[center][b][h2]UNSC AI SHI 1203-8 and Vael 'Virisusai[/h2][/b][/center] [hr] Aviza would hear Shih’s response in her head right away. [color=lime]”I’m not getting any major alerts on anyone’s vitals. Nothing worth mentioning. As for the storm, though, the mountain we’re under is blocking most of the useful data from our sensors. Best I can tell you is probably the same thing you can hear from that opening up there: it is still going strong.”[/color] Even after the bulb made its apparent retreat, Vael stood on guard for a few moments. He continued pointing his plasma rifle down the pit, watching for any signs of movement. It was only once Tar called their attention to the way out that Vael moved his gaze elsewhere. [color=orange]”And it will be a dangerous climb. It is steep to start, and the rain from the storm will only make it more difficult.”[/color] Vael walked up towards the wall, looking up at the exit above. [color=orange]”But this approach shall allow us to reach our objective undetected. Tar, Ryker, and I will climb first. Grik and the Humans will go next.”[/color] He said, referring to the unaugmented Humans among them. [color=orange]”The rest of you will watch for any more attacks from this beast, then climb up behind us.”[/color]