[@Azure Flame][@Alisdragon911] Selina nodded and direct them to the nearby Forest. "My home Village is in a place called the Forest of Focus which is located between the two towers, my clan choose that location because the Forest is very kind to them" Selina told them as she lead the way, Fazbear came out his pokeball to walk with the group as well. Plus, he was there if Chuck Kubfu wanted to ask him any questions about battle style's. [@James Davy] Sceptile watched Shinranui battle, she seemed to look pretty bored with this. "You know I could wipe them out in one hit, even if he thinks that puny Mega will do anything" Sceptile said, pointing at Atilla Mega Steelix. Haru smirked as she discovered the button she wanted and the lights in the battle area Liam was in began to flicker and shut off while the entrance was also being forced open.