[h1][center][b]Homura & Tuku[/b][/center][/h1] [h2][center][i]Kindness - Curiosity - Wanderer - Pride[/i][/center][/h2] [hr] Pride gazed into the large fire looming before her, and felt its warmth seep into her, filling her with otherworldly vigor and joy. The Eternal Fire shed its light upon the sleeping humans gathered and the lone champion watching over them, all gathered around it, as it protected them from the great shadows that skulked in the edges of the vast hall. Time had passed since Homura had departed with her two sisters to deliver more of her kin to another deity, and another day had passed after Tuku had visited and promised to return. Pride patiently awaited when both would come back, and she could stop worrying about what may happen when the god and goddess would finally meet. Hopefully they would not fight, neither seemed like they would be hostile to each other, the small champion thought to herself. Her gaze wandered to the two dreaming champions of Tuku, and she hoped that even if their makers could not get along, such would not be the case for their creations. Pride looked down to the egg atop the orb, both resting on her lap, and she preoccupied herself with imagining what a bird is, and what it might look like, sound like. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of far away steps, deep and echoing, as well as familiar. Pride sighed as she caressed the egg, and waited for the red goddess to arrive. She did not have to wait long, as soon the resonant footfall came to a halt. Shortly afterward came Homura, followed by Wanderer and Curiosity, striding towards the small champion with purpose. “Welcome home, sisters. Welcome, Goddess of Honor, Highest Judge of the King in Heaven.” Pride hastily set down the egg and orb beside her, and then bowed to those that had entered the hall. Curiosity let out gleeful gasp as she was greeted by the small champion, and looked to her Wanderer beside her. “Is she going to say that every time we come back, you think?” She asked. Homura held up a hand before Wanderer could answer, and her attention was focused upon the two sleeping forms of Griph and Suyai. “[b]You have had company since we left, Pride?[/b]” “Your brother visited. He said he’d be back today, and wanted to speak with you. I ask that you refrain from fighting him while my kin sleep peacefully in these halls.” Homura stepped forth, approaching the two champions of Tuku, and examined them closely. After a moment of quiet observation, while Pride was being assailed by her two sisters, the red goddess turned and settled her gaze on her own creations. “[b]Then we shall wait and see what my brother has to say.[/b]” Homura said, and approached the Eternal Fire as her champions stepped aside. Her hand reached out, and the flames flickered differently in reaction to the close proximity of the divine. At that moment, the sound of a sharp cut echoed through the chamber, far from anyone, out of thin air. It was quickly followed by the sound of someone landing on the ground. The figure of Tuku had suddenly appeared among them, sheathing a raw energy knife as they stood up. [color=9e0b0f]”Ah. Seems I have been late. I am sorry. I was summoned to some duties by father.”[/color] they could have moved in other ways, but after a battle the god just did not desire to have to deal with the suffocating hallways of the citadel again. [color=9e0b0f]”Hello again Pride. And you must be Homura. Greetings. I have been searching for you, sister.”[/color] the god approached her in a casual fashion, assuming without much basis that she was not that different from Pride. Homura turned to face the newest arrival, and proceeded to bow. Her three champions followed with respectful inclinations to the God of the Hunt as well. “[b]I am Homura. It is a pleasure to meet you, Tuku, Master of the Hunt.[/b]” The red goddess said as she straightened and smiled softly. “Welcome back, your grace.” Pride said as well. Homura studied his steps, and demeanor as he approached, keeping a tight hold of the golden spear in her hand, ready to fight, despite her inviting smile and welcoming words. The two champions beside Pride watched Tuku with awe, having seen the God of the Hunt for the first time, and remained quiet. The movement did not go unnoticed but it did go unanswered. [color=9e0b0f]”Have you ever been to the eastern continent Homura? To the lands some gods call Orsus? Beautiful land, but lacking in sentient life. It is of my interest to change that, even if those untamed lands will never be quite as populous as these.”[/color] the god of the hunt skipped the chase and went directly to their point, standing right in front of the warrior goddess. “[b]I assume Pride has informed you of my intentions. As Master of the Hunt, you are welcome to claim as many humans as you deem necessary. I unfortunately have not had the opportunity to visit this Orsus yet. The lands and seas nearby have taken much of my time, and Galbar is so large that it will undoubtedly take me so much longer before I have truly explored all of it.[/b]” Tuku nodded [color=9e0b0f]”Oh we did talk a lot about the topic and she explained it all to me quite well despite my rude behavior at first. She received all my questions and even a few of my worries over how you have been binding these batches of humans to this or that god. Last we discussed, and the impasse we reached, was transport. I plan to bring a hundred thousand to the east and I have the method to travel but not the method to haul. Apparently you have been using these giant things, but Pride did not know how to operate one, thus, I was asked to wait till today.”[/color] “[b]I can deliver your humans to the land across the sea, but it shall require some time and patience, as I have been delayed in my task by our brother, Apostate. He has challenged me to a duel, and also requested humans of his own. I promised that I would deliver his gifts two days from now.[/b]” Homura began to walk around the large bonfire, leaving her three champions behind. [color=9e0b0f]”In all honesty, I have no idea who that is. But I will not bother you too much. There is something I wanted to show you, something that makes it possible for your… colossus, to make the trip without the sun moving more than a little bit in the sky. It's a secret of mine, something I discovered in my tracking of prey and what not, but I thought sharing it with you might be a way to repay you for granting me a family in the form of those two that sleep by the fire.”[/color] the god explained. “[b]Is this a method mortals can learn?[/b]” Homura asked. [color=9e0b0f]”Indeed. The first one to cross it was not a god nor a man, it was a measly tiny rat. Walked straight from Orsus to the source of Mana in the south pole, back in the same day.”[/color] the god looked away from the fire, focusing on the distant dark sky. [color=9e0b0f]”However. Even I can only truly traverse it with my knife and walking staff in hand, one to break the barrier and the other to show me the paths. The rat traveled carrying a relic of mine that shone a light at the correct paths.”[/color] “[b]Hmm…[/b]” The red goddess had walked the perimeter of the bonfire and had returned while considering what Tuku had said. “I am afraid I struggle to understand all of what you have described. This method of transportation requires an artifact then?” [color=9e0b0f]”Think of it as a forest in a mountain path at a stormy night. Not truly blocked off, but you’d have to be insane to go in unprepared.”[/color] the god turned back after skygazing. [color=9e0b0f]”My desire is to make a monument to serve as an entrance and map through this path, from here, all the way to the other side of the ocean. Those that are well prepared and with the necessary skills would be able to use it.”[/color] “[b]So be it. You wish to forge this monument here then? Or elsewhere?