[center][color=#f37934]"Why, hello..."[/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/Pqt0Zh1R/Roman-Torchwick1.png[/img] [h1][color=#f37934][b]Roman Torchwick[/b][/color][/h1] [h2]Age[/h2] Undisclosed (Early 30s?) [h2]Gender[/h2] Male [h2]Canon[/h2] [b][color=red]R[/color][color=white]W[/color][color=black]B[/color][color=yellow]Y[/color][/b] [h2]Main Thread or Sandbox[/h2] [b]Main Thread[/b] [h2]Personality[/h2] [color=#f37934]"You know, I like to be nice so as to give people a [I]biiit[/I] of courtesy. Not many of 'em give it these days... However, when it comes to being harsh, boy am I excited to tell ya! When you're in a fight, you gotta keep their spirits down, and I think of my tongue as one of my ways of doing that. That's how you make it through the cruel real world, anyway; sometimes you just gotta stop tolerating the pieces of work that life, [I]for some reason[/I], likes to throw all around. But alas, while I'm all for the self in me, sometimes you just gotta care for the few who actually [I]do[/I] love you back. Ah, Neo. Is it a wonder why I prefer you, sometimes?"[/color] [I]Roman chuckles.[/I] [h2]Equipment[/h2] [h3]Melodic Cudgel[/h3] [color=#f37934]"Gettin' technical already? I see..."[/color] [I]Roman picks up his cane, his devious smirk growing on his face.[/I] [color=#f37934]"Well, here it is. That's a cane! It's also a gun. And most importantly... It fires explosive flares. That's so when I'm in a pinch, I can just pop the crosshair up--"[/color] [i]As the crosshair covering the lid at the bottom opens up to reveal a flare chamber hidden within the cane, Roman aims his cane to the skies one-handed.[/i] [color=#f37934]"--aim, and then--"[/color] [i]Roman presses the trigger on the handle of the cane, firing a flare-like projectile high up. As he faces you once again, he raises his free hand in a hand-raised position.[/i] [color=#f37934][sub]"Ka..."[/sub][/color] [i]Roman closes his fist, after which the projectile explodes. [sub][b]BOOM.[/b][/sub] He then chuckles.[/i] [color=#f37934]"Any questions?"[/color] [h3]Scroll[/h3] [color=#f37934]"Well, it doesn't hurt to have something on hand to contact friends, or do some rather...[i]special[/i] things with it, so that's why I have this Scroll."[/color] [i]Roman then shows you the Scroll in question. It was a short "envelope" with a yellow diamond shape in the center. He presses the diamond shape before pulling both sides of the "envelope" revealing a holographic screen. The holographic screen eventually said "HELLO, ROMAN" before he pulls it back, wagging his finger as he then closes the scroll.[/i] [color=#f37934]"Uh-uh-uh! No peekiiing!"[/color] [h2]Attributes[/h2] [h3]Pilotmanship[/h3] [color=#f37934]"Oh, where was I? Well! Not many people can see it, but you know, I can be a good, perhaps even a great pilot! I can handle Bullheads with ease, because I have the experience to back that up. Did you also know that I once piloted a gigantic mech the Atlas Military called the Atlesian Paladin? No? Well, that was fun, running through the streets and firing away, swatting away all those pesky Huntresses... Seriously! You just have to get a hold of these and see for yourself!"[/color] [h3]Fighting Capability[/h3] [color=#f37934]"Powers? You mean those things that make those kids out there weird? Ehh! Who needs them when all you need is..."[/color] [I]Roman swings his cane at [b]you[/b].[/I] [B][I][U][color=#f37934]"THIS!"[/color][/U][/I][/B] [I]Roman narrowly misses you. Roman realizes what he has done...however, it does not seem to affect his mood. At all.[/I] [color=#f37934]"Oh, I'm sorry, did I get ya? Anyhow! Let's just say that I have...plenty. Of experience. Okay, not bad, but I can hold against two of them Huntsmen at the same time, so I'd say there's a wee bit of fineness to how I fight back. I mean, y'know, for a man who doesn't [I]always[/I] fight when he's out doing his thing, I'm rather well-off when you consider what these two kids were doing even before that showdown at the port. I mean, really; it's when that [I]one[/I] girl gets cheap with her Dust is when it starts to look really bad. Bah! It wasn't really my finest day, though; The thing is... I'm just that [I]good[/I]."[/color] [h2]Biography[/h2] [color=#f37934]"Oh, want to know about me? Hmmm. Well, I could say something about going to a Huntsman Academy where I'd be conditioned to be just another pawn in the grand scheme of thing. Or, I could say something about being just another one of those crooks who got the bright idea of becoming the very same bosses who command them around. Heck, I could even say that I just didn't like the government at all! But alas, how I got here is a whole 'nother story for all I care. Those are just scenarios that I threw right on the spot. Although I do say that working with Cinder and the White Fang were just steps in my little conquest for the top. Just that we, uh...disagree with each other more than I would've liked."[/color] [i]Roman shakes his head in disappointment.