Jorn stood at the base of that great mountain. His eyes looking up fallowing the seven thousand steps as far as he could. Climbing those great steps was always something he planned on doing in life. Making the pilgrimage to High Hrothgar, though he saw it with far less people manly just himself. But nine always have plans of there own, not to speak of course of Hircene, though he tends to care less about such matters and only on the hunt. So there he stood, feeling that brisk cold air as he smiled wolfishly, that wind was Refreshing, he was Nord, raised in the cold mountain of Haafinger. It also didn't hurt that his blood burned with the fury of the beast with in. He looked about as his armor was lined with only a think lair of wolf fur, nothing compared to the furs people had bundled around them. Soon though that Dunmer spoke, he had no real issues with the Dunmer, his family having traveled to Morrowind, and he took a trip there as a child and he was still amazed by those large slit styrders and those big floating netches. But that was an adventure for later. For now he listened to her short speech, smiling as his eyes looked out shimmering some as they reflected light some, not enough for anyone to really notice unless they really looked in to his eyes. "well Then! Greatness awaits us! Onward we go to feast and mead that would make those in sovngrade envious!" he announced rather loudly as he took his first step forward. Only now did he really look around at the diverse group. Diverse was good, it was strong and it meant they were able to fight different ways. He stopped at the first step setting his foot on it then pushing up and forward to the next, and with those steps his newest adventure began.