[/b]” Homura asked, and glanced towards Curiosity and Wanderer. “You two begin carrying the promised humans onto the colossi.” She ordered, and the champions hastily departed with swift bows and words of farewell. Pride stood still, attentively holding her gifted egg and orb. The god nodded. [color=9e0b0f]”To be completely honest, this building, this Citadel, to me, is incredibly unsightly, but that is my personal view and I am not the only view of this world. Its qualities are true, this can be seen even in the other side, I do not know how this was made but it must have been quite violent for it to influence the fissure. In those dark paths this area shines like a lighthouse, so perhaps… I thought it would be good to make this the first entrance, so those who get lost and unsure can always turn back and avoid greater harm”[/color] he said as he knelt and started to survey the ground of the area, looking from the wall to the fire, seeing how the lights danced around it. “[b]If this is how you wish to transport the humans you have been given, then I do not object. Do you have any objections, Pride?[/b]” Homura inquired, looking between Tuku and the small champion. Pride found herself startled by the question, certain that neither deity would bother asking her opinion. “Hmm… Keltra is certainly lacking proper décor, but I’d like it if such a monument was built here. I can see its usefulness.” She said, then both her and her maker looked to Tuku, awaiting his answer. [color=9e0b0f]”I am sorry… I guess the word monument gives a different idea, no?”[/color] the god sighed, having prepared a small stone pillar, about half the size of a standing man if not lower. [color=9e0b0f]”Hopefully you are not too disappointed, dear Pride, but it is ready.”[/color] they stood back and showed the altar of grey stone, it seemed to not hold any particular power? At least it didn’t seem to open any gate to the between world or whatever the god of the hunt had been babbling about. “How does it activate?” Pride asked as she approached the altar to closely examine it. Her round eyes widened with wonder, and looked to the God of Hunt for an explanation. The god seemed to smile under the mask, he approached her and pointed at the shadow that was cast against the red wall by the pillar. [color=9e0b0f]”Observe.”[/color] they grabbed a small metal object from a bag, something called a “key”, most keys would be used by inserting then into a lock, but this one, was merely left atop the altar. As that was done, there was a rush of cold wind into the room, humid and with smells unlike those of this land, the shadow of the pillar turned darker and deeper until it felt like there was nothing left of the wall, only the shadow. Tuku approached it and grabbed at the side of that shadow door, taking one step into the dark and nodding as it seemed their design worked. [color=9e0b0f]”Come take a peek. Don’t worry, you won’t fall.”[/color] he told Pride. Stepping farther away from the light of the Eternal Fire, and into the umbral stretch beyond, Pride followed Tuku, and looked at the dark door before her. “I wouldn’t fall, you know.” She whispered, evidently trepid, but attempting to appear stoically unfazed by what she saw. The door itself wasn’t dark, it was the world beyond it that was, a boundaryless expanse of darkness, yet, it was not a complete void. Colorful shining root-like tendrils crossed the land from horizon to horizon, maintaining their vibrance despite the lack of light. Sounds were muffled and echoed through the void like howls, and looking back, she would see that the Eternal Fire was now a blurred image, the flames dancing in a sluggish manner, as if time out there was slightly slower. [img]https://i.imgur.com/AmizODl.jpg[/img] “It’s cold, but not… bad.” The small champion commented, walking farther and farther, looking at the strange sights so unfamiliar to her. She found herself drawn to the roots, and leaned close to one of the unknown life, sniffing it. “My name is Pride, what's yours?” She asked, speaking to the colorful vegetation. As Pride attempted to greet the root, she would almost hear it talking back, each had such a unique texture, from sandy and brittle to cold and porcelain-like, they each whispered in winds that carried their own smell, the wet smell of a rainy jungle and the wetter still smell of ocean trenches full of life. There were small vibrations that could be felt, the heartbeats of countless creatures moving by, young vigorous beats, old worried beats, and sometimes she would feel the familiar fire of a living human. With all this, it was almost as if these roots were looking back at her and saying something, outside, its voice was too faint and spread out, but here it was all condensed, and one could almost tell it wanted to tell her “Hello, I am The Galbar”. Tuku meanwhile was a bit startled that she was trying to talk to it as if it was a friend, the god had never had the time to stop and hear the roots like Pride just had, he brushed it off as just cute childish behavior, not realizing that their ways of assuming too much as an adult was what was wrong here. [color=9e0b0f]”I don’t know exactly how this came to be, but it seems to have been formed as gods arrives and shaped the land, entire continents and seas were moved at once, mana stormed through the land and divine power drowned the world as it shaped each and every detail of it. In this whole process, some of the land, mana and power moved in the wrong direction, not up or down, not left or right, not forward and backward, it crossed a boundary and ended up here.”[/color] They pointed back to where they had arrived, the door back to the normal world, though from this distance it was possible to get a better overlook of how Keltra shone in this dark world, the shadow reflection of the brick walls were overgrown with shining red vines, that spread outward and connected to the roots. The god wasn’t lying when they said it was easy to see it from within this between-world. [color=9e0b0f]”I can’t quite explain how it formed this web, but it did, and it connects the world together. It's easy to find areas a god has shaped, especially if they did it with great power.”[/color] Pride smiled softly as she listened to the ethereal music the roots shared with her, before her gaze wandered to the bright walls of her home. “You said Keltra was unsightly, your grace. Is it because the stone there doesn’t sing? I can hear the serenade of the sea and the song of Kel-Phelena from afar, but the walls and keep are always silent... I don’t know why.” She looked back upon the seemingly endless horizon, as the luminous roots spread far and wide, leading into the unknown world. She was enraptured with its beauty, and yearned to see what awaited her beyond, but she could not leave her kin behind. She could not leave Keltra abandoned and unguarded. [color=9e0b0f]"Keltra was built on ideals of eternity, to withstand time and decay. Nothing wrong with it, I guess, but to an extreme such earnest steadfastness can go against the natural flow of things."[/color] they then looked at the void along with Pride. [color=9e0b0f]"We should go back, gather the others and the humans."