[/i] [h2]Other[/h2] [color=#f37934]"We're good! And... I'm out."[/color] [i]As Roman starts to leave, he suddenly stops to face you one more time, tipping his hat.[/i] [color=#f37934]"Oh, one more thing."[/color][/center] [hider=Neopolitan][center][i]As Roman points his cane behind you, you turn a good 180 degrees and see...nothing. At first. However, as you were about to turn back to Roman, you hear the deep clacks of a pair of stilettos coming closer. You look everywhere, but Roman is unfazed. In fact, he gave a short, rather malicious laugh. Finally, you hear glass shards repeatedly colliding with one another in a softened, lightly-modulated manner. White, small shapes begin to appear, building with each other to form a seemingly-vague shape of a girl. Yet as the shapes faded with its accompanying sounds, in their wake eventually laid a certain other figure...[/i] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/XY8J57dt/Vol2-Neo-Profile-Pic-Normal.png[/img] [h1]Neo[color=pink]poli[/color][color=sienna]tan[/color][/h1] [h2]Age[/h2] Undisclosed (Early 20s?) [h2]Gender[/h2] Female [h2]Canon[/h2] [b][color=red]R[/color][color=white]W[/color][color=black]B[/color][color=yellow]Y[/color][/b] [h2]Main Thread or Sandbox[/h2] [b]Main Thread[/b] [h2]Personality[/h2] ".[color=pink].[/color][color=sienna]."[/color] (Neo is mute, and thus communicates mainly through body language and a Semblance-augmented version of pantomine. With a playful demeanor and a sadistic streak to it, she is one silent mime you do [i]not[/i] want to mess with. Please. I beg of you.) [h2]Equipment[/h2] [h3]Hush[/h3] [i]Neo smiles, then unholsters her umbrella once more and unfolds it by pressing a button, revealing a large, protruding octagon-shape, interlaced with a fancy lace fabric of pink and white. She then folds it by pressing that same button... And then as she holsters it again, she pulls onto the handle itself. Something clicks within her weapon, as the handle slides out, revealing a previously-concealed, thin blade. She tilts her head slightly, then presses a button on the now-revealed blade, extending it outward. She blinks once, and her eyes' pupils switch colors. Now, her left eye is white, and her right eye is brown. She smiles, then lunges right at you...then the illusion breaks apart, literally. The image comes apart and then litters itself across the ground before disintegrating, at which point another image of Neo appears in the same spot where the previous one had left. She then stores the hidden blade back within her umbrella as she presses the button, reverting it back to its original size.[/i] [h3]Scroll[/h3] [i]As Neo pulls out her own Scroll, she turns to face Roman, who interjects for a moment.[/i] [color=#f37934]"Unless you missed something, we've already showed you what the Scroll looks like. Thanks for asking, however!"[/color] [h2]Attributes[/h2] [h3]Aura[/h3] (Neo possesses an Aura that all former and current Huntsmen possess, as well as a select few others from around the world. She can activate and deactivate her Aura at will, and on activation, it enables access to her Semblance, Overactive Imagination. While it does protect from all physical harm, she can still feel some, if not most of the pain from the blows she receives. If she wants, she can even develop specific techniques that allow her to use her Aura in ways that can serve as offensive and defensive abilities on their own, such as the focusing of Aura into particular blows to increase their power.) [h3]Overactive Imagination[/h3] [i]Neo makes a peace sign with the back of her hand facing you as she disappears into a series of white shapes that then fade to pink, and then away. Not shortly after, she reappears behind you, the same sequence of shapes popping in to give the appearance of her reforming together. She smiles, then you watch as pink-and-white shapes "transform" her into a splitting image of Roman himself, and then back to how she was.[/i] [h2]Biography[/h2] [color=#f37934]"Since she can't speak..."[/color] [i]After staying behind for a little longer to let Neo do her thing, Roman stepped up towards you, proceeding to talk on.[/i] [color=#f37934]"I might as well fill in for her. So, at some point in our lives, we met. And together, we became partners in crime -- and probably the first person in a while that I genuinely liked. So much so that I even started bringing her along on my -- or shall I say [i]our[/i] ventures together. And now, here we are."[/color] [i]Roman turns his head towards Neo.[/i] [color=#f37934][sub]"Ain't that right."[/sub][/color] [i]Neo nods.[/i] [h2]Other[/h2] [color=#f37934]"That's all!"[/color] [i]Just as Roman and Neo begin to slowly "phase out" into small shapes from the bottom to the top, Roman leans in on his cane towards you, giving one last devilish smile as the duo eventually fades away from your view.[/i] [color=#f37934]"Almost forgot to mention: [b]Do not get on our bad side[/b]."[/color] Somewhere in the skies, a Bullhead flies by past you.[/center][/hider]