[b]Eris Cloverton[/b] Once everybody was ready to go, Eris led the way to the trail. It would be a good bit of a walk before they would reach a good spot to set up but honestly, Eris saw no problem in that. They were also taking it a little slower at first for Ella, after her fall. She could spend countless hours out here and never get sick of it. Something about it just felt like a second home to her. Walking with her friends, it was a good opportunity to catch up and chat. Birds would fly by, or little chipmunks and the like would occasionally come up to them on their trail. "Aw, and hello to you too!" Eris would say, giving the animal a little wave. Sometimes she would toss a little treat for them and they would take it and scamper off into the woods. The further in they got the more it felt like the forest closed in around them. At a certain point, looking back you could barely even tell where they came from. Surrounded by tall trees, many covered in moss and bushy plants of various kinds, the further in they got the more unique the plant life seemed. Some trees seemed to big to be possible, others grew in odd formations. Berry bushes, and colors of leaves and flowers she had never seen before. Sunlight peeked through the trees, illuminating the nature around them in a way that things seemed more vibrant than Eris had ever seen it. At one point, she stopped just to take it all in. "Wow," She said breathlessly. "It's really beautiful out here today."