[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211121/002dd874f3f5fe53f9815d440cd413f0.png[/img][/center] [center][/center] [center][b]Deadsnows | Uktar 5th | 1495 DR[/b][/center] The crunching snow announced his arrival. Even someone as stealthy as he couldn't move quietly in the iced snow, though he could have been more quiet if he wished to be. Luckily for Gapip, it wouldn't do to freak out a prospective employer, and once he noticed the swordsman, Markus gave a bow. The mercenary was fine in appearance, but there was a darkness to him that went beyond his brown eyes and waves of black hair. It was evident he was dangerous. "Who are you?" Gipap asked, groaning as he got up from the thin log he sat upon and smacking the snow off his trousers. He wasn't nervous around big folk, but he was understandably wary. "If you're here to tell me to vacate the town, I'll tell them what I said last time. I'm not leaving until my people get the help they deserve." Markus smiled for a brief moment, but it disappeared like a falling snowflake. "I'm here to help you." He explained simply, pulling his jacket about him more tightly. "Not for free, mind. But we can talk about price later. My name is Markus Flintbrook, and I'm what some might call an Eldritch Knight." "Good heavens!" Gapip exclaimed, leaping back in surprise. "Kifflefruzz and Sprinklespinks I say! Sorry, old habit. Yes, I am very much looking for someone with your skills! I go by Gapip, but please call me 'Pip' friend!" "Glad to help, my friend. Now, what's the problem then, Pip?" Markus asked, straight to the point. He was good at heart, but he was still out of coin and standing in the middle of a snow drift. For some reason, Gapip glanced around nervously, hesitant to reveal what the problem might be. After a few moments of pause, he revealed the problem. "Kobolds, sir. Those blasted things are ransacking my people. Can you help us?" Kobolds were certainly gnomish enemies, but out in the freezing cold? It was unusual, he suspected. But he had only seen Kobolds in summer weather when he fought the Cult of the Dragon. He nodded pragmatically, knowing he would accept this job before he had even thought it out. He needed [i]something[/i], and he had slayed many Kobolds before. He knelt down and held his hand out to shake Gapip's hand. "You have your swordsman. I'll help your village out, Pip." "Excellent, Markus! Fiddlesticks to those nasty lizards!" "...Yeah."