[/color] Pride followed the Master of the Hunt back through the doorway and into the huge halls of the keep, where Homura had waited for them. There were less sleeping humans arranged around the bonfire, Curiosity and Wanderer having come and gone, carrying them to the three colossi. The stern gaze of the red goddess peered beyond her champion and her brother, at the otherworldly realm behind them. “Could you tell me more about Orsus and our siblings that are found there?” She asked Tuku. [color=9e0b0f]” It is centered around a great mountain chain that makes it possible for the continent to have many types of climates, most of them occupied by dense forests inhabited by fierce beasts. It is a rough land, shaped by many gods but always steered towards being nature at its most majestic, not most tamable. Still, most of it is inhabitable by people who can prove their worth, why, there are already sentient beings in there, including an off-shoot of Humans, the elves, of Zenia... “[/color] The god side glanced as if the dancer was to be found around the corner, before sharing a bit of gossip. [color=9e0b0f]” Not to be rude but, their situation is exactly what made me desire to oversee this exchange myself. Humans too bound to a god, it worries me for the future but there are worries even for the here and now, as many seem outright incapable of even feeding themselves without divine intervention”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]” The only area where I am afraid sentients will never take root is the core of Orsus, the eternal wildlands. It’s a shifting land that can at times be a forest under blizzards and other times a hot steaming swamp, it is meant to test hunters and be my personal hunting ground, the land itself repelling, hmm, let’s say unworthy poaching?”[/color] “[b]Zenia has turned her humans into elves? They are incapable of feeding themselves? This is troubling indeed. You are the God of the Hunt, and humans are innate hunters. I ask that you teach them, and guide them, so that they do not stray from the Sacred Path.[/b]” As Homura spoke, her champions returned, accompanied by another champion identical in appearance to Homura, aside from the blue amulet she wears around her neck. “[b]Brother, this is Kindness, and the other two you had previously met are Curiosity and Wanderer. They foolishly forgot to introduce themselves before.[/b]” Homura said, as Kindness bowed, and her two twin sisters hesitantly copied her. “An honor to meet you, your grace.” Kindness offered, her voice quiet and sorrowful. She arose from her bow, and looked at the God of Hunt with lifeless eyes, and then proceeded to walk towards the nearest sleeping human and easily lifted the still being in her arms. Wanderer and Curiosity did the same, and stopped when Homura struck the ground with the end of her golden spear. A ringing sound echoed throughout the keep. “[b]What are the three of you doing?[/b]” The red goddess spoke softly, but her voice was as sharp as the weapon she wielded. It penetrated the air, and pierced them. “We’re, uh, moving our brothers and sisters… like you asked.” Curiosity answered, and looked nervously to her sisters for assistance. Kindness kept still, as inanimate as the dormant vessel she held. Wanderer only offered her a useless gesture with her free hand, signalling Curiosity was on her own. “[b]You waste time continuing that way. Carry them upon a slab. It will be much faster.[/b]” Homura stated, and struck the floor once more. It was only slightly less loud. From afar, the red walls groaned as they rippled and shifted like the waves washing along the shore, until they parted and a massive opening that led to the south shore was made. At the freshly created entrance, a familiar stone slab awaited the three champions. “Could you not have done that sooner!” Curiosity exclaimed, while Wanderer shook her head with frustration. The three champions set off towards the slab, bringing the sleeping kin they carried with them. Homura nodded towards Tuku, and gestured towards the two sleeping champions that had been left untouched. “[b]I am curious; why have you kept those infused with your being in such a state?[/b]” She asked. Tuku looked at them and then sighed. [color=9e0b0f]”They are reflections of my own being, infused with all of my essences. However, I do not desire for them to experience divinity, and matters of divinity, I want them to live like mortals and mingle among them. This first generation of mortals… they are still too close to us, they saw gods with their own eyes and hear their words in their own mind. When generations come to pass, when the first humans are born from the land and are put to rest in the land, when mortals create roots with this world, that is when they will awake. Until then, I will leave them sleeping in the deep wilds, waiting to be found.”[/color] the god explained. [color=9e0b0f]”Also, about the elves and whatnot. You do not have to worry as I am aware of the issue. This is why my gift to these humans will not be a gift of my own making, but I will bring forth all the knowledge of the animals who cross the lands and give them a sample of that. I want them to feel as if such wisdom was earned not whispered by a god, to know that if animals could learn to survive in the land by themselves, so can they.[/color] he explained to his sister. “[b]You would shun your humans? Teach them to ignore the divine? I do not understand; surely you are not suggesting that they should abandon the Sacred Path?[/b]” Homura spoke with disbelief and tilted her head in confusion as she looked at the God of the Hunt. The god stood eerily still for a moment, then slowly turned to face, no, stare at Homura. [color=9e0b0f]”No.”[/color] the god simply declared, she was wrong and at first he didn’t care to explain. [color=9e0b0f]”Look. We are gods they are mortals, the way we perceive the world may as well be as distant as that of the flying bird and the diving fish. Brute force, sister, is not the way to do certain things.”[/color] a certain sense of deja vu filled Tuku Llantu’s mind. [color=9e0b0f]”You cannot drag them kicking and screaming into what you call ‘the path’. Not only will you end either with the tame and coddled like the elves, or worse, you might end up creating resentment. I do not understand the point, what is the worth of mortals if all we are to do is to brute force them to do as we wish? To me, this is equal to skipping the hunt, just summoning the already cut and cooked meat. I want these mortals to find me through their own effort, not because I glued their eyes to me, otherwise, sister, I would need little more than puppets without will.[/color] “[b]Brute force? Skipping the hunt? I do not coerce my creations, nor do I advocate slothful behavior. I am the Goddess of Honor, and a servant of the King in Heaven, therefore I am bound to these mortals and they are bound to me. Cooked meat? I cannot believe you would compare the journey upon the Sacred Path to something so profane and perverse.[/b]” The small goddess flared with red radiance, her eyes ablaze with cold fires burning, as she stood close and ignored the difference in their height forcing her to look upward. “[b]You are God of the Hunt. You seek your prey with the utmost devotion. You overcome the greatest of monsters. You do not turn your gaze away from that which you seek. The Hunt is sacred. I have seen too many of our kin taint it by suffering a mortal affliction. They surrender to their enemy, and lay their throats bare before that which frightens them, like cowards. Do not say that you will retreat. Do not say that you will perpetuate this cycle that will lead to our destruction. Please.[/b]” Homura’s shouts became filled with anger, she shook with rage, but desperation and despair festered within her, and she found herself pleading with her brother. The hunter god continued to be still, any intentions permanently masked. [color=9e0b0f]”Incredible, I did not expect us to have a third seer sibling. I have been going to extreme efforts to make coexistence possible, putting myself in harm’s way to stand at the frontier between conflicting ideas, do not take me for a fool nor insult me saying my viewpoint is what will lead to conflict, because I believe the opposite. Our siblings grow too attached, too bound, each driven to their own little corner of the world, their little kingdoms full of little people who praise and worship then, small delusional worlds custom made for their ideals. What will happen when these worlds touch, dead sister? What will happen when humans who only know one god meet humans who only know another god? Gods seem so far less able to solve conflict than mortals, less fear of hurt, less knowledge of death, you say a few words and they start burning with rage and suspicion.”