxia (Increase Power, Negate Enemy Res, and Sap HP) (Magic Attack) - Flare (Increase Power and Sap HP) (Magic Attack) - Corona (Increase Power and Negate Enemy Res) (Magic Attack) - Lethality (OHKO) - Deadeye (Increase Power; Induce Sleep) (Bow) - Pavise (Negate Physical Damage) - Aegis (Negate Magic Damage) - Conquest (Negate Weaknesses and Enemy Skills and Reduce Nearby Enemy Stats)[/hider]