[quote=@TheRedWatcher] Can we drop them needing implants? I had this gigantic rant with a group of ME fans yesterday about the same issue. In ME's own lore it makes no sense why they would need implants to harness their abilities. I am about go on the most nerdy rant ever hold a moment: -First off Asari are supposedly the Genetic Equivalent of every Species, and despite the child of an Asari being Asari. Let's a The child of a Krogan and Asari would look like an Asari and have the DNA of a Krogan too. So by that logic than an Asari and Human Asari child would need implants if the Human Biotic is not innate to their biology. -Okay, but here is the thing, if Biotic abilities are some kind of mutation in Human DNA, then it makes no sense why it's not actually nature. For, how smart ME is, that's not how genetics work: -After a series of starship accidents in the 2150s that dispersed element zero over populated areas, the first human biotics were born, though their abilities were not recognized right away. Mutations are naturally occurring. Even if it is something unnatural that caused the mutation. We see this happening with frogs born with multiple legs due to chemicals in the water. Personally my theory has always been: -All biotics seeking to wield their abilities on a usable level are fitted with an electronic brain implant during puberty. This was something they were told, but not something they actually needed. And the Space Alliance pretty mach gaslit an entire group of Human Biotics to experiment on them. We know that the L2s were seeking asylum after social prejudice. Health conditions. And rampant abuse. If the Implants were something a Human Biotic needed, then the Implants shouldn't be causing Health Problems. Sorry this is something I have been thinking about for a long time since I have played this game, sleuthed the lore, and read the expanded universe. [/quote] Hmm, oddly enough I thought that the sort of natural "Non-implants needed" thing was once addressed but I might be inventing a memory for that. It's certainly an interesting thought for food and I'd be happy to potentially experiment with it, obviously so long as we don't open a keg to make biotics insanely overpowered to the point it negates other characters, however so long as other people are fine with it in this RP I'd be interested to explore that route of the genetics being as they actually work, cause that's how I assumed they did work lmao. I'll open the floor to discussion on the matter though personally I'd think this sort of late on in the human involvement with the galaxy at least a good chunk of the biotic humans born were there with genetic mutations over just a need to use implants on them. I'd say it'd probably in actuality it'd be similar to how the Asari need at least Amps (not implants) in order to harness the powers effectively. Hopefully I'm following this correctly though, at least, so correct me if I'm misunderstanding this at 1:45am lmao