[/color] Tuku wasn’t even trying to hide the sheer disgust in his tone now. Then they sighed, and looked up. [color=9e0b0f]”I cannot stop you. At the moment you are stronger than me in my prime, and I am far from that, had a busy few days, was hunting a god slaying leviathan with our father, took a lot out of me. Not that I think such frivolous matters are the concern of someone who is oh so worried about safekeeping this world, so I will skip the details. If you say I cannot take these humans, I will not, and so gone will be my plans of a land of thriving free folk, of free nations not bound to a god but free to worship the whole pantheon, of people who the gods will have to make themselves worthy of worship instead of binding their very survival upon it. Your call really sister, I have nothing to offer in bargain.”[/color] “[b]You speak unfairly. I was not called upon by our Lord to fight. You also contradict yourself, claiming to seek harmony when you isolate yourself from the mortals. This is wrong. However, I also agree with you. Our siblings have been poisoning the minds and bodies of all life on Galbar. Resentment will fester, and it will lead to conflict. Our names will only be curses upon mortal lips. I seek to prevent this.[/b]” She looks down at her hand, peering at the palm, along her fingers, the hand of a goddess shaped like a mortal’s. “[b]We have a responsibility. Our strength. Our knowledge. We can guide mortals along the Sacred Path, and find what awaits us together. Or… we can create a world where our names have been forgotten, and mortals are consumed by greed and hatred.[/b]” She shook her head, the thought of such a world sickening her. Hurting her far worse than any attack could. She looked back up at the God of the Hunt. “[b]You have protected this world from annihilation. I count you among my kin, and I love you, brother. Humanity does not belong to me, they belong to our Lord, as we all do. However, I would hope that you offer your wisdom to them. I cannot stop you either.[/b]” Homura found emotion had left her voice, and her words felt hollow. She could not find herself hoping that any among the Divine truly cared for Galbar and its inhabitants. She would proceed on her journey mechanically and impassive, as conviction and passion would not sway any. The words did have an effect on the god of the hunt, who rubbed their temples with one hand and held up a grunt. [color=9e0b0f]”Sister. You know what is the most infuriating part of you? That you are not hateable like some of our siblings. Your soul shine with good intentions, despite the fact you are such an unfathomable brat. I love you too, a bit.”[/color] They threw the hand back, over their shoulder. [color=9e0b0f]”But I think you understood it all wrong, I will not exile myself, never said I would, I just… look, yes we have our strength, our knowledge, but what about them? What about mortalking’s own strength, their own knowledge. It isn’t worthless, right? I have not forsaken mortals, I have been teaching a few under my direct tutelage, bound to me by oath. I just don’t want to be a god-governor of the east, daddy to all the mortals there, because sincerely that isn’t what I want to do and that isn’t what they need.”[/color] They stepped back, relaxing their posture. [color=9e0b0f]”I guess it isn’t the time yet to talk about this. The world is too young and comparatively mortalkind is barely an embryo. There will come a time, after we both meet our fair share of failures, that this conversation will make sense. Until then, well, this topic will just bring anguish.”[/color] they looked around the fire, finally stopping to stare. [color=9e0b0f]”Just... you know, don’t go about trying to plant a whole forest before you have even nursed a single plant. Try to step back from thoughts of world conflict a bit sometimes, okay? Once I was so focused on aiming at a distant deer, that I missed one that was grazing right by my side.”[/color] “[b]I once allowed myself to believe that I had become paranoid, and required relaxation. I chose to temporarily ignore the coming conflict, and calamity struck. I have already failed, and two-hundred thousand seeds will never grow because of my complacency. I have lost two of my heralds, another mistake, and then there is the accursed kinslayer among the Divine. I have been a fool for too long…[/b]” Homura blinked, and swayed. She stumbled forward, then stepped back, but couldn’t balance herself and fell onto the floor. Pride, who had remained silent as the deities spoke, dashed forwards as fast as her little legs could carry her. “What’s wrong?” She called out, and kneeled beside the seated goddess that stared blankly forward. Tuku followed along, if they had regretted this conversation before now they truly felt like it had gone to all the wrong places, they stayed behind Pride, letting the creation of Homura handle their own goddess. The sound of a stone wheel grinding against the earth was heard from the entrance of the keep, as the trio of champions tasked with transportation of the sleeping humans returned. They stopped at the sight of the two deities and their sister, but did not intervene when Pride held up a hand, silently ordering them to stay back. “Your grace, you’ve fallen? Tell us what’s wrong, please.” The small champion asked, glancing between her maker and the hunter with confusion. “[b]I killed them. I let them die, and it is my fault.[/b]” Homura said, her voice filled with regret and bitterness. “I am not a goddess. I am a devil that only offers empty promises. Only lies.” Pride shook her head, and let out a sigh of frustration. “And you think I’m a child. You said it yourself, our sisters will come back. I don’t know about the others, but you’ve protected us so far. So please stand. You look like a coward, whimpering like that, your grace.” “What happened?” Curiosity asked, and Wanderer whacked the back of her sister’s head. “[b]We cannot offer you salvation, for we bring only torment and a premature demise to your kind. I fought to protect you all, but I am the poison that threatens existence.[/b]” Homura continued, speaking mostly to herself, it seemed. Her champions contemplated their predicament, pondering solutions between each other as they communicated with small gestures and expressions alone. Kindness remained still, while Curiosity and Wanderer continued their task. Pride looked to Tuku with slight shame. “It seems our Maker needs a nap. If there’s anything we can do to assist you, please let us know.” Pride proclaimed, and gestured with a tilt of her head for Kindness to approach. The quiet champion stood nearby, ready to help. The god merely answered by petting the head of the young champion. [color=9e0b0f]”It is fine. Once again, I can wait if necessary. I should not have pushed this topic.”