[I]In the Temple-cavern of Anash'Ra...[/i] [@Dusty][@BCTheEntity][@Andreyich] "You have your orders, you know what to do," voxed Kallikles as the squad emerged into the blasphemous cavern of Slaaneshi debauchery, his targetting reticules flashing near-constantly inside his helmet, "Bieito, hold them here!" The most well-rounded of the Grey Knights turned away from his battle-brothers, force-halberd held in one hand and his left gauntlet aimed back into the bunker from whence they had just came, moving parts of himself from time-to-time to assess the damage done to his power armour duuring their advance. "Olympio... Salazar... with me brothers!" Kallikles opened his vox width wider and wider, eventually intermingling with a previously uncontacted source ([@ODAberration]), "this is Justicar Kallikles, tread the path, I repeat tread the path!" Gesturing toward an exit through which the more weak-willed of the enemy forces now surged in their need to escape, Kallikles nodded to Basilious, "take yourself forward and help our reinforcements to stem the rats as they flee, we cannot allow their heresy to spread or survive." Even as he gave the orders the cavern was coming more alive, and becoming more violent, than it had been even during the religious ecstasies of Slaaneshi worship, the two beastial guardians of the altar directing their demented hordes toward the gleaming beacons of the God-emperors justice. They had their orders, now they simply needed to carry out the execution.