Okay, here it is! Yay! I didn't expect so much feedback so soon! I am so exited! Okay, focusing. On to business! Here is the general story-line: A group of American kids are going about their usual lives when suddenly a strange thing happens. A strange greenish aurora-like vortex opens up over the United States and rains down Digi-Vices! The kids are not sure what they are exactly, of course. Most people completely terrified and run away. However, the kids feel a strange pull towards them. Once they pick them up, they are transported to the Digi-World in a flash of light! The next thing he/she knows is that a strange creature is waking them up. It soon becomes very that this not home and...man, that thing is weird! This is where we'll start. Now, we don't have to show up at the same place but it all happens at about the same time. We don't actually have to start at the same place either. Well, we more than likely won't be on 8 different continents. Noooooow...Character sheets! And yes, that does include your own Digimon! We'll each be playing our own. [u]Digi-Destined[/u] Name: (Include a nickname, if he/she has one) Gender: Age: (For the most part all under 15) Description/Picture: (Anime pictures will earn you kudos!) Partner: (Digimon partner, not a crush. lol) Crest: (please leave blank for now; we will discuss this later. I will be using original crests, so Courage, Love, Friendship, etc. won't be used.) Personality: (Include likes/dislikes, hopes/dreams/fears or anything else you think is important) (Try to be original please! Not everyone is perky or gloomy...) Background: (Please be relatively short. A simple paragraph or so will do.Oh! And please include a brief idea as to their family life, huh?) [u]Digimon[/u] Name: Digivolutions: Gender: Description/Picture: Abilities/Powers: (choose mostly the main attack for each of the stages) Personality: (Please include whether or not their personality changes with each Digivolution.) Well, that's not too painful, is it? UPDATE! I worked really hard all last night and this morning to come up with the crests. I know what the symbols are for them, too. However, I am not much of an artist. I made them in paint and they suck. Any volunteers to redo them would be greatly appreciated. Well, here they are: - Charity [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/roseblood1988/media/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofCharity.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb153/roseblood1988/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofCharity.jpg[/IMG][/URL] - Confidence [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/roseblood1988/media/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofConfidence.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb153/roseblood1988/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofConfidence.jpg[/IMG][/URL] - Determination [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/roseblood1988/media/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofDetermination.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb153/roseblood1988/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofDetermination.jpg[/IMG][/URL] - Faith [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/roseblood1988/media/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofFaith.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb153/roseblood1988/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofFaith.jpg[/IMG][/URL] - Honor [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/roseblood1988/media/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofHonor.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb153/roseblood1988/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofHonor.jpg[/IMG][/URL] - Justice [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/roseblood1988/media/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofJustice.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb153/roseblood1988/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofJustice.jpg[/IMG][/URL] - Peace [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/roseblood1988/media/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofPeace.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb153/roseblood1988/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofPeace.jpg[/IMG][/URL] - Trust [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/roseblood1988/media/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofTrust.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb153/roseblood1988/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofTrust.jpg[/IMG][/URL] -Wisdom [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/roseblood1988/media/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofWisdom.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb153/roseblood1988/Custom%20Digimon%20Crests/CrestofWisdom.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Update: I'm not sure if I covered this yet, but we are following the Adventure 01 Digivolving system, so you need to know your Digimon from In-Training to Mega. Again, most of you are already on top of that but I just wanted to be clear.