[/color] they explained, before moving away and resting their back against the nearest wall. Pride frowned slightly upon being treated like a child, and sighed once more. “Kindness could you carry her… somewhere? Take her back to the colossi, I suppose. She needs rest.” Kindness leaned down and attempted to lift the goddess, but Homura stood up and marched out of the keep on her own. Neither Pride nor Kindness said anything to stop her from leaving. Curiosity paused as she watched her maker depart. “It’s not your fault.” The inquisitive champion said to nobody in particular, before resuming the process of loading her slumbering kin upon the stone slab. [hr] Time passed, as Wanderer and Curiosity came back and forth, over and over again until the vast hall was almost devoid of sleeping humans near the entrance. Curiosity found herself idly commenting on mundane happenings, and conversed with both the dreamers and her sister, though the two remained equally silent throughout the interaction. Pride found herself standing beside Kindness, holding her sister’s hand, and looking to the doorway where Homura exited from. No words were spoken while they waited for the return of the goddess. The light of the Goddess of Honor had vanished during the day, and she could not be found. Throughout the darkness of the night, the champions worked, and the fields of Keltra were illuminated by the radiance of Daybringer and arrival of the red goddess that stood atop the wall. Homura watched while her champions slowly completed their task, but kept to herself when they would look to where she perched herself. Finally, Curiosity and Wanderer returned without the slab, and looked to the God of Hunt and their two sisters. “It’s done!” Curiosity exclaimed, and Wanderer nodded in agreement. “We await your command, your grace.” Pride said to Tuku. The god nodded and stepped forward after staying still for almost the whole previous day. [color=9e0b0f]”Take me to them, I will open a portal of enough size, should be easy now that the monument created a permanent opening. It should be a quick ride despite the distance thanks to my shortcut.”[/color] they explained and waited to be guided, readying up their hand over the knife that looked like solid energy. Pride looked to Kindness, she approached the quiet champion and held her hand. “I will be heading out for a bit, could you watch over Keltra and our Maker while I am gone, please.” Her sister simply nodded, and Pride smiled with joy. Her gaze turned to the egg and orb she had placed near the bonfire, and knew that they would be well protected in her absence. She was eager to actually see the colossi herself, after only hearing their tumultuous passage and seeing a section of one briefly through the opening Homura had created in the wall. Curiosity and Wanderer bowed to Tuku once more. “If you’ll follow us then, your grace.” The two champions led the god and their small sister to the three colossi that stood outside the walls of Keltra, like statues that rose from the red sea. Their massive forms were connected to the shore via sturdy bridges that allowed the champions to carry the stone slab laden with the sleeping humans back and forth. When the group passed through the rift in the wall, the bridges began burning, until ash drifted in the air, and slowly merged with the three machines. Afterwards, Curiosity grinned with excitement and turned to Tuku. “We can direct the colossi to wherever you need them to go.” She said with enthusiasm. The god nodded, [color=9e0b0f]“Then get ready, once I make the cut, simply move forward, from up here it will hard to see, but don’t worry, you will know when you cross the barrier, as Pride can attest”[/color] the god would normally rush about but they took their time, leaving plenty of room for the champions to get ready before they jumped from up the “head” of the colossi, dagger in hand, and dove down apparently cutting at the air itself. A faint pillar of blurry light and a cold wind could be felt by the champions but it was unclear for all but Pride what Tuku had really done. Curiosity was the first to direct her colossus forward, and the massive machine stepped towards the light. Like passing through an unseen curtain, the champion and colossus passed through the barrier and vanished. There was nothing that indicated where they had gone, and only the crashing waves of the sea where they had been were signs that they had even existed. Wanderer followed after, striking the forward point of the crown, and directing her colossus to pass through as well, disappearing as well. Pride stood beside her, watching as her silent sister hit the pillar again, and again, learning how she controlled the colossus. The two colossi would safely move into that world of darkness, most of the roots being large enough to support the massive machines with some room to spare. The image of the shore, blurry and with slowly crashing waves, stayed visible a bit more before vanishing into darkness, though the tangle of shining red roots that was Keltra as well as the door was still visible, as Tuku intended. The god for his part had quickly climbed back to one of the collosi, raising his staff, he planned the route ahead since they would need to only traverse wide enough roots. [color=9e0b0f]”We will be following the turquoise path for the moment, do not worry, this is probably one of the safest methods of travel in all of The Galbar, if you listen to me. Slow steps, I don’t know if these giants can be rushed but I don’t want to risk damaging whatever these roots are.”[/color] Curiosity and Wanderer gazed upon the new realm with wonder in their eyes, the inquisitive champion looked to the God of the Hunt. “The colossi won’t step on the plants here, will they? We still haven’t learned how to hold the Incantation of Sending for very long, and we can’t affect the colossi yet.” She asked, questioning the risk of safety of those in their way.. The god shook his head. [color=9e0b0f]”It looks like a plant yet it is far denser than most rocks, the weight of the colossi won’t be a problem if it takes one step at a time.”[/color] they added, laying on their side atop the machine now, far more at home here among the dark and the echoing howling ‘wind’ than at Keltra, that was for sure. “Slow and steady it is.” Curiosity said as she began the process of leading the colossus forward, and the second one followed once more. The two titans moved slowly, as slow as two mountain-sized creatures could go, and their journey through the umbral land had begun. As they traveled, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWVij6r4QBw&ab_channel=Yourizaa]Pride and Wanderer started to sing[/url], and the sound of their voices reached far and clear across the otherworldly realm. Curiosity smiled to herself, and wondered what awaited them beyond the sea of shadows, at the end of the turquoise path. Tuku meanwhile would from time to time raise their staff and clink it against the colossi itself, taking note and then returning to rest calmly. The group would march past a maze of blue and green roots, always staying true to the path Tuku selected whenever the roots started to tangle, one time a cloud of darkness overtook them, making the path foggy for a little while, though the god, still with the divine pathfinding staff, merely guided then past it with ease. Finally, the turquoise path started to thin up, the colors around then started to flourish again, and, off in the far horizon, a brilliant white fog could be seen. [color=9e0b0f]”That is where I live, the fog exists both here and in the real world, quite interesting. I would invite you there for a feast but I know your time is short… and I am not sure the Colossi would do well in the fog. Still, don’t be strangers, you three.”[/color] he stood up and clinked the staff. [color=9e0b0f]”Our trusty path is getting too thin and slippery, let's see… there, up the pink path, I recognize the dark clouds as Zelios’ influence so we will arrive by the bay. Beautiful place really, very central too, good spot to land the humans upon this side of the world.”