We are looking for at least 3 more players as we build the new world of Power Rangers: Dragon Fury. The story takes place in modern-day Angel Grove in California. The current roster is as follows: Finn Logan - Dragon Fury Pink Ranger Sa'Cha Harroea - Dragon Fury Black Mystic Sorcerer Helia Chilman - Dragon Fury Copper Ranger Bruce Bailey - Dragon Fury Blue Ranger Heath Underwood - Dragon Fury Silver Ranger You can be whatever color you'd like. No leader has been chosen yet, and I would love for someone to work very closely with me and control the villains that the rangers will be facing. This will be very character-driven with a focus on the development of said characters. They're in high school, all of them are 17 getting ready to turn 18. The above-mentioned characters do know each other. Helia, Bruce, and Finn know one another before Sa'Cha came into the picture. He's only known them for roughly a year. The guy who brought them all together, Tommy, their fellow classmate, left the school due to personal reasons. You're probably thinking, "oh no the story has started, how would I jump in?" Well, after your character is accepted, I will make an opening for you to slide your character in. We can also discuss other options such as your character being a part of the group already. The good thing about writing is things can be changed. Now then, in regards to the villain, or villains, there are about 3 - 4 story arcs planned out so far. We have the 1st Arc main villain, the Blood Witch, who was trapped in a tomb. This is where the story is so far and once we are finished with the 1st Arc, a new villain will enter the scene. We have been thinking about a possible crossover event, but more on that later. There will be roughly 3 upgrades to the Ranger's abilities. If you know about Power Rangers, you know there's often a part in the show in which the Rangers uncover a new power and are able to tap into it and become stronger. Well, I have three such events planned. NO, you do not need to know about Power Ranger lore. It's a plus if you do, but it is NOT required to have fun here. Yes, relationships are encouraged, but please, the characters are only 17 for now, keep it to kissing and that's it. Any questions please ask. [@Forsythe] is kinda like the Power Ranger knowledge guru around here. Submit your character sheets in the OOC here >>>>> https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/186975-power-rangers-dragon-fury-ii/ooc