[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/772709776295067648/863973712209379338/Riku_3.jpg?width=1342&height=379[/img] Riku had gotten a rough sleep. She twist and turned constantly in a measly 5 hour nap that left her groggy and exhausted when her eyes peeled open at the end. A sleep without any sleep, more befitting the deaths that she had suffered through in her past. The princess made her way out to the center of the camp once getting her early bathing and grooming done. She'd kill for a proper bath, doubting this lousy floor had such luxuries. Now changed out of her usual adventurer gear, instead wearing a [url=https://imgur.com/C5EAPER]casual professional look[/url] Thomas and Runa got her attention immediately and she'd head to them straight away. That whole business with Nephy felt like a dream, but seeing how Thomas glared at Runa told her that last night was very real. Akiko too was there with Kanbaru, it seemed Runa and her were friendly. Katie had warned her about that one. Though on the surface, Akiko seemed charming. Kanbaru was threatening and as scary as ever and the princess was sure to keep her distance. [color=ed145b]"Okay, everyone. Chill out."[/color] Riku naturally took to the role of peacekeeper. [color=ed145b]"I think we all made some mistakes but we got out with no issues. And Thomas learned something about himself. I'd call that a success!" [/color] Although she didn't fully believe her words, she expressed belief and wanted to help put any bitter feelings aside between Runa and Thomas. Maybe deep down she'd admit she was motivated by her own guilt in the situation as well.