[/color] the god explained and then slid downward, jumping between roots before pointing to them just which of the many pink paths he referred to. The two colossi walked up the chosen path, and at the summit, with a last overlook of the maze of colorful paths, a new portal was cut open, leading to the shores of Orsus. They reappeared as swiftly as they had vanished, stepping forth and wading through the sea nearby. The sun atop of them had barely moved downward, the travel which would take so much time by the sea had been reduced to a stroll that was done before the sunset. They were right at the borders of the dark seas of the Bay of Zelios, as they had seen by the dark fog within the maze, though the colossi themselves were still by the bright tropical areas of the continent, a flock of flamingos taking flight as they walked ashore. [color=9e0b0f]”Say, do you three prefer to travel together or would splitting up be an option”[/color] the god asked, already atop the colossi again. “What do you have in mind?” Pride asked in awe after seeing the much more lush landscape and vibrant creatures that dwelled there. The champions had taken a moment to enjoy the view, embracing the new smells and sights that delighted their senses. “What are those? What’s that? Oh, look there!” Curiosity commented as she pointed out various scenery that captivated her attention. With wide eyes, Wanderer ingrained the images of what she saw in her mind, and noted to herself that she would have to come back to fully explore all that she had seen. [color=9e0b0f]”There are places where humans are to be delivered both in the north and south, these are, of course, two opposing directions. I was wondering how we should approach that. I thought about going farther north but, well, the maze of roots gets too tangled, it would be hard to traverse with the colossi”[/color] “Can’t we use the Incantation of Sending?” Wanderer asked. “We would have to stay together then. None of us can sustain the spell for long, and only a god could include the colossi. It’s a choice then, north or south?” Pride explained. “Can we go south?” Curiosity chimed, excited. “I would like to visit the north.” Wanderer softly added. Pride simply sighed, both of her sisters proving to be difficult. The small champion turned to Tuku, seeking a solution. “Let’s let our guide choose.” The masked god chuckled at this altercation. [color=9e0b0f]”I see? To be fully honest, I do not actually see, but you three seem to somewhat know what you are saying, so, I say we go south first, since it's far closer to here.”[/color] “South it is!” Curiosity exclaimed, and began leading the procession southward along the coast. Wanderer and Pride found themselves mentally shrugging, and the second colossus began following the first. Past the coastal forest were many mountains that although not quite as large as the ones that defined the horizon line of this land were still a long trek upward, made easier by Tuku’s tracking of the best paths. Soon the lushness of the forest, still visible in that stunning panorama that could be seen from the mountaintops, would be left behind as they entered dry high altitude plains, rocky and hilly stretches broken by arbored little oasis and forests. Great beasts roamed the land but they all fled from the colossi, even the apex predators. [color=9e0b0f]”And here we are, this location should provide for them to spread to all of the southern lands quite easily. What do I have to do now?”[/color] the god questioned, stopping by a moderately lush and sheltered zone nested among the hills. “Our Maker told us to lay them upon the ground last time, so we should do that again, right?” Curiosity suggested to her sisters, and the other two nodded in agreement. Pride offered an encouraging smile, and gestured for the other two champions to begin unloading. “By the way, how many should we drop off here?” Curiosity asked Tuku, while Wanderer patted Pride on her head, much to the small champion’s annoyance. [color=9e0b0f]”Half”[/color] the god explained, then looked over to a certain human. [color=9e0b0f]”And if you allow me, I will take one of my two champions, the younger girl, and arrange a location for her to wait to be awakened[/color] he added, picking her up in his arms and looking over at the horizon and starting to leap off the colossi. “Give us some time, and we’ll have it done, your grace!” Curiosity said, as the God of the Hunt departed, and with the assistance of Wanderer, began the process of unloading fifty thousand sleeping humans safely onto the ground. They leapt back and forth each carrying one at a time, while Pride watched them with amusement, and mild frustration. The small champion looked at her little hands, and recalled the difficulties she had just moving the humans around the keep. She did not understand how her sisters seemed to carry their kin so easily. Time passed, and soon the task was complete. Scattered across the area were fifty thousand sleeping humans awaiting to be awakened by the will of the Divine. The three champions eagerly sought to see what would happen, none of them having witnessed their kin stir from their slumber before. “I’m so excited!” Curiosity chimed in anticipation. Tuku returned not too long after that, the god now no longer carrying his own slumbering human, they looked at the conglomeration and nodded knowing it was their time to do it. [color=9e0b0f]”May the wilds share their wisdom with you”[/color] he said to sleeping humans and waved their staff in the air. An aurora of images, memories of the many predators and prey of the region, started to fall upon their figures, the colors slowly sticking to the humans, leather tan to their skin, but the eyes and hairs ranged from black like a gentle shadow to the whole rainbow of colors of the wild, beiges and yellows, red and amber, even white and light blue, from the memories of the creatures from under the shadow. Tuku had imbued upon them aspects of the nearby lands, yet they would all start here, a hazy memory of still young minds. He wondered how they would react but soon the answer was given. Fear. Why it was obvious, they had seen all animals escaping the colossi, so why wouldn’t they all run from the exact same towering giant they had vivid memories of tearing the land apart as it traveled. Groups started to form based on the reactions to this fear. Some hid in the shadows of the trees and vanished, some took the chance to run far past the thorny bushes while others had the courage (even in fear) to trek a rocky cliff-path, people forever gone from these high plains. Five thousand however, one tenth, stood still, having seen the goddesses and the masked entity in the shadow of the colossi even among the initial chaos, they bowed to them. “W...who.” one of the leading man said, confused. [color=9e0b0f]”Us? Gods and God-servants. I am Tuku Llantu, warden of the wild, this is the last time I will speak to most of you. I am not your lord nor your commander, survive for yourself. But the question of who is “who you are”. You are humans, creation of the goddess Homura. Her domain is that of Honor, and you will do good to remember that and make her proud.”[/color] Tuku felt terrible having to give these random creatures commandments, it just felt wrong but he could not go so far against Homura’s wishes as to just leave them all in the shadows without further context. [color=9e0b0f]”If you three have anything to say, say now. I am leaving. There is still the north to deal with.”[/color] the god added in a lower, less “commanding”, voice to the champions, before he turned and started to leave. “My name is Curiosity, these are my sisters; Wanderer and Pride. It’s so nice to meet you!” Curiosity said with a wide smile as she introduced herself. Her small sister stepped forth afterward. “I am Pride, Keeper of Keltra. I extend to you all an invitation to visit, should you ever desire to do so. I would be glad to welcome you, brothers and sisters.” Wanderer remained silent, but bowed respectfully to the awakened humans. Without further ado, the trio leapt back, soaring through the air until they alighted atop their respective colossi. The humans, of course, hazy as their minds still were, may have mixed a few words when trying to listen and could do little but nod and gaze in awe as the gods left on the backs of the giant creature. [color=9e0b0f]”Good work to all of you. Though next time, I think I will keep the memory regarding the colossi inhibited from the animal wisdom I extract. Nobody got hurt this time but I would not like to risk our luck.”[/color] the god told the trio as they climbed. “Why didn’t you use the Gnosis?” Curiosity asked, a quizzical expression on her face after returning to the crown and readying herself to move the colossus once more. “Wouldn’t that remove the risk?” Pride had yet to use the spell she had learned outside of practice, but she had wondered whether the colossi were supposed to leave such a path of violent change in their wake as well. She did not think the land would welcome them were it not for the presence of the God of the Hunt with them. She knew she did not like the sight of fear in the eyes of those that awoke. Tuku’s mask almost felt like it smiled back at Curiosity. [color=9e0b0f]”It would, yes. But there are things I want to test, and as such it has to be a gentle approach. And, well, while they were scared, they still were all skillful enough to hide in the forests, climb mountains and so on. I can rest assured that even if I were never to look at them again those humans would still master their land and survive.”[/color] the god of the hunt added, laying back. [color=9e0b0f]”So, off to the north it is? Thankfully there are a lot of plains in that direction, once we get past the swamp and mountains under the shadow ring, it should be a far easier travel time.”[/color] Curiosity nodded in understanding, finding most of her concerns alleviated by Tuku’s words. “Makes sense. Well, off we go then!” She said, before striking the forward pillar of the crown. Once more they resumed travel, Wanderer and Pride temporarily falling behind as the small champion attempted to drive the colossus, but failed to strike the pillars hard enough. Shamefaced, Pride let Wanderer continue to command the colossus forward. The sky above suddenly darkened, and the group would find itself walking in a passage between a swamp to the east and hills to the west, trees with pale white flowers seemed serene against the faint light left, while swarms of bugs that seemed to shine with colorful lights traveled as the colossi brought noise to this quiet land. Some even seemed to fly by the champions, attracted, no doubt, by the flame-like aspect related to Homura. Curiosity pointed towards the sky. “What is that ring of darkness?” She asked, and her sisters expressed similar interest. [color=9e0b0f]”A creation of the god Zelios.”[/color] the god answered lazily, before realizing again that the answer was probably shorter than necessary. [color=9e0b0f]”I don’t know exactly why they made it, sincerely, never saw the man. But I like it, it's pretty, do things need a better justification than that? Creates a lot of unique hunting grounds and inspires many unique creatures. Some humans will come to live in these lands, you know? I added memories of the creatures from here in the mix so some of them could. I wonder how that will turn out.”[/color] The heralds of honor hummed in amusement with Tuku’s answer, and expressed their agreement. They laughed when Wanderer mentioned she wanted to walk along the ring, and took a moment to ponder what sort of god Zelios might be. At some moment Tuku left and didn’t even warn the champions, though as he returned, it quickly became obvious. They had gone past the darkness, into the dry plains up ahead, though it still had colorful trees, here the sun shone fiercely, almost blindly so, it didn’t help that the heat was enhanced by the metal coating of the colossi. It was for this reason the god had left, as they had picked the leaves from a gigantic swamp plant, each serving as an umbrella to each of the champions, all three proclaiming their gratitude after briefly enduring the fierce temperature. Finally, the sun started to be tamer, clouds amassed and a gentle rain started to fall. They would hear the crashing waves again, but this time not from the west as they were used to, but the north, they had reached the edge of Orsus, not too far from the land where the elves had been delivered, here was a lush forest that with the rain had been blanketed in a cold mist. [color=9e0b0f]”We are here.”[/color] the god of the hunt declared. [color=9e0b0f]”We can stop now.”[/color] The colossi came to halt, and three champions gathered themselves around Tuku. “Shall we unload them now?” Curiosity asked. [color=9e0b0f]”Aye. This is a good location, safe from the rains that will surely come in the next hour.”[/color] then, instead of laying back again the god looked at Pride. [color=9e0b0f]”Hey, would you mind coming with me for a moment while the other two do their work?”[/color] last time Pride had not been able to help so the god was aware it wouldn’t change the operation. “Okay.” The small champion said before she looked to her two sisters, both of them had already begun carrying their sleeping kin down to the land below. Tuku nodded and, picking up his other champion, started to walk with her deeper into that misty forest. [color=9e0b0f]”So. I will be honest. My mask doesn’t let me show emotions, but, as you may have seen, I am barely able to stay up. I have been doing a lot as of late and got involved in a battle that was, hmm, quite monumental if I may say so!”[/color] the god boasted without a hint of shame. [color=9e0b0f]”I am afraid, if I return to the lulling darkness of that world, the maze of roots, you know, I will just fall asleep and not be able to help you three navigate back to Keltra. But I do not feel good about bringing you three halfway across the world and just leaving you here because I need a nap.”[/color] the god entered a clearing and started cutting a bolder until it became a stone platform, letting his champion rest upon it and marking it so no forest creature or weather would dare to get close to it at risk of making enemies with the god of the hunters. [color=9e0b0f]”And you know. Those two are always so busy making those big things move, and I thought, well, Pride is free, maybe she would like to be the navigator for the way back to Keltra?”[/color] having his hands free now, the god picked both his walking staff and the knife and offered them to the small champion. [color=9e0b0f]”Not that I am doing this just because you are the one without a job at the moment, it is also that you seemed sensible to the winds and the sounds back when I first showed you the roots, right? Seems like a hint of talent to me.”[/color] The little champion’s eyes widened once more, her mouth hanging agape as she beheld both the staff and knife. “Are… you certain, your grace? I… I’m honored. I shall not let you down!” Pride promised, standing as tall as she could, and accepting the two artifacts. Tuku seemed to smile despite the mask. [color=9e0b0f]”Aye. Quite certain Pride. Why don’t you try to use the staff now to see the best path to return to your siblings? Just, wave it, tap it against the ground, it should help you focus on all the little sensory clues the world gives you, the way the wind travels between leaves and branches, the weight of nearby rocks, the paths left behind by the beasts that prowl, it should all become clear to you, young flame, and the path forward will reveal itself tangled between all these hints, not unlike those roots in the other side.”[/color] “Thank you, your grace.” Pride said, and then did as she was instructed. She waved the staff, then tapped it against the ground. The sounds all around her suddenly vanished, and the air felt heavy, for a moment the small champion did not know what to do, concerned that she had fumbled somehow, until the weight had been lifted, and Pride could feel the presence of the world push gently against her being. She let out a breath, and allowed the feeling of the wind caressing her skin and tugging her hair to overwhelm her. Her mind could not truly comprehend the thousands upon thousands of whispers that tickled her ears, and shimmered all around her. She heard the song of the earth through the soles of her boots, as the ground seemed to pass through the material and touch her feet. She suddenly realized how deep the earth was, how much stone and soil there was beneath her. Pride closed her eyes, and wore a childish, gleeful smile, as she swayed where she stood, using the staff to keep balance. “Oh land, so much, it’s so much.” She murmured to herself, enchanted by the magic of nature, enraptured in a moment of cosmic lucidity. The god noticed how immersed and somewhat lost she was, not exactly what he requested but there was no trouble in that, placing humans down took a lot of time so they were not at a rush, eventually, he was sure, among that myriad of sensations she was now fully perceiving, their voice and step, or perhaps that bright light of their would soon shine upon her vision, as he had seen when he used the staff. Darkness descended upon the land as the sun set over the western horizon, and throughout the second night, the two champions unburdened the two colossi until fifty thousand sleeping humans were once more ready to be awakened. Curiosity and Wanderer felt their strength strained, and were both exhausted after their task. Pride felt herself regain control of her senses after hours spent listening to the plants and animals, and seeing the colorful trails that spread throughout the world. In the darkness of the night, she could see a far away light, akin to the blazing sun, except it rose from the west, not the east. The small champion knew that it was Keltra, and had mapped the path home in her head. She listened to her sisters, and found that they were finished. With hesitation, she let go of the staff and stepped back, looking back at her immediate surroundings. She looked upon the God of the Hunt, and found she had forgotten how to speak. She shook her head, until she recalled where and what she was. “Will you come back to Keltra? You are always welcome there, your grace.” She said with reverence in her voice. [color=9e0b0f]”Oh! Welcome back.”[/color] the god teased as the girl woke from her trance-like state, before nodding. [color=9e0b0f]”I do plan to. Family means something to me, and that is what we are. Me and Homura, we disagree about some serious business, but for lighter conversations I think we could very well be friends. In the same vein, all of you are invited to my home too, it's… way, way smaller, but I guess in some ways that makes it sort of cozy?”[/color] he laughed and then clapped his hands. [color=9e0b0f]”So! That was quite a long time surveying the land, did you find the path to your siblings?”[/color] he asked. “I was afraid I almost lost myself, but I’ve found them. They’re waiting for us to return, I think.” Pride answered, taking hold of the staff, but refraining from tapping into its power again. [color=9e0b0f]”I imagine, it can be overwhelming but I had trust you would do well. So! Once you cross into the fissure, you will need to look for Keltra, it is quite far but in that empty, condensed world, it should be quite easy to track it, it also helps you know how it looks, with those bright flame roots and what not.”[/color] the god explained as he started to leave, having no idea that Pride had already done so much more than that. “I’m happy, your grace. Thank you for believing in me. I hope for a quick recovery, and eagerly await our next meeting.” Pride said, looking in the direction she knew her sisters waited. “Farewell, Master of the Hunt.” The small champion whispered to herself. [color=9e0b0f]”I am pretty sure we are going in the same direction still, Pride. I need to get the humans, yes?”[/color] the god laughed and patted her in the head like an annoying aunt or uncle would. [color=9e0b0f]”But yeah, you take care too, got the impression that you and your siblings are a tad overworked. I need to hibernate for a few seasons after all this.”[/color] “May I have a hug? Um… our Maker doesn’t really do that, and I… would like one, please.” Pride asked quietly, timid beside the God of the Hunt. The god looked down and was a bit shocked. [color=9e0b0f]”SHE DOES NOT?”[/color] he coughed. [color=9e0b0f]”Ahem. Sorry. Its just that… I was so sure…Ah but forget that. Here. You can have one for free, young flame.”[/color] the god leaned down and tried his best to give a warm comforting hug to the small champion, for once, that façade of wood covering his body felt like a massive barrier, it was meant to express nothing but cold indifference, fit for a hunter but sometimes, Tuku was a person too. [color=9e0b0f]”My fourth gift to you huh? Please do not grow spoiled.”[/color] he stopped and let go. [color=9e0b0f]”And you know, if I may speculate, I bet your sisters would like these hugs too..”[/color] “Thank you. And I promise I won’t get spoiled, and I’ll hug my sisters too.” Pride said, and despite what Tuku was made of, things like shape or texture could not interfere with a child’s love for their family. And so, with trip back to the clearing where the humans were, Tuku Llantu repeated the process as the champions got ready to leave, an aurora of memories descended upon them, minus the ones of scary big metal creatures, and soon the humans would start to gain colors, thoughts and movements. These were paler than the highland ones, though the hair and eyes were still either as black as Zelios’ night, dark greens and blues like the damp moss of the forest under the fog, and sometimes, bright like the many vivid colorful flowers of the region. Tuku bowed to the trio and thanked them once again. [color=9e0b0f]”Thanks for helping me with this, Curiosity, Wanderer. Let me handle filling these mortals in on the basics of the world, you three look worn down. I have gifted my relics to Pride, so she should be able to find a path back to Keltra, let her take the lead and she will lead the Colossi on the fastest path, I am sure of it.”[/color] “Anytime, your grace!” Curiosity replied, while her two sisters repeated their meager words to the nascent humans. Afterward, the trio bid farewell once more, and returned to their positions atop the two colossi. Pride opened a rift into the realm they had traversed before, and the champions began their journey home. [hider=Summary] Homura returns to Keltra and, as he had promised, Tuku arrives to take the humans he intends to bring to Orsus. Tuku decides to create a monument creating a permanent door between Keltra and that world he discovered composed of darkness and colorful roots as Keltra is really visible and since the place is a maze that could at least help people who get lost. He also shows Pride the place and she shows great sensibility to the voice of nature. Homura and Tuku talk about their plans for humans and the conversation goes south, with both gods being unable to agree with each other despite a certain consensus in their ideals. The conversations end when painful memories return to Homura’s mind. Still, the humans are loaded on the two colossi, with three champions of Homura: Pride, Curiosity and Wanderer, going with Tuku into the root-maze world as a shortcut to make it to the continent of Orsus in the far east across the ocean. Arriving there, after enjoying tropical sights, the group goes up mountains and delivers half of the 100 thousand humans on the plains. Tuku blesses them with the memory of the animals of the region so they can survive better, but the animals were very scared of the colossi, so most of these humans just flee, a few stay and hear Tuku, Pride and Curiosity explain a few things before leaving. The group then travels north, to deliver the other half. Though Tuku by then was quite tired and as they arrived he decided to pass the baton to Pride, handing her his two relics, the walking staff and the knife that opens paths to the root-maze, and tasking her with leading the champions back to Keltra. [/hider] [hider=Vigor] Tuku Llantu -1 Create a monument (portal to the root-maze) in Keltra 0 Vigor remains Homura spends no Vigor. Pride, Curiosity, and Wanderer gain 3 Spirit. Kindness gains 2 Spirit